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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #13


Welcome back. Oh my stars! WHY am I presenting another Shock-O-Rama Poster Show when I will be moving a month or so? I am CRAZY for still shopping for posters this close to the move. UGH! BUT--here we are. Let's let the show start. (I've got to get back to my packing!)


I might have one of these already...I'm not sure. I wasn't wild about the LA LLORONA movie, but I liked the final release poster a lot. This one is interesting as well. It was inexpensive--and I bought it to pad out the shipping costs of the poster below.

Argh! I've done it again. I have SEVERAL COPIES of this poster. I just keep rebuying more (if they are cheap). I don't know why... I did like the movie, though. I saw it when it first came out. It was playing with ZOMBIE. Great double feature for a 15-year-old (or whatever I was at the time). To see this, my grandmother had to buy a ticket--and I got a ticket for something else (that she would like) and then we switched tickets! Awesome!

STAR WARS (trilogy re-release):
Cheap. Not sure if the STAR WARS special editions resonated with fans or not. I do recall the staggered way they re-released, about 2 weeks apart. After a while, one local four-plex was showing all three of them. on the fourth screen, they were showing something called FOOLS RUSH IN. I could kick myself for NOT getting a picture of that marque. Oh well. Hopefully I can resell this down the road...

THE SUICIDE SQUAD (International 2021):

No, I'm not becoming a super hero fan (or are these super villains? Or both?). I bought one of these because I was beyond thrilled to see ART work---instead of just photoshopped heads everywhere. I never bothered seeing the movie either (and who is the guy in the BVDs in the SUICIDE SQUAD gif below? Captain Underpants? Is that his costume? Tighty whities? Ha!) However, while packing for the move, I smunched my copy a little on the side. So--that copy I gave away...which meant I needed a NEW copy. Grrr. Thank you, Dale Dilts!


I had seen this poster around for the last several weeks (months?). I wasn't impressed with the design at all--kind of blah. BUT--although I have yet to see the flick, I have heard nothing but amazing praise for it. I thought I'd snag a copy up now---just in case it goes crazy in a little while for if/when it cements itself as a true horror hit. (But I probably should have waited a few months for it to be a bargain basement poster...)

A*P*E (aka SUPER KONG) (Italian 2 Foglio):

I have this same poster art from a Turkish release where it was called SUPER KING KONG instead of just SUPER KONG. Why buy another? Because...zowie! It announces that this version is in 3D (which the Turkish one did not) and in something called MEGASOUND! Wow! Gimmicks-A-GoGo, baby! This flick hails from South Korea and goes the Godzilla route with a man in a (very bad) ape suit, stomping on miniatures. At one point, the giant ape turns to the camera and flips it off. Really! Never heard of top billed Frank Taylor or Gilda McDonald? That's because they are NOT in the movie (yet both the Turkish and this Italian poster promote them as the stars). Instead the leads are Rod Arrantis and Joanna DeVerona (aka Joanna Kerns from TVs GROWING PAINS). The US one sheet (which I also have) is also very fun--but has completely different artwork. I still do NOT have a 3D TV, but apparently the 3D in this flick is phenomenal, way better than the flick deserves. I have the BluRay...someday I hope to be able to see it in all of its cheesy 3D glory... To see how jaw-droppingly bad this flick is, the preview/trailer can be seen HERE:


As I continue to (endlessly) deal with my posters in anticipation for my move and go through all of my posters that were in tubes, I find things that were either ruined in the mail or not as advertised or with conditions that I missed. I already had this FRANKENWEENIE. I love the poster--the movie was just okay. However, my copy got munch in the mail--so there is a nasty wrinkling all down the right side about two inches in. GRR! Here is my replacement.


Admittedly this is not in the best of conditions---but not the worst either. Nor is this a typical Monster A GoGo purchase (although it is a great film). Why did I buy it? In one of the very first articles I ever read about people buying movie posters for their homes (The article is now lost to time. I couldn't tell you where it was published or when---but it was long ago), the store owner (I want to say it was the guy from Hollywood Book and Poster, but I could be wrong...) was discussing how people kept asking for the CHINATOWN poster. That has stuck with me all of these years--especially since up until 2010 or so, I knew NOBODY who collected movie posters like I did. CHINATOWN was always too pricey for me or what I was willing to spend (especially when there were so many great horror and/or exploitation posters out there. Ha!). But I have one--finally. Time to move on...


I need to see this movie. I was lucky to score this poster. I've been intrigued by it for years. The wild pink and yellow color scheme hooked me first, then the curious imagery (Mermaid in the box and the hair-like tentacles reaching out all over!). Very cool. 

2001 MANIACS (prop ear and fingers):

I know this isn't a poster, but... EEEK! It's a severed ear and a bunch of cut-off fingers! Of course they are latex and not real (I hope...). I got these gruesome props at a recent auction. How fun! They will hopefully display nicely. They are from the not-too-bad, but far more bloody sequel/follow-up/remake of H. G. Lewis' clasSICK 2000 MANIACS from 1964. (But the sequel to this, 2001 MANIACS: FIELD OF SCREAMS was just AWFUL!) Once I get moved and get the display ready, I'll--of course--post a picture. In the mean time, if I need to give someone the finger...I've got plenty to do it with. Ha!

And there you have it... That's the 10 new things for this posting.

And now, I really MUST resume moving preparations. I am so sick of it. And my poor posters are being ruined. I never want to move again! 

The other night, I was removing HALLOWEEN II from its frame and--UGH! I ripped it. That's what? A $100 or $200 poster? F!!!!!! 

The very next night I did the exact same thing the exact same way to Doris Wishman's NUDE ON THE MOON. ARGH! That's roughly a $1,000 poster!!! (Not any more... CRAP!!!)

Earlier today I was putting other posters away and I split the top fold about two inches on my re-release of BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Mother F!!!!!@!!!!!!!  This move is causing e to RUIN my collection. I hate, Hate, H-A-T-E this!!!

Okay. I'm done ranting. See you next time--hopefully AFTER my move. (Scheduled for the end of October...)



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