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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 65

December 02, 2015, 11:12:16 PM

Zowie!  This looks to be my THIRD posting in less than 24 hours.

Today is an educational post...sharing things I've learned by mistakes I've made...or just from sampling things and realizing now what I like and don't like.

Gingerman, we've already talked.

e, glad you liked the posters...and THANKS for posting the trailer. The commercial was shorter--just the lady brushing her hair. But i had totally forgotten about those trippy, organic-looking breathing letters. Wow!  Whoever put that ad together was brilliant.

Steve, glad you liked the one poster I thought of you with and BRAIN OF BLOOD. I agree that BOB has a wonderfully cheezy/sleazy/horror feel to it that is hard to resist.

Okay, here are the next 10:

AMERICAN GRAFFITI (Italian pressbook):

I recently got a US "American Graffiti" even though I'm not a huge fan of the movie. When I stumbled on this...looking so perfect and pristine...and CHEAP...I was beside myself. An Italian dealer had it and others (see the next two items below). I'm still trying to learn my foreign poster sizes...and I THOUGHT this was a poster. And it's hard dealing with dealers when you don't speak their lingo...and vice/versa. I bought it. OOPS. It's a pressbook.

FROM BEYOND (Spanish pressbook):

Same story as above. It looked perfect and unique and was so cheap. NOT a's a pressbook. Rats!

THE TRIUMPH OF HERCULES (Spanish pressbook):

Here is another pressbook I mistook for an incredibly stunning poster in perfect condition. Drat! Drat! DRAT!!!  Lesson learned...

VALLEY OF THE DOLLS (Spanish herald)

This is a Spanish herald---not a poster. Lesson learned #2


This one is a poster...and it's not so much a "lesson" I learned, I just thought it was interesting to note that the poster for this "movie" is apparently culled from episodes of the old "SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN". Nowhere on the poster does it reference the TV show, but if you look at the cast list (Lee Majors, Richard Anderson, Martin Brooks), it can't be anything else. Ha!  How funny. Looks like that shark is going to get its jaw bionically ripped open. (Cue bionic sound effect!)

TINTORERA (Italian):

TINTORERA is an awful, awful sucky movie. I would not recommend wasting your time on it. However the German poster (which I recently got) is pretty cool with its monster shark swimming about. I like my JAWS knock-offs and decided to go ahead and get the Italian version (which is very similar to the US version...just that there's more art around the edges in the Italian version and, oh yes, the girl victim is nude! Ha!). This is a 2F. I just got a bunch of 2Fs in today and OH MY STARS! I forgot how HUGE they are. EEEK! Lesson learned today is that I prefer the Italian one sheet size over the 2F...or, god forbid, the 4F. Eeek!  i just got a whole bunch of 2Fs (to be shared in the coming days...). Oh well.

TINTORERA (Italian soggettone):

Yes, more TINTORERA. Just because I buy the posters is NOT an endorsement for the movie. AVOID IT---really!  This one shows the real shark with a person in its mouth. The person looks like a CPR dummy. Ha! It probably is. This poster is a soggettone or something like that. Yeah...i've decided that in addition to the too large 2F and 4fs, I'm not wild about the Italian soggettone sizes or the locandinas. They're okay--just not 'me" (I was always a US one sheet kind of guy until i ventured out into the foreign posters this year).


This is not the actual poster I got --but a photo I found online to demonstrate. (The one I got was shown in close up of various quadrants--no full shot). I really don't know what I was thinking when I got this, I've never heard of this flick,,,but apparently something about aliens, the Bermuda Triangle and diving. Bound to be dumb, I'm sure..,. But the dealer was kind enough to include two fotobustas of the same movie with this. The poster is a Spanish release...but the fotobustas are for Italian releases. Whatever...

ENCOUNTER IN THE DEEP (Italian fotobustas):

Here are the fotobustas, What I learned from these is...I'm not really wild about fotobustas either. These are my first. Except for one other I'll share later, they'll probablyt be my last. They're just (to me) glorified lobby cards...which I've purchased in the past, but really do not collect. Oh well. These were at least free.

Hey, I just realized. The guy in this movie is the same guy (Andres Garcia) that's in TINTORERA. Amazing!  He got another job after that stinker of a shark movie!

Okay. There...three posts in less than 24 hours. Shall I go for a 4th? Nah... I'll save that for later. I have stuff to do.

Have a groovy evening.



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