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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #9

Welcome to another edition of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. It's a bargain basement smorgasbord today, filled with several "lot" purchases and posters of "iffy" quality. But I'm broke. You've got to take what you can get, right? I actually have 11 in this batch (instead of the usual 10). Because so many are "lot" titles and there's nothing spectacular to see anyway, I just threw all 11 in to this post just to get them out of the way...

Okay, we might as well get this over with. Let's take a look...


This poster has some issues, but...IGLOO? Who ever even HEARD of this flick before? This is one of the "lot" posters, of course. See the mom Eskimo with two suckling babes? I am sure that was put on the poster to draw some sort of audience into this. Zzzzzz I'm bored just thinking of what this movie must be like.


This poster looks familiar. I may have another copy. This was a "lot" purchase (as I am sure the other copy---should I have one--was as well). 


I do know I have another copy of this poster. I like this poster---but have not seen the flick. This is another "lot" poster.


I love the silent movie era look of this advance poster. I love Gene Wilder, but believe it or not, this is the only one of his films I have never seen--and he wrote/directed it. This is an advance style (Note the "Coming for Christmas" tag on the bottom).


US poster for the Italian import giallo flick. I have a couple of copies of this. They're usually so cheap...but really? Why spend the money again? I don't know why I do that all of the time...


I might already have one of these, but I'm not so sure. This is a re-release poster for the old serial RETURN OF CAPTAIN MARVEL. However, it seems that they showed all 12 chapters of the serial at once---so you could see the complete story. Over 4 hours? Zowie! (Or should I say "Shazam"?)


I laughed out loud when I read some of the verbiage on here. "You can't call me a tramp yet...I just got to town mister!" Ha! A true uptight story of a girl on the loose.... makes it sound like a sleazy sexploitation classic, right? It is advertised as if it were one. However, I have since looked this up. Although there is no rating shown on the poster, this thing was rated PG (well, actually, it was "GP" back in those weird early years of the ratings system...). It's about a girl who gets rich and leaves her life behind to run to Hollywood and have fun. It's probably a turd, but I did like the (cheap) poster.


When I got this poster, I was thinking it was for the 1984 Wings Hauser schlockfest. But then I realized it was a retitling of FORBIDDEN WORLD from 1982. I had not seen this poster before. Kind of cheap but kind of cool.


Britt Ekland and Mark Lester star in WHAT THE PEEPER SAW, the Italian psychological thriller from the early 70s.


Johnny Weissmuller was the first speaking TARZAN. When he got too old for the part, he turned to playing adventurer JUNGLE JIM in a string of films. The posters for JUNGLE JIM movies seem almost as hard to find as the TARZAN posters (if not more so). This one is in pretty rough--but passable--shape. I don't think I had ever seen this poster I snagged it when I came across it.


This is really a lame poster---but it is in great condition. What the hell is it? It is an obscure nudie from the mid-60s that I became aware of thanks to SOMETHING WEIRD video. The "electronic lover" of the title is a big machine (basically a TV) that broadcasts the intimate times of various women when they are alone---like a high tech (for the day) peeping tom. It really is not worth your time....but it had a poster? As lame as it is, I wasn't letting it get away. This is a rarity. (At least, I don't recall seeing any others before...)

And that's our show for today. Really. That's it. I told you it was a bargain basement lot-riddled mess. You really should have cleaned out your navel lint instead of bothering to read through it.

Like last time, I don't anticipate being back again any time soon (with a new purchases post, that is)...unless I come up with more low budget trash like today's offering.

See ya next time, whenever that might be...


Don't forget to come by and visit me on Instagram ( ). Say HELLO if/when you do. 


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