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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show -- Classic Collection #14

Greetings, and welcome to another Classic Collection posting of posters I had BEFORE I started posting online. Today we have the last (??) of my framed posters and several loose posters that have had their frames swapped out recently for something else to be on my walls.

Okay--enough dilly-dallying. Let's take a look:


This is the poster that started it off for me. (Well, NOT this particular copy...but you know what I mean). It's been a favorite ever since. I had it hanging on my walls (or ceiling) all through high school and after. It was up in my hallway when I started hanging posters on the walls as an adult. Today---uh, I don't have it up, opting to go with vintage horror all over instead. But it hangs in my heart. (Ahhh...)


Wow---what a cool combo...but also what an odd combo. I love both of these cult films for different reasons. Pairing them together may seem like a natural because of their titles, but the films are polar opposites content-wise. The audience for BEYOND would be bored to tears by VALLEY and the audience for VALLEY would be shocked by BEYOND. Ha! Oh well. I dig 'em both and am thrilled to have this poster-a-go-go!


Not the best sequel---and severely edited upon release, so I read---but what you gonna do? It's still a TCM movie. I got this signed (hard to see---and I should have gotten a close-up of the signature to add to this) right above the word "Leatherface" by Leatherface himself (at least for this flick), R.A. Mihailoff. One Halloween season, he and George Wilbur (Michael Myers from HALLOWEEN 4 & 6) were appearing at these Halloween stores. I had them both sign posters. Mihailoff's signature I liked on the poster. Wilbur's on a "Halloween 4" one sheet, I did NOT like. I thought it ruined the poster---so I sold it off and got another, unsigned copy. This film also stars unsung horror star William Butler. Butler has come up against Leatherface, Jason ("Friday the 13th Part 6"), zombies ("The Night of the Living Dead" remake from 1990), Freddy Krueger (on the "Freddy's Nightmares" TV series). He just needs an encounter with Michael Myers to round out his resume. On the B-movie scale, he was in "Ghoulies 2" and wrote "Return of the Living Dead 4 & 5 and the "Gingerdead Man" series.


This poster needs no introduction...  I will say that, with the exception of  seeing parts of this out of the back window of our blue Ford Pinto at a drive in, I did not see THE EXORCIST until I was about 15 or so at a double feature with THE SHINING. Classic horror--Deserving of its reputation. As an aside, in regards to the novel's cover photo (see below), for years and years  and YEARS I could not make out what it was. In my eyes, all I could make out was some sort of demonic figure--like a little  warped Kewpie doll, with arms and a torso. It was not until 10 or 15 years ago, after reading an interview with William Peter Blatty who stated that they used a photo of his daughter that somehow did not come out right for the cover was I  able to actually (finally) see the face/girl in the picture. Now it is almost impossible for me to see the eerie figure I once saw.


For years, I hated this movie. While BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES is complete crap, this one bothered me endlessly. The idea of the Apes being in early 70s Los Angeles seemed asinine to me---not I've grown to appreciate it and how the baby brings the story full circle. The ending, though, was sad. The films tramped on for two more flicks. CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES was okay---but really restrained feeling and "small". I wish there had been more story about what happened between CONQUEST and BATTLE. Oh well.


This was one of my earliest poster and the very first poster of the PLANET OF THE APES series I ever had---not because it was my favorite (it wasn't), but because it was the one I came across first.

GO APE! ("Planet of the Apes" series marathon):

This is surprisingly hard to get---at least it was for me. The similar poster promoting the TV series was everywhere. I wish I had gotten it---because now it is hard to get. UGH!  Cool and clever poster. I remember when this happened. I wanted to go so badly....but didn't get to. I never saw any of the original APES films in the theaters. Oh well.


Another forgettable JAWS knockoff. I did see this in the theaters---and scrambled to buy it on DVD when it came out (if anything, time had NOT been kind). Love my JAWS knockoffs. Ha! The star Wayne Crawford is probably best remembered for JAKE SPEED (anyone?), which was fairly forgettable in its own way. Crawford co-directed this with Harry Kerwin, whose brother, William Kerwin plays the sheriff. William Kerwin was the star of many of HG Lewis' horror flicks, like BLOOD FEAST and 2000 MANIACS. He was even married to BLOOD FEAST's leading lady CONNIE MASON ("You've read about her in Playboy") until his death. Blah blah blah...I've added the trailer below. You can see it is a mess of a movie.


This was my first HERCULES / peplum/sword and sandal poster---and what a great poster---a double feature for HERCULES and HERCULES UNCHAINED starring STEVE REEVES ---the films that started the whole toga party in the first place.


I'm sorry, but the original; WILLY WONKA is way better than the Tim Burton remake thang. I am super glad to have this poster (I believe I have another as well). This film, for its time, was brilliant. I can not believe it was shunned by author Roald Dahl and that it wasn't a bigger hit. I saw it in its original release and caught it a couple of times at matinees before it went to TV. It's a great movie. It's scrumdidilyumptious!

And that is all for now. Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to come back and visit any time.



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