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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION #12*#

April 28, 2015, 07:21:48 PM

ARGH!  I didn't like how the last post came out---too rushed. I was actually in a hurry when I did it as I had an appointment at the gym I was running late for. However, halfway to the gym my trainer guy called and cancelled the appointment--NOT because I was late, but because his car was in the shop. Oh well. I'm not complaining. Instead, I thought I'd post another poster post-a-go-go!  Yeeah!

On your mark, get set, go-go!!!!

Yes, I KNOW I just bought (and posted somewhere...New acquisitions thread, maybe? Or maybe that lost thread on that other website?) the double feature poster for "The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus" and "The Manster"---but that was a black & white poster. When I discovered it also came in color, I HAD to have it!!!!  (Anyone want a black & white double feature poster? Ha!)

I don't quite know what this is...  I love my "Exorcist" rip-offs. This film, "The Antichrist" was released in the late 70s as "The Tempter". Hmm. Is this a teaser before a title change or an alternate release or what? I don't know. Dull as the poster is, it was cheap-o-rama ($1, maybe?) and...what the hell? (Pun intended).

Oooo... an alternative poster for the re-release of "This Is Cinerama". The other version is better (the theater audience seemingly on a rollercoaster, looking at the tracks ahead---eek!), but this one was available at a good price.

I know you are waiting for an interesting poster or two to pop up. Ha! I told you I was in a buying frenzy---I bought anything and everything. This is yet another anything and everything poster---but it is a combo/double feature poster...and I do like those. I've not seen either of these but I dig the four tiny witches (?) doing whatever over the reclining man's startled face in "Night of the Witches" and can only imagine the cheap and cheesy horrors of "Dr. Frankenstein on Campus"--bound to be utter crap or you would have heard of it long before now. Ha!

Looking to expand my horizons with foreign posters, I picked up the not-too-interesting but whatever Spanish poster for "Nosferatu in Venice" (aka "Vampiros en Venice"). Anyone ever see this? Is it any good?

I got an advance holofoil  for some "Matrix" sequel poster ("MATRIX REVOLUTION") ---although I didn't follow the films at all (I was bored in the first one, didn't bother with any of the others...). Is this a good find or not? Eh...

Awesomeness... I have long coveted the pre-release comic book-like "Creepshow" poster when it was going to be distributed by United Film Distribution, before Warner Bros. bought it. I have always thought this was the superior poster of the two (although I do like and have the Warner poster with the Creep guy in the ticket booth).

"King of the Coral Sea"---huh? A forgotten 50s melodrama starring a young Rod ("The Birds"/"The Time Machine") Taylor. Colorful poster though...

Here's another kiddie matinee (remember, I have a fondness for those---which, at 50, is kind of creepy to admit. Ha!). This one is a K. Gordon Murray Mexican import--"Puss N Boots". I am reasonably sure I already had this one, but... better to be sure and just buy it. Right?

Get out your big stomping shoes!  This post's final poster is for one of the lamer movies in the "Godzilla" series, "Godzilla on Monster Island"--featuring Ghiddra and Gigan (and, if I'm not mistaken, this is the movie where --via the magic of subtitles--we actually see and hear Godzilla and Gigan have a conversation for the very first--and last--time! Ha!)

There is a lot more trash and treasures coming your way--more to post! Stay tuned!



  1. I love how The Manster gets to share all the great reviews for Franju. That great double bill truly form the sublime to the ridiculous.

    Great style B Creepshow poster.

    I love that "bad" art for Godzilla on monster Island where the perspective is all out of wack, and love godzilla's skinny legs

    Calling Monster Island

    1. Oh my... you are wading into the poster blog. It's endless (or seems so). I'm off to bed. Monstrous dreams!


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