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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 66

December 03, 2015, 01:19:42 AM 

Okay,'s a 4th posting. Whoo hoo!

With the close of escrow on my house sale coming either late this week or early next week, I thought I'd do a mini-salute to real estate in movie posters!

LA CASA (aka EVIL DEAD) (Italian):

Let's take a look at this first house... LA CASA is the name they stuck on THE EVIL DEAD when it first played in Italy.  That kind of makes sense--it's an acceptable title---except the house in the movie looks NOTHING like the house depicted on the poster.

LA CASA 2 (aka EVIL DEAD 2) (Italian):

Our next stunning model home is none other than EVIL DEAD 2, of course. It has high ceilings, low floors and things in the basement best left alone...

LA CASA 3 (aka GHOSTHOUSE) (Italian):

I know. I know...  You were expecting ARMY OF DARKNESS when we got to our lovely third CASA, weren't you? WRONG! Those wacky Italians who pay so little attention to things like copyrights... Similar to how DAWN OF THE DEAD (released as ZOMBI in Italy) got illegitimately sequelized with ZOMBI 2 (which we call ZOMBIE), those silly Italians slapped on the LA CASA moniker on anything spooky house related. In this case it's actually the totally unrelated GHOSTHOUSE.  Spooky clown doll anyone?

LA CASA 4 (aka WITCHERY) (Italian):

And here we are in the David Hasselhoff/Linda Blair WITCHERY chateau. I never dared to venture inside myself. This CASA just looks awful to me. No need to test it out.

LA CASA 5 (aka BEYOND DARKNESS) (Italian):

This CASA I've never seen before...I just never knew it existed really. Oh, but I hear it's BEYOND DARKNESS, dah-ling! That's all the rage this year, or so I hear...

LA CASA 7 (aka THE HORROR SHOW)(Italian):

Talk about mis-numbering. It may be LA CASA 7 (sorry--I do NOT have LA CASA 6. Apparently there was NO movie they called LA CASA 6. They skipped 6 for some reason. Ha!), but here it was released as THE HORROR SHOW when it really should have been called HOUSE 3 (which is why here there's a HOUSE, HOUSE 2, and a HOUSE 4...NO part 3). And talk about cheap, if you didn't notice, the poster for LA CASA 7 is the same image used for the original LA CASA--just in reverse. Ha!


Although there are only supposed to be 7 films in the LA CASA series, I HAVE seen a LA CASA 13 in my shopping (it was a 4F...NO THANK YOU!). Hmm. While not part of the LA CASA series, I thought you'd still like a walk through. LA CASA IN HELL STREET (interesting how the last three words in this Italian-ized title are in English) may look like a Craftsman home  or possibly a bit of a Victorian style abode, but it's actually SCREAM FOR HELP, yet another film I have not seen.


This house is the home of the famed necro-chiller BUIO OMEGA. Apparently this IS a first release poster (that's what I was told). On it's initial release it was called both IN QUELLA CASA BUIO OMEGA and just BUIO OMEGA. Hmm.


I am sure I saw this flick in the theater in the 80s. I remember seeing some bat-sh*t craziness in this haunted house flick. Years later when I tracked it down, I could swear i was watching a different film. This was SUPERSTITION and either there are two films with that title (that used the same one sheet) or I'm losing it...or SOMETHING! Hmm. (*I've since tracked the correct SUPERSTITION down on DVD and gave it a watch. Eh. It's the film I remember---but just okay.)


Mario Bava's LISA AND THE DEVIL was a deemed unreleaseable in the 70s because it was too slow paced and too cerebral. Add some reshoots of exorcism stuff and voila, you have HOUSE OF EXORCISM. I like my EXORCIST ripoffs and I liked this film. Cool poster art--very different than the US one sheet.

CASTASTROFE (aka DEATH QUAKE?) (Italian soggettone or fotobusta?):

Let's head downtown a bit and...oops!  Earthquake!!!!  I am pretty sure that this CATASTROFE is a re-titling of a Japanese disaster film I saw years ago under the title DEATH QUAKE that totally rips off EARTHQUAKE but on a much over-the-top scale (with silly Godzilla-like miniature effects). This is supposed to be a fotobusta...but aren't the fotobustas that are vertical the soggettones? I have no idea what this is...)

ZOMBIE (Thai):

Lastly, there go the property values if the living dead move into your city. EEEK!  It's the Thai version of ZOMBIE!!!

And that's it for now... The bathroom is calling me. Gotta run.



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