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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #12

Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show! Today's haul is eclectic as usual (is it usually?), but I think there'll be a few surprises in store for you. Anyway, sit back, get comfy, and let's begin...


I know! This is NOT a poster. It is still movie related, though...and I am a sucker for gimmicks and all things 3D. I had NO IDEA these glasses existed. I know that many 3D movies in the 80s had  glasses made specifically for them--but many others used generic glasses. I have been hunting for a pair of ROTTWEILER 3D glasses (which I have seen pictures of, but never been able to find a pair to buy) and I have been hoping to find a pair of AMITYVILLE 3D glasses (if they even exist). I had never seen nor heard of 3D glasses being made for SPACEHUNTER (which, despite my love for 3D, I have never seen! EEK!). When I saw these, I pounced.

While the SPACEHUNTER glasses are not that spectacular, they fit into my collection nicely. Sometime during my move, I expect to encounter my FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D glasses (I have two pairs---I saw the flick twice during its original run) and will add a pair.


I KNOW! These aren't posters either. Duh. I bought all of these items (for way too much money)...and all I wanted was the Death Certificate. THE MASK 3-D glasses were from either a video or TV showing. I don't want that. The Magic Mystic Mask IS the 3D glasses from the theatrical showings of THE MASK...and I have several pairs already.  Likewise can be said of the 13 GHOSTS Ghost Viewers  (I hope it is the larger, theatrical ones and not the shrunk down home video-sized ones). The 3D Magic Vuers are supposedly from the 1950s---which is swell. But they are generic--NOT for any specific movie. Waaagh! 

But the Death Certificate...I'd heard about things like that but had never seen one. Yowza! I'm excited. Once I get moved, I can't wait to frame and hang some of my gimmicks I've collected over the years...


I already had a copy of this poster, but two corners had been ripped off. I had waited YEARS to get a replacement, because the poster is "just okay" and I am NO FAN of country music. UGH! For those who do not know, HILLBILLYS IN A HAUNTED HOUSE is a sequel (!?!) to another forgotten flick (for which I do have the poster to), LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS. Both films feature Ferlin Huskey (WHO?), who was apparently a country singer (but I know him best from the movie SWAMP GIRL. Ha!). LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS also starred Mamie Van Doren AND Jayne Mansfield. (They actually have a scene together---but there is never a shot of the two of them together, unfortunately.) Neither did the sequel, although Mamie's character, Boots Malone, returns (this time personified by Joi Lansing). Horror icons John Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr, and Basil Rathbone also star. (Spoiler: They are up to no good...and they are the ones "haunting" the house. Duh!) This is a Warner Bros. er, Woolner Bros. production, done on an obvious low budget. Of the country stars listed, I have heard of Merle Haggard and Sonny James (I think). Joi Lansing is listed as one of the country stars. She's not, but she does sing a song (about "beautiful gowns". Ha!) Joi tried to have a singing career in addition to acting. Her best tune is "Web of Love" which was made into a marvelous Scopitone (sort of like an early music video) that can be viewed on YouTube. Why did I finally buy a copy? I saw one for sale and I submitted an offer for more than half -off the asking price---and the seller accepted. Zowie!


Zowie! I already have one of these. (Of course I do.) However, they are not all that common. So, when I stumbled across another at a fairly decent price, I snapped it up. Uschi Dagard is in is Joe Smith (who?) as "the incredible primate monster"! After getting my original poster, I believe I tracked down and bought the film on DVD. Have I watched it yet? Or was it so lame I've already forgotten it? (I tend to think the latter.) Either way--what a ferociously awesome/campy/cheesy/sleazy poster!


While I know I have the Style A one sheet (Just a large cast photo) for HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS, I have never been sure if I have this style or not. Styles B and C are essentially the same poster, with C being in full color, while B is tri-color. (What a waste of a style...) I loved DARK SHADOWS as a kid. The movies were okay--except the first one was just a rehash of the early Barnabas storyline. The second one seemed utterly unrelated, almost as if in a parallel DARK SHADOWS universe--except for the presence of Angelique. the witch. Too bad there were not any others (until the decent 80s revival series--and then that dreadful Johnny Depp film). 

INCUBUS (Italian):
I had been hunting one of these for months. I stumbled across one and---wow! I loved the artwork and needed one. I've tried for a long, long time to find one in good condition. Recently there was one on eMovie I went for. I didn't watch the auctions (I was out doing other stuff that day) and came back to discover that someone else had snagged it. That's fine. All is fair in love and posters, right? But then I found another one...offered less than asking price and got it at about the same price as the eMovie copy. Hooray!

NIGHT KEY (re-release):
Normally I would stay away from a re-release poster...except this was for an old Boris Karloff movie (circa 1937) and the re-release poster is from 1954--making it nearly 70 years old itself! Zowie! I'd never be able to afford the original release poster. AND--once again--I got the poster for less than the asking price. Hooray!

THE FOG (2018 small French re-release):

John Carpenter's THE FOG never really did it for me. It was okay--but not great. I have the US original release one sheets and I was done. Then I saw this 2018 re-release poster...and LOVED it. I had to have one. I was hoping for a large French size, but accidentally got the smaller size. That's okay. It will be easier to find a place to hang it on as it will take less wall space (aka less poster space--room for more!). Ha!


I stumbled on this poster on some obscure auction site online.  I know STAR WARS posters go crazy high. I watched this poster for several days. I tried to research the poster to see if I could find any sign that it was a fake or was, indeed, legit. It will probably turn out to be a fake, but it went for a lower amount than I expected---so, I bid and won. (Of course, the price I thought I got it for and the actual price --after fees, etc.--were very different. Ouch!) I am not a STAR WARS fan---but it's all about the down-the-road resale value for posters you buy as an "investment", right? All of my poster collecting career, I have been kicking myself. At the very first comic book store I went into as a kid that had real movie posters for sale, they had a STAR WARS for all of $25. It was there for months. Instead of getting it, because I was not a fan, I opted to buy other titles, such as LOGAN'S RUN, CARRIE, FLESH GORDON, etc. Stupid, stupid, STUPID  me! If this turns out to be a legit STAR WARS poster---even though I've spent hundreds more than I would have back at that comic book store in the late 70s--I hope I can finally let that long-time regret about NOT buying the poster GO. (If not, I hope it sells down the line to eat up a big chunk of debt OR afford me a really nice poster that I "need"/want. Here is the poster and some shots of the various areas on it that may or may not show it's legitimacy. What do you think? Is it real...or was I ripped off? (The shipping was certainly a ripoff...From New Jersey to California via UPS cost me another $93.91. Ouch! So much for getting this "cheaper" than expected... Especially if it is a fake!)

No "hair" on Luke's belt...
No "hair" on Leia's thigh.

Zowie! I can't believe I scored another Weissmuller Tarzan poster. This poster is a staggering 75 years old--but it looks marvelous! This is one of the Sol Lesser Tarzans...and "lesser" they were. This was the next to the last appearance by Weissmuller in the role...and the last time Johnny Sheffield would play Boy before being sent off to college (i.e. written out of the series because he was too old for the role). Jane, aka Brenda Joyce, would actually go on to star in the first non-Weissmuller flick, opposite Lex Barker in the role of the ape man. Yahoo! A big Tarzan yell for scoring this one sheet!!!

Golly---that makes 10 new things, so that is my post for now. I'm still getting ready for my move. I've dumped hundreds of posters into local thrift stores (Don't freak--it's nothing you'd want. Just junk that was used to pad out lot purchases.) and sent a bunch o' stuff (perhaps too much stuff?) off to auction. I should not be buying more---yet here we are. 

Anyway, thank you for visiting. Hopefully I won't be back until AFTER my move. I'll be seeing you. CHEERS!


  1. NEATO Love the 3D glasses and other theater exclusives. I did see Spacehunter in 3D and saved the glasses but I don't think they looked like your red ones. I'll have to find them if I can. I also got a Ghost Viewer on eBay before the price started shooting up.

    Calling Monster Island

    1. Do you recall if your SPACEHUNTER glasses were themed at all or just generic? Interesting... The only pair of 3D glasses that I KNOW existed (I've seen a picture) that I do not have yet is for the movie ROTTWEILER. But I am hoping other movies had their own glasses as well and I'll find those eventually. Thanks for the visit! CHEERS!

    2. If I ever find my envelope with all my 3D glasses I'll let you know


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