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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2018 #3*#

It's poster time again and...ho hum. Do I really have anything worth looking at? Not this time. But here are ten new ones (to me) if you want to waste some time taking a gander.

"WINCHESTER" was not a great movie. It was ho-hum horror at its best. However, i am familiar with the Winchester Mystery house, having been several times and having lived near it as a small child. I had to see the movie. I also decided to get the poster. Of the two styles, I opted for this one--which showcases the house instead of Mrs. Winchester (Helen Mirren). But really--nothing exciting here.

I am not a STAR WARS fan, but if something Star Wars-y comes along at a decent price, I'll buy it as I know how the prices on Star Wars stuff can get. End of story, one this really.

See above--although, since these were both inexpensive, I probably made a bad call? I know fans do not like the new "first 3" movies. I saw the first one (with Jar Jar Binks)--and avoided parts 2 & 3.

No idea what this is. It came with the poster below it in one lot.

ROLLERCOASTER (British One sheet):
I have a soft spot in my heart for this thriller. One of only 4 films ever released in the great gimmick SENSURROUND, I have the two US styles of one sheets as well as an early publicity style with different art work (which was also used on the novelization). I had not seen this style of art before. While it's not all that interesting, I still went for it. Why not?

JAWS 2 (Shark Facts):
I was in Washington the last two weeks visiting family. All I had to "shop" with was my phone. GRR! I WISH I had a larger screen to better see this image and the missing paper in the upper and lower corners. I'd have passed on this. However, I didn't see them until it was too late and after I had spent far more money on this poster than I should have. Drat! It IS a rare style and i did not have one before...but I'd have rather waited and gotten a better copy. Drat.

I have no idea what this is---but it looks like a silly mummy movie from south of the biorder--I'm sure it's awesomely awful-fabulous! 

No idea about this movie---but I've seen the poster go pretty high some times. Why? No idea---but when the chance to get a copy came up---I went for it. Why not?

Just a better copy than the one I already have.

The best thing about this movie is its exploitative poster. I've seen this flick--quite a while back. NOTHING like the scene depicted ever happens. It may be a "Harry Novak" production, but it's a weird Jean Rollin film. Wonderful grindhouse sleaze....I couldn't resist.

That's it. I told you there wasn't much to see.,

Thanks for taking a look anyway.



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