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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION #3*#

April 08, 2015, 01:09:03 AM

Hi there? What's new with you? What's new with me? POSTERS!!! With the clock ticking down to my 50th (!!!???!!!) birthday and my promise to STOP buying posters (with the exception of a bucket-list of "must haves") once I hit the big 5-0, I've been on a shopping frenzy. Here are some of my newest acquisitions:

Oh my stars! Was I ever thrilled to snap this little gem up. It's the nazisploitation flick "SS GIRLS"! While not the best example of the nazisploitation films of the late 60s and 70s (not by a long shot), what a cool grindhouse-groovy poster! At one time I had the poster for "SS LOVE CAMP". I hated the art so I sold it for peanuts...not realizing what I had and when i come across one now, they're big bucks! This little beauty just seemed to fall into my lap,is in super snazzy condition and was so incredibly reasonably priced, I couldn't say no. Yippie!

Next up,more grindhouse sleaze with "THE RELUCTANT SADIST". I've not seen this (well reviewed?!?! Huh!?!) little film, but I've seen it advertised from Something Weird Video, so it might be right up my alley. I'll check it out sometime. In the mean time,it was cheap and there--so...

"SCREAM, BABY, SCREAM" is a eurohorror from the late 60s or early 70s. I just caught it a few weeks ago on DVD and it's not a bad little chiller (although it's dated and the scares are just not there...). I dig the far out psychedelic poster design.


Some of my more recent, lesser purchases include "FULL MOON HIGH". I've never seen it, but it looks like a TEEN WOLF ripoff (which I have also never seen). And, oh my stars, Roz (Pinky Tuscadero from HAPPY DAYS) Kelly apparently landed a job in THIS as well. I guess THIS was her last gig before falling off of the planet? Ha!

and the notoriously awful "AT LONG LAST LOVE" (Burt Reynolds singing and dancing? Ouch--just the thought of it is painful)

I don't know what I was thinking buying those at all...but they were only about $2 each...

The double bill combo poster for "THE POSSESSION OF VIRGINIA" and "THE EXORCISM OF HUGH" I already had---but I am a sucker for "Exorcist" wannabes. I've actually seen "The Exorcism of Hugh" (aka "Neither the Sea Nor the Sand" or something like that). It has nothing to do with exorcism or possession and it's painfully slow. I'm guessing the ultra obscure "Possession of Virginia" is equally awful. Oh well,the double feature makes them sound possess-o-cool!

Not that it has anything to do with possession, I also picked up this Turkish poster for "THE DEVIL'S NIGHTMARE". The movie is a guilty pleasure fave of mine. A group of stranded tourists are picked off one by one by an evil succubus. I won't say who the succubus is (they do try for a bit of mystery about it initially), but it becomes fairly obvious early on and the outfit she wears when she is still presumed to be a wholesome young woman is laugh out loud funny (in the Fredrick's of Hollywood sleaze-o-rama kind of way).

I have a penchant for the old kiddie matinee posters from the 60s and early 70s. K. Gordon Murray and Barry Mahon were two of the big players in the kiddie matinee arena. I always preferred the posters for the ones distributed by Childhood Productions though. They were more vibrant and always declared they were filmed in Storybook Color. They were basically imported movies that were dubbed and thrown out there for kids to suffer through while their parents went out shopping or whatever. I remember seeing a few of these films at kiddie matinees. "THE TINDER BOX" was not one of them though. I have several Childhood Productions posters, and now I have one more. Hooray!

As I said earlier, my birthday is coming up. I purchased myself two extra special presents. One of them is the elusive (and expensive) Herschel Gordon Lewis "BLOOD FEAST", which is widely considered the very first gore movie--long before films like "Dawn of the Dead" or "Friday the 13th" were on the scene. This was a holy grail for me--and I finally got one. Yahoo!

The other present to myself was also a holy grail of sorts...the original "BEACH PARTY" poster, the first Frankie & Annette flick that started it all. And now my collection is complete!  "Beach Party" is the best film of the lot anyway! It's what happens when 10,000 kids meet on 5,000 beach blankets! Kowabunga!  It's finally mine! Happy birthday to me!



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