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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 61

November 20, 2015, 01:44:34 AM

Hello every one. I am B-A-C-K as promised. Just for now. I'm taking off again and won't be back until around December 1st or so.

I am actually anxious to go back to my hiatus, so I'll make this post of 10 posters as short and sweet as possible (unless I get to running off at the mouth fingers again).


Zowie!  I had completely forgotten i had gotten this poster...until I opened it. I love DAVID LYNCH, and even though INLAND EMPIRE was not nearly as incredible as MULHOLLAND DR., I liked it. I also have been wanting the poster. i know the film only had a limited US release and the US posters are hard to come i had to settle (so far) for a French one. Ooo la la!


Here is my OOPS for the week. A little while back in the New Acquisitions thread, someone poster a quad for the new film SCOUTS GUIDE TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. It was a cool poster--real "art" as opposed to some photoshopped crap-a-rama. I liked it and wanted it (especially since it was so much nicer than the stupid US version (with the Swiss Army knife). I looked and looked and found 3 available. The quad the other APF member had, the one sheet with the same art, and this advance quad with a different ad altogether. I bid on all three, not expecting to get any...and, uh, um...I ended up getting all three. OOPS.


This is like the one the other APF member got/shared. Very nice--and as i said, much better than the US version.


Here's the British one sheet version. I did see the movie, by the way. It was amusing.

SCOOBY DOO (British Quad):

While looking for the SCOUTS GUIDE posters, i stumbled on this British quad for the live-action SCOOBY DOO movie. Very different again from the US version. As a SCOOBY DOO fan I had to get it. SOLD!


I already had the alternate PIRANHA 2 poster (with the alternate subtitle "FLYING KILLERS"), but have always kind of wanted this one as well. I had been seeing one lately here and there with just the title "The Spawning" (No "Piranha 2"). Nope--that would not do. So when I stumbled on this one...SOLD!

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 (Turkish):

I got a couple of the FRIDAY THE 13TH sequel posters from Turkey not too long ago. I'd seen this one from time to time and thought I'd go for one if/when I ever saw one cheap enough. Yahoo!  I did and snagged it. I do think it's weird that even though the cast listy and the image are clearly from PART 2, the English version of the title makes it look like it is Part 1. I wonder if Part 1 was released in Turkey...and what it was called. Something I'll have to look into someday...Might want to track down ALL of the sequels from Turkey eventually. Why not?


This is NOT my poster---just an example from the internet. Mine is a tri-fold (which this one was also at one time...before someone decided to attempt a bad vertical fold on their own). This is a re-titling of something else (CRYPT OF...something. I forget). This poster was a freebie poster included with a poster I bought from a dealer. Cool beans. i've seen this poster around and kind of dug it...just not enough to pay for one. Now i don't have to. Yippie!


Ah yes...FINALLY!  A real live "SPECTRE" poster that did NOT cost me $75 or $100 or whatever crazy amount people are (stupidly) buying them for. I love my Bond. Now i am caught up on ALL of the Bond posters I want/need with the exception of one double feature combo poster from way back when. I saw the movie earlier this week. LOVED IT!  It wasn't as good as SKYFALL, but it was still very good.


Tenth and final poster-a-go-go for the evening is some Italian zombie movie I've never heard of (well, i probably HAVE heard of it, but I just have not gotten around to researching it fully to see what it was called when it arrived over here). WOW!  i saw the graphics of the zombie eating the woman and the other zombies rushing in and had to get it. Despite the unfortunate missing piece from the bottom boarder, i grabbed this while it was available. I had never seen this poster/image before. Groovy!

(Oh man... I just noticed there is tape all over it too. Waaagh!)

And that's all of the time we have for today, kiddies!  Thanks for stopping by. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving. I'll see you in December.



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