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The Monster-A-GoGo "Fan Club" Update #1: Christmas in Monster-A-GoGo Land


Remember the whole joke thing about a Monster A GoGo Fan Club (You can read about it HERE)---and how I sent it off to my "fan"? Here he is with his official Monster A GoGo Fan Club crap-o-rama! Ha! I've sent a few other "fan club" things his way---a postcard or two and something hastily slapped together for Halloween.

I decided to carry the joke on further. After I sent my "fan" (who shall remain anonymous unless he says otherwise) that last-minute Halloween thang (whatever it was--I've totally forgotten what it might have been), I realized Christmas was about to roll around. Hmm. I had to do something...but what?

My first thought was a Christmas he got an official Monster A GoGo Christmas card:

And...eek! Since the card was homemade, I had no envelope for it. So....I made an envelope.

This is the front:

And here is the back:

I was super broke this Christmas season. After several trips this year (including one to Europe) and a ton of medical bills (Oooo... NOT pretty.), I was freaking about the holidays. BUT---it was Christmas after all. SO, I assembled a package of crap--some DVDs, candy (?), and other, valuable merchandise. I did manage to throw in a movie poster....for Lucio Fulci's BLACK CAT (the first poster I came across that was in decent shape and that I knew I had more than one copy of).

The box wasn't that exciting (no time to spend on it), but...

Off it went... Ho ho ho. It wasn't that exciting, but I hope my "Fan" appreciates his fan club freebies.

Anyway, although he sent me a note that he was sending something my way, in the holiday blur it was forgotten...until I went by my mailbox place and picked it up today.

Oh my stars! The box was HUGE!

Inside, buried beneath the Styrofoam packing peanuts and wrapped in newspaper was an amazing tiki-esque surprise. In addition to vintage movie posters, I also happen to be a huge fan of all things tiki. I love to seek out and explore new (to me) tiki bars. There have been some amazing places I've come across (some of which you can see should you chose to visit my new-ish tiki blog HERE then scroll down). I must have mentioned this to Mr. "Fan" at some point, because clearly he was attune to this. Here is what he sent:

A tiki-esque (sort of) necklace.

Two sets of wooden bowls, one slightly larger than the other:

A pea pod-shaped serving bowl and a wooden pineapple without a top---that may be a candle holder?

A small, wooden tiki idol.

Pineapple-shaped serving dishes.

A three-tiered serving plate with tiki-esque designs carved into it, like palm trees and grass huts.

There was also a baggie filled with other wonders...

There was a little flyer from "TikiFez Comics" advertising upcoming comic releases.

There was a nifty reusable bamboo straw with cleaning brush.

And finally, there was this cool vintage picture of some lady with a hula guy somewhere in the 60s or early 70s.

I know this has nothing to do with movie posters really---but it sprang from my "fan's" and my appreciation for movie posters. Sure, these things aren't worth much, but what an amazing gesture. I totally dig it all. I need to have a luau or something. Golly.

THANK YOU so much, Mr. "Fan"! Zowie! What a wonderful surprise-a-gogo!

I hope your Christmas was filled with wonderful surprises as well.



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