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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 #17

There is a sucker born every minute. You may have not been born yesterday, but you've just been suckered into today's edition of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. How suckered? Well, as I've said, I'm taking a break, more or less, from buying posters (TRYING to, anyway) for a number of personal reasons. So, if you were expecting posters....there are not many to see. There are 10 entries as usual, but only 4 posters. (Gasp!) But this post has a gimmick to get you to stay until (hopefully) the bitter end.... It's in (partial) 3D, baby! Why the in-your-face gimmick-a-go-go? You'll see. It just HAPPENED that way. Dig out a pair of red and blue 3D glasses if you got 'em. There won't be a lot of 3D thrills, but hopefully you'll have fun along the way anyway.

Glasses on.  Let's GO....

BWANA DEVIL (3D glasses):

BWANA DEVIL was the first full-length feature film in 3D. It started the craze back in 1953. I already had a pair of these BWANA DEVIL 3D glasses and was preparing to mount them in a display to hang next to the one sheet. I thought they were super rare. I mean, who saves 3D glasses for 66 years? Apparently several people did. When looking on eBay to see if there were other assorted 3D glasses from other vintage 3D films, I found several more pairs of BWANA DEVIL this pair. I decided to snatch them up.

BWANA DEVIL (3D glasses):

Okay! I got this pair as well (and, I might add, what remarkable condition these seem to be in! Zowie!

PARADISO (3D glasses):

Aside from BWANA DEVIL glasses, I stumbled upon these vintage red and blue 3D glasses. I have no idea what film the 3D Space Goggles were for, but I am aware of PARADISO, an early 3D nudie. I may have the one sheet for it as well. They were cheap. Why not?

COMIN' AT YA (3D glasses):

Hot diggity! This was an unexpected BONUS find. This is a pair of glasses to the 1981 film COMIN' AT YA, which re-ignited the 3D craze for a brief time in the 80s. I have a collection of glasses for MOST of the 80's 3D flicks (JAWS 3D, ROTTWEILER, PARASITE, TREASURE OF THE FOUR CROWNS, etc.). Somewhere I have my original FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D glasses (I saw it twice and somewhere have those two pairs of glasses tucked away). Did they have glasses for AMITYVILLE 3D? I've never seen any. (We had generic glasses when I saw it at the movies back in the day...) I had never seen a COMIN AT YA pair before---and didn't know that title specific pairs actually existed. Whoo hoo! I have glasses for the first 3D movie ever (BWANA DEVIL above) and now the first 3D flick of the 80s revival.


Although I saw THE FLINSTONES with John Goodman in the lead, I did not bother to see the follow-up prequel THE FLINSTONES IN VIVA ROCK VEGAS. I still have NOT seen it. But, while looking for documentation for a movie prop I bought a while back and am about to display, I stumbled on an auction for this item. A $20 casino chip (20 clams--very clever) from the film. I bid a modest amount and for less than 20 clams ($10 or, with premium, about $13), this little forgettable piece of cinematic history is mine, baby! Yabba Dabba Doo! (Well, I'm NOT that excited. It just seemed like the appropriate thing to say...).


I probably already have one of these...but who couldn't use another vomit bag, right? I wish gimmicks like these were still around. Sigh...


"The book no one had the guts to publish, Harry Novak now makes into the year's most sensational film!" Ha! Was there really an unpublished book this was based on? Was the book ever published? Who knows? Who cares? The film has a great exploitive title. I've not seen the film, but I'm sure it's sleazy grindhouse fun.


This is a rather crappy flick. Why bother with the one sheet? Several reasons. Although I have seen this image before, I am not sure I have this poster. I do have the poster for this film under it's original (and lame) title (POOR ALBERT AND LITTLE ANNIE) and, of course, the double bill poster (teamed with BLOOD-SPATTERED BRIDE) with the great "up-chuck cup" gimmick. The ONLY reason this title is on my radar is because for a brief while I sort of knew Geri Reischl, who played the little girl "Annie". Geri is most famous (infamous?) for playing (FAKE) Jan Brady on the miserable jaw-dropping bomb THE BRADY BUNCH VARIETY HOUR/THE BRADY HOUR when the real Jan, Eve Plumb, declined to do the show. For years and years after making it, Geri never saw the completed film. She looked for it, but could not find it. It was only after she was in her late 20s or probably early 30s that she discovered the title had been changed to the creepy cool I DISMEMBER MAMA that she saw it. I did give her a copy of the one sheet for it---I think the double bill version, but I'm not sure now...


I already have this, but I am a sucker for gimmicks...especially vintage 1950s 3D posters. SOLD!

STAR WARS - THE RISE OF SKYWALKER (International Advance):

I am no STAR WARS fan, but recognize how crazy the prices for STAR WARS stuff gets. I saw this and thought I should grab it before things got too insane. I paid far too much for it (well, more than I'd have like to pay), but the prices have already gotten higher and higher than I shelled out. Possible Spoiler: I'm no fan, but it seems that the poster may be giving away a huge plot point.

Okay...glasses off! That's it for this time. I will have another post soon, I think...but it will be a special one---NOT posters, but stuff I've done with them (and other movie stuff) around the house. Snore, huh? It's a toss up... Fewer posters but more posting/content.  Eh!

Watch out for sharks in your face, strange men playing with paddle balls, or things comin' at ya! Your 3D glasses may be off, but don't forget you live in a 3D world.

Thank you, as always, for visiting.  CHEERS!


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