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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 Special Edition 4: Top 10 Poster Purchases During 2019

Every year, a movie poster collecting site I belong to ( or APF) puts up a post inviting members to re-post their favorite purchases throughout the year. With 2019 coming to a close, I thought I'd get a jump on this year's post. (I'm done buying/posting for this year, anyway).Here, in reverse order, are my Top 10 favorite poster purchases for the year.


This was a tough call. It almost went to the poster for the Ray Milland/Rosey Grier schlock epic THE THING WITH TWO HEADS or the cheesy bargain basement 50's thriller THE KILLER SHREWS or maybe even the FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN British Quad. Phew! But this colorful grindhouse classic won its place on the list because the movie is so fun in all of the wrong ways.


The unofficial third part of the I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF and I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN series (as actors portraying both monsters are in this!). Wild artwork. That knife in the eyeball...Zowie!


Although I also picked up the 3-sheet for THE INVISIBLE AGENT (which came out before this flick), I was a bit more excited about this one. I wish it was NOT a three-sheet though. Oh well.


I almost got this a few years back....but it slipped through my fingers. I can't believe my luck in getting this copy. Finally. This has been on my radar for the last few years, so of course it makes the Top 10 list this year. Whoo hoo!

6) THE MONSTER WALKS (3-sheet 1938 re-release):

Although this is a 3-sheet (and I really have no love for 3-sheets) and only a re-release (the original is supposed to be impossible to find) and the movie is supposed to be utter crap (I haven't seen it), I still dig the old school vibe for this poster. 1938, baby! More than 80 years ago. Zowie!


How long have I been wanting a poster for one of the I WAS A TEENAGE... films? Virtually all of my life, ever since I was a kid and watched them on TV on Saturday afternoons.  How excited am I to have this finally? VERY! I look at it EVERY DAY as I walk down my hallway. I have it hanging in my living room right in line with the hall just so I can see it. WOW!!


Several weeks after scoring I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN, I could not believe my luck when I scored I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF as well. While I like the art on FRANKENSTEIN better, this one always seemed the one that would be hardest to get (which proved to be true) and I believe this one came first in the it edges out TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN by a hair on this list (but just barely).


Zowie! This is a late-year addition. I have been after one of these for years. I remember when they would only go for a bit over $100 ---and were yet always just out of my grasp! Years later this cost me 10x as much. CRAP-O-RAMA!  But at least I have one now...


Holy guacamole! I have been wanting this poster uber-badly since first laying eyes on it many moons ago. I know nothing about the movie but the art is phenomenal. I can't believe it is mine. WOW!!!


Several years ago, I was the 2nd place bidder for one of these. I had spent far too much money during one particular auction and when I was outbid on this, I just had to let it go. Try as I might over the years to get another, I was always thwarted...until this year. Happy days! This puppy proudly hangs in my living room. Wow! Wow! WOW!!!

That's it for this year. How was your year? Did you score anything good? I'd love to know.



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