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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #14


Welcome back...but wasn't it just, like, yesterday that we were here last? Yep. It was... That's what you get for blindly bidding on a bunch o' stuff on Sunday night auctions...and then returning to see that you've "won" a bunch. Oops!

So, let's get on with today's post. I have so much to do. I'm packing, the house is a mess, I have company coming (!!!) and am expecting a plumber. O' the joy... (NOT!) 

STAR WARS (Special Edition trilogy re-release):

Didn't I just add this to the previous post? Uh, well, yes... sort of. Oops! I ended up winning two of nearly the same poster. The only difference I can see is that this one gives dates for the releases. The other one had no dates mentioned. Snore.

STAR WARS (Special Edition rerelease):

Boy, I guess the Special Edition rereleases really are not fan favorites. I was totally expecting to be outbid. I wasn't. Oops...

WILD GUITAR (Alternative day-glo style):

Oh my! Such HIDEOUS art! I love it. Wild Guitar is another bottom-o-the-barrel Ray Dennis Steckler flick. This is one of a string of films he made that starred Arch Hall, Jr. -- a guy whose father tried to turn into a movie/recording star, as he (Arch Hall, Sr) financed all of his son's films. ("Nicholas Merriwether" is an alias for Arch Hall, Sr.) There is a more polished (and far more common) one sheet for this flick. I had NEVER seen this one, and--as I said--it is God AWFUL. I had to have it. It smashes the fun barrier! Ha!


This movie is crap...but do I have the one sheet? Hmm. I have all of the NIGHTMARE posters, but this one I wasn't sure about, so...


I'm not sure I had this one either--not that I needed it. The film was rather weak. BUT... this super cheap.

AVATAR (International):

AVATAR was is, if I'm not mistaken, the biggest box office hit ever to date. Is that correct? I know sequels are on their way--but I hope James Cameron did NOT delay making them too long. I expected to be outbid on this one sheet. Yes, it's an international version, but still. Nope. I won it for the minimum bid of $10. Perhaps the AVATAR hoopla has moved on...


Another poster I didn't know existed (I thought this went straight to video?) and am surprised to have gotten for a minimum bid. This was a popular little flick in its day. It was also rather clever. But minimum bid? It's already forgotten. Zowie...


I saw this in the theater. While not great, it was better than that Matthew Broderick thing in the late 90s. To me, the thing Godzilla was battling looked like a giant bed pan. I think it morphed into something else, but for the longest time I expected the Big G to try and take a dump in it. Ha!

HELLBOY (International advance):

I've never seen the HELLBOY films, but this poster looked interesting and different from any other I've seen. Okay...sold.


Goodness me... I remember back, maybe 10, 15 or 20 years ago, military one sheets were something to snub. They were dirt cheap. And now look at me spending hundreds for a Universal monster military poster. This is the third military monster poster I own. I guess we'll do anything for our monsters. I'm actually excited about this one. 

And that is it. Thanks for visiting once again. Please show yourself out. I've got to get back to my packing...



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