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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 111

September 15, 2016, 01:48:17 AM

Happy mid-September!  In about 2 weeks (or LESS!!!) I should be fully moved back into my house. Hooray!  Finally! (EEEK! How am I going to afford life? SERIOUSLY! As I'll be paying the mortgage now, water, sewage, and electrical....that will be an additional $2,000 a month out of my wallet I was NOT having to fork over before. EEEK!). I've actually already started hauling stuff over there little by little. In October I hope to start sorting through all of my posters and making a list of what I have. In the mean time, here're this mid-month's offerings. Ho-hum.... They're pretty slim pickings. Things will get less and less exciting from here on out as my spending money is drying up / has dried up. Drat. These first few, as you'll see, are examples of how I'm having to be frugal with my poster postings--having to post even the most mundane and boring of posters I buy. Let's take a look (if you can stifle the yawns...):


Snore! Ugh...this is a leftover from one of the bulk lots I bought in early August. I just realized I did NOT post this ultra boring poster with my post of poster trash i got from that lot. I'll post it here... just because I have it and--as you can see below--I don't have much to offer this posting.


Speaking of boring posters, this was part of another lot I got. UGH! Snore. For an adult movie sure lacks imagination.


Another dud from a lot...and another x-rated poster...featuring Cheri Champagne? Ha! I'll bet she'll pop your cork. Lame poster though...

THE SWARM (advance):

Another of those bulk lot posters I somehow missed posting. :This teaser aims to scare...but all the movie did was bore. (Don't get me wrong. The thing is a gloriously bad turkey. I've seen it several times--including at the theater-- and have it on DVD). But I already have this poster and the regular one sheet. Didn't need this one too.


I'm reasonably sure I saw this movie, but do not recall it at all. This was also one of the bulk lot posters I never posted...but at least it has a fun title.


This was a recent pick up from our pal Rich's auctions. I have NO IDEA what this movie is about or WHO the titular BIMBO is...but it's kind of a cool image and there's something boasting that it is in CIRCUSCOPE in the upper left corner. Wow! Ha! Probably nothing to CIRCUSCOPE...just a gimmick to get them in (I'd be there). Barnum said there was a sucker born every minute. He'd be pleased with the gimmick, I'm sure. Unfortunately I did NOT notice the Canadian censor stamp on the thing before I bought it. That would have been a deal breaker. Now i'm stuck with it. Oh well.


I'm a sucker for 3D and this adult 3D movie poster got me bidding. It was only $3 (with buyers premium tacked on it was $23--oh well). But CHAMBER-MADES? Hmm.


I didn't need this so why did I bid? ARGH! The art is fun though on this Italian poster.


Yes, it is a little rough...but I had never seen another one before. This is the sequel to the Ronald Reagan (pre-presidential years, obviously) flick BEDTIME FOR BONZO. Id love to have that poster as well.

'BATMAN (French small affiche):

Whoo hoo!  I've wanted one of these BATMAN posters for a long time. There are just two more BATMAN styles out there I'm waiting for....POW! BASH! SPLAT! Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nug-nuh...BATMAN!

That's it for now. Have a super autumn (or spring if you are in the Southern Hemisphere).

Thanks for coming by and I'll see you next time.



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