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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2018 #1*#

Hi there. Happy New Year! I've got a new post for the new year---but instead of starting off the year with a BANG, it looks like it will be more of a WHIMPER. There's not too much to get excited about in this batch. but let's take a look...


I've never seen this movie, but I probably should. I DO have it on DVD, but just never got around to it. I know it was a big budget flop-a-roo from the producers of the SUPERMAN series in the 70's/80's. That alone should make it worth a look. Hmm. But I got it for the Christmas aspect, should I ever want to do the living room in total Christmas posters one December. Whatever...


"COMA" is a very serviceable little thriller from the 70s. that played for years and years and years. It always seemed to be a co-feature with something at the walk-ins and the drive ins. The image of the bodies hanging by wires is kind of cool/freaky. I'm sure I have this poster tucked away already (maybe several copies). This was a lot purchase, but I don't mind this extra copy.


I remember when this came out. Part "Star Wars", part "Indiana Jones". It did NOT hold up well during a recent re-watch, but the poster is fun. I do love the tag line: "You have to be there to see it." Ha! Another lot purchase that I probably already have several copies of.


This is also a lot purchase. Normally I wouldn't have bothered posting something like this notorious dud. However, take the quickest of glances at the poster. If you just looked quickly and then looked away, it's almost impossible to see who is who...Travolta and Tomlin look virtually the same in the poster. Ha. That makes me laugh.


Poster for the cult hit flick that inspired a brief TV series of the same name. I think I also have several copies of this--but what is one more?


"THE SWORD IN THE STONE" was an animated Disney flop. This re-release boasts the addition of "WINNIE THE POOH AND A DAY FOR EEYORE." Nothing classic but a Disney? It might be worth something down the road...or NOT. Hmm. Bad call. Oh well.


Yahoo!  Here is a piece o' vintage 1970's drive in sleaze... "THE VAN". Crown International was one of the rulers of the T&A drive in circuit in the 70's. How fun to have this old poster.


This was a pretty nifty little chiller back in the day. It's largely forgotten now. The poster could have been better, but you gotta the graphics of a crypt blowing open from the inside with a pair of hands crawling out. Ha! Someday I'll have to track this flick down and give it another watch...


Ahh, the BIGFOOT sub-genre. Ha!  I saw this way back in the day on a double bill with the horror comedy "ARNOLD" (which I liked soooo much better).


Finally--the best for last--I scored my 2nd "JUNGLE JIM" poster, "CANNIBAL ATTACK" starring Johnny "Tarzan" Weissmuller. I have never seen a JUNGLE JIM movie, but these posters are hard to get a hold of. (And I thought snagging the old Tarzan posters was difficult...)

Okay---that's it for now. Not such a great kick off for the year. However it can only get BETTER from here. 

Have a great 2018. 



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