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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #15

Welcome back. This, I promise, is the final post of "lot" purchases. And let me tell you, I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with 10. In fact, some of the ones I ended up going with were going to be relegated to the so-bad-I'll-never-share-them pile. However, I did not have 10 I was willing to several of these shown are coming from that poster dung heap I was trying to spare you from. Sorry.

So...what do you say? You were brave enough to visit. Let's get this over and done with. Here we go-go:


Apparently this is an alternate title for MISS NUDE AMERICA or MISS NUDE AMERICA CONTEST. This is a documentary,  according to IMDB. I would have guessed this was fiction. Is there really a Naked City in Indiana? Ha! This was a lot purchase.


I had not heard of this flick from 1961 when I got the poster in a lot bundle. I like the old school look of it...but the actors? Never heard of anyone on the credits. It was either a low-budget flick or an import. The United Artists logo made me think the latter...and when I looked it up, sure enough, it is from the UK...and apparently a take on BREWSTER'S MILLIONS (1935).


I'd never heard of this movie, but the cast was impressive; Jackie Gleason, Maureen O'Hara, Shelley Winters and Rosemary Forsyth. I'm guessing it was forgettable and not a hit? Yes, this really is the bottom of the barrel.


Another flick I've not heard of...but has an interesting title. Dorothy Malone, Keenan Wynn and Aldo Ray star....and there is a shark on the poster. Ooooo...


Fun cast on this on... Bob Hope, Tuesday Weld, Frankie Avalon and Dina Merrill star in I'LL TAKE SWEDEN. I've not seen this flick---this is yet another auction lot purchase--but it looks fun.  Yah... Yah... Yah!!!* (*Yeah...Yeah... Yeah!!!)


Renato Fratini is the artist on this poster. He did a foreign (Italian? British?) FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE, the 1962 Hammer PHANTOM OF THE OPERA and a lot of the CARRY ON posters, 1972's ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA and the Italian poster for INVADERS FROM MARS, to name a few. But KHARTOUM? Anyone know this title? The poster is nice, but the movie is unknown to me. It looks like some epic movie with a incredible production values... But how is it? Sight And Sound Magazine said it is "beautifully photographed, lavishly mounted, intelligently acted, but ultimately dull." 'Nuff said, I guess. Great cast....but still. This was another lot poster.


I had no idea what this was when I found it in the auction lot. BLOODRAGE? Hmm. The poster is weak, so I was just going to disregard it...and then I noticed Joseph Zito was attached to it and Lawrence Tierny was in it. Huh? I looked it up and it is a horror flick...however, it's a very obscure one from 1980. It is apparently about a small town country bumpkin who kills a hooker...then runs away to New York City, so he can kill more of them. One review likened it to a no-budget TAXI DRIVER ripoff. Looks and sounds like a totally unpleasant sleaze fest...


I thought I knew this picture. However, when I looked it up...nope. Don't know it at all. Interesting cast, including Joanna Pettet, James Stacy, Cleavon Little, Pamela Hensley, and Michael Callan. It is apparently about a photographer who starts to experience dreams in which he murders the models he photographs. Interesting poster though...NOT great, but interesting (for all of 5 seconds). Another lot purchase.


I remember seeing this back in the day. Julian Sands starred. I don't remember much about it, other than it was "okay." There was a sequel with Julian Sands---but the storyline was altered somehow and I didn't like it as much. It doesn't matter. No one remembers this movie (or its sequel) anyway... This is just a lot poster.


I've seen this poster now and again---never got it. Never saw the movie. But seeing that it is based on the works of Jules Verne--and has an A list cast--I've been curious about it. But, unlike JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH or 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA where you have fantasy and science fiction and a general use of the imagination, when I read about this one, it sounds like a dull love triangle drama, set in a lighthouse at the southern tip of South America. SNORE! The novel it was based on was published posthumously based on a rough first draft. Whatever excitement Verne may have been planning for the story may not have made it in to the book--or movie. The poster is colorful and fascinating. It makes the film at least LOOK exciting. From what I read, the film was a FLOP. (Which is probably why this poster was a lot poster...)

That's it. TOTAL GARBAGE. Some of these posters are so bad, I'd love to social distance from them---forever more. (And don't forget, there is a whole slew of stinkers you did NOT see...)

Thank you for visiting, though. It is always a pleasure having you.

Now, without further ado, let's end this puppy. Maybe we can just pretend this post was all a bad dream...



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