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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 114

September 22, 2016, 08:26:58 PM

I have so much to do....but I just HAD to dive into my posters (if only a little bit) to see what i might have after all of this time. The first thing I had to do was re-frame my FRIDAY THE 13TH poster. The frame had fallen apart on the way over and I was so afraid the poster would be ruined...but it survived and is now re-framed.

Next, I pulled out a box at random, took it to a guest room and opened it. Zowie! What treasures would I find inside, i wondered...


About the third or fourth poster out of the box was for THE WARRIORS. I had NO idea I had that. If you'll recall a few months back there was the mystery of the empty frame...I never figured out what had been in there, but I quickly put in THE WARRIORS. My estranged father took my brother and I to see CHEECH N CHONG'S UP IN SMOKE (such an appropriate movie to bring your children to---NOT!). THE WARRIORS happened to be playing with it. While UP IN SMOKE was forgettable, I was captivated by the  THE WARRIORS. It was/is a great little flick. I'm glad to have the poster (something I'd not have bothered with had I not seen the movie).


In the box, aside from posters, I found a few lobby card sets and/or loose lobby cards, stills, etc. I also found a pair of 3D glasses for the original release of THE MASK.

The following are in order as they were pulled from the box. A few things i like but most of it set aside to sell in one fashion or another. Forgive the photos. This was a quick-o deal. 


Never heard of this flick...but i dig the poster. I'm NOT wild about the big snipe on it...but do like the gimmickiness of the snipe ("In Diabolicolor") Ha! I can't tell if I want another withOUT the snipe or just want to keep this one. Hmm.


The 80s return of Frankie & Annette! I love the original BEACH PARTY movies. I have all of those posters---so i HAD to get this one too. This is in pretty poor shape---so onto the discard pile it goes. I believe I already have a better copy somewhere...,


One of the WORST sequels in the AMITYVILLE series (until some of the direct-to-video crapola like AMITYVILLE DEATH HOUSE and AMITYVILLE THEATER started showing up). WHY buy it? Because I hve posters for the other theatrical releases in the series and this one is kind of rare. This is, I believe, a British one sheet.


I've never seen this flick but it looks like it might be fun. And how many movies can you think of that star Fabian?  Ha!


Seasonal kiddie matinee of my fave genres. However, this one is in poor shape---sell-off pile reject.


I no longer had the original poster I bought in 1976, but LOGAN'S RUN was my very first poster. I have several copies---and this one has issues--so it will be sold off.


Jerry Lewis sci fi comedy...I remember liking this as a kid.


I hated this flick--but just look at the stars in it. Poor copy--sell-off-a-go-go,


Really?  This must have been a freebie or something. No way i'd actually BUY this.


I have a better copy of this James Bond poster. Sell!


This is the Illusion-O style for 13 GHOSTS, gimmick maestro William Castle's silly haunted house yarn. This has lots of issues.


Re-release (80s) of the Alfred Hitchcock thriller. I loved seeing the old Hitchcock's on the big screen back then. Poster is dull though.


Sean Connery's less attractive/less talented brother Neil gets a crack at movie stardom...and fails in this weird wannabe spy spoof starring BOND regulars playing roles similar to their 007 assignments and a former Bond girl and former Bond villain. What a mess.


I loved the books and the movies were campy fun (but not as good as the books). The sequel poster took me YEARS to track down. Why is it so much harder to find than PEYTON PLACE?


Love my 70s disaster flicks. 


Ha!  I've been trying to get this off and on for a while---who knew i had it already? Is anything worse (or sillier) than the NIGHT OF THE LEPUS? The best/worst giant killer bunny movie ever!


3D sci fi animated flick. I was disappointed...


Everything...but everything pops out of the screen! Zowie! 3D nudie cutie fun.


Whoo hoo. Love this old giant teen movie  from the late 60s. Beau Bridges, little Ronny Howard, Joy Harmon and Tony Basil among others star. Fun poster.

That's enough for now---but I have NOT even scratched the surface yet of what is in that first box. Stay tuned for further updates-a-go-go!



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