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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 Special Edition 3: Updates and New Projects

Welcome back! Today is NOT another haul of new posters. No. It's an update on what I've been doing at my house. There are new things on the walls and other things in the works. Lucky YOU get to be among the first to see what is going on. Whoo hoo!

Okay, enough dawdling. Get inside and get a seat. The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show is about to begin again.

My hallway is pretty much filled up with a double row of posters (top and bottom). There are things like light switches, thermostats and doorbell chimes that have prevented me from adding in posters here and there...but they've left some pretty big gaps. Hmm.

I had plans for those gaps--shadow boxes filled with some of the props, costumes, and gimmick premiums I have gathered over the years. While working out how I could incorporate those shadow boxes in, it occurred to me that, if I moved a few things, I could squeeze in three more posters! I dug through one (of 3) of my closets of framed posters and pulled out the three below:

I had been working on a BWANA DEVIL project, so of course that had to come out.

I have posters for all of THE EVIL DEAD films, but none of them are on display. I stumbled on the poster for the first film and up it went (where I had previously hung THE CREATURE WALKS AMONG US).

Finally, I opted for ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA to occupy one of the newly created poster spaces. It's not a great movie by any means, but the poster art work is fabulous.

But it is my projects I am working on (I have several going at once) that I was focusing on. My first was finished and ready to go-go. A little while back, I shared that I scored 2 pairs of BWANA DEVIL 3D glasses to go with a pair I already had. BWANA DEVIL was the FIRST full-length movie in 3D, back in 1953. I have the one sheet and planned to make a display to hang near it. Here it is:

I didn't want to use tape or any sort of adhesive that might damage the 66-year-old glasses. So they and everything in the display are just laid in there with the backing holding them in place. I found a huge roll of rolled black acid-free paper at Michael's to also help preserve them. Anyway, since they are not glued down, they are a bit uneven. I tried several times to make it look straight.. but clearly it's "orientation" is not for me to enforce (bad joke) and I left it as best I could get it. Yes, it's an amateur mounting...but I don't do this for a living. Ha!

Here it is on the wall above the BWANA DEVIL one sheet. I moved the RATS ARE COMING THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE and KILLER SHREWS posters over and made room for the one sheet. You can also see THE EVIL DEAD in its new home.:

It may be hard to make out, but the hall light kind of ruins the space I stuck it in. I may move the BWANA DEVIL stuff eventually when/if I have a bigger display to go there. But for now--yippie! My BWANA DEVIL glasses are out (and proud) (another bad "not straight" joke again. Sorry. It was just THERE).

The rest of this post is not that exciting...just posters in two newly created spaces.

By moving THE HEADLESS GHOST and NIGHT OF THE BLOOD BEAST over, I created a space to hang ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA. The space above has objects I can't move...but it also has space for another future display or two.

 I relocated my CREATURE WALKS AMONG US to the wall between my bedroom and the linen closet. The light switch there has always been problematic for posters. When I lived in the house originally (before my 6-year stint in the Shack-O-Rama while I went to nursing school and got the first few years of work under my belt), I had settled for a half sheet hanging there. But with the double-row of one sheets, I realized I could hang a poster below the light switch. I couldn't hang one above the light though as it would throw the rest of the hallway off balance. Instead, I will use the space for still other future displays.

And that's really it for this update. Stay tuned for more!

Thank you for visiting.



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