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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 Special Edition 4: More Updates, Projects, and...

Welcome back! Today, instead of new posters, we have a bunch of projects to share. Nothing exciting. I'm no pro and this is strictly amateur hour...but I am glad more of my artifacts are coming out of the closets and boxes and being put on display---so I can enjoy having them and so can anyone who comes to the house.

Take a look or don't...

Newly framed:

Nothing exciting here. I picked up 2 new frames. Of course, they are only 27x40 as it is impossible to find 27x41 frames any more. One of the frames, as I was unwrapping it I realized the plexiglass was broken in the corner and it will have to go back. That is okay as I have not been able to locate a poster I was planning to put in it. With the other one I opted to put in FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD. No, it's not the best of the series and I have other posters from throughout the series I could use. However, I have a project I hope to do in the coming weeks that has to do with FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 7 and I thought I'd just go ahead and get it framed now. This is not hanging anywhere yet. Stay tuned for more on this project as it happens...

1980's 3D Glasses display:

After completing and hanging my display of 3D glasses from the first 3D movie ever, BWANA DEVIL from 1953, I got to work on a simple, but more jam-packed display of 3D glasses from the 3D revival in the 198_s. I recently found/bought a set of 3D glasses for the movie that put 3D back on the map in 1981, COMIN’ AT YA. However, I already had a pair of glasses for the film—but they were completely different.

In addition to the two COMIN’ AT YA pairs of 3D glasses, I have glasses for TREASURE OF THE FOUR CROWNS, JAWS 3D, the 1982 re-release of 1973’s ANDY WARHOL’S FRANKENSTEIN, PARASITE and that is it. I have a generic pair from the era as well, which I will eventually replace with my FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D glasses. I saw the film TWICE back in the day in the theater, and kept BOTH pairs of glasses. They are somewhere.

I ‘ve seen but am still lacking a pair of ROTTWEILER 3D glasses. Does anyone know if glasses were made for AMITYVILLE 3D, THE MAN WHO WASN’T THERE, SPACEHUNTER, or METALSTORM: THE DESTRUCTION OF JARED SYN? How about the re-release of HOUSE OF WAX or DIAL M FOR MURDER? I’ve never seen any.

Halloween II [prop book]:

I got this prop book from the Rob Zombie remake sequel a while back. While I am not a big fan of the Rob Zombie remakes—especially Part II [What was with the big white ghost horse anyway?]—I am a fan of the HALLOWEEN series as a whole. Getting a piece of it—even from Rob Zombie’s remake sequel—was quite exciting for me.

In the film, Dr Loomis [played by Malcolm McDowell in the Zombie films], out to make a buck, has written a sensationalist account of Michael Myers and his murder spree. He is doing a book signing in Haddonfield [where the crimes were committed] at a book store. Several copies of the book are on display. The book is only as real as its dust jacket. Underneath, it is a James Patterson novel. But it is still neato mosquito to own it.

For the shadow box, I added some shots from the movie that show the book [from the book signing scene and another from a talk show]. It’s no the most exciting thing ever, but I am thrilled to own it and have it up on my walls at home.

The Monster A GoGo Fan Club?

As a joke. a fellow poster collector on a poster collector forum I am a member of ( who enjoys my posts, saw a fairly recent one and commented:  I want to join your fan club so I can receive the official Monster A-Go Go member button! Sign me up!

The picture of the button he had seen was on the bottom of my post.

He wanted to receive the "official Monster A-Go Go member button"? Ha! But the thing was, I had that button, several of them in fact.  It's not nearly as big as the picture, but it is still a Monster A-Go Go button as shown. So, I played along.

After a few weeks, I got the "fan club" kit together. It started off with a certificate of membership:

Had I thought about it, I'd have made the certificate horizontal...but whatever. I didn't want to spend too much time on a silly lark. This would do.

There was also a welcome letter that inventoried all of the fabulous, membership surprises that were included in the fan club member kit:

I realized after it was sent off that I forgot to "sign" it. Oops! Ha!

As noted in the letter, he gets 3 (count 'em, THREE!) buttons.

In addition to the buttons (you can see how small they truly are below), I also included a box of gummy Boogers and a weird lenticular postcard.

The Freddy's Dead 3D glasses, Jumanji ticket, lubricant, hand sanitizer, box of Beaver Buddies cookies, melting face woman sticker and Bucket of Blood swizzle stick were also included.

I was going to send it all in a large padded envelope...but then I got worried the cookies would be crushed and the BEAST OF BLOOD swizzle stick would get broken. Hmm.

I found an old Amazon box and covered one end of it with paper. I threw everything in and sealed it. I then made the box front below. The recipient's address and my return address were added in later, but you get the general idea of what it looked like.

Of course, once it was all sealed up and decorated, I realized that I had more room inside than an envelope could have carried. I could have thrown in more, valuable membership merchandise. I had some new horror CD soundtracks and DVDs I could have added. Heck, I could have maybe fit a folded up one sheet in there as well. Oh well. The meager silliness I did send should be fun unto itself. Especially since the whole thing was just a JOKE to begin with.

He should have received it on Monday. I have not heard if he liked it or not yet as he was going to be out of town. I hope he digs it for what it is...

That's it for now.



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