And...I'm back. When I started this post weeks ago, I had high hopes of scoring a few long-sought after posters. Eh... the best laid plains... Crash and burn...But I DID get some posters. But there is nothing I am excited about for the most part. But's a post. Take a look or don't. There might be some surprises---or not.
Okay...let's take a look:
Most people probably have not heard of this utterly dull CARRIE knockoff starring Richard Burton. I could be wrong about it (having only ever seen it on HBO at my father's house when I was a kid), but I don't think so. It would be more well-known if it had been good...or at least decent. (Aside from jumping around in time -- which was confusing--the only thing about the film I remember was Burton bringing down an airplane with his mind!) I probably have one of these already, but wasn't sure. Why get it if I hated it? Well, it is a CARRIE ripoff and I have posters for several (THE FURY, JENNIFER, etc.). Plus, at $2.99, it wasn't too big of an expenditure. Maybe Burton telekinetically made me buy this from beyond the grave? EEEK!
TRAILING THE KILLER:This is something I would usually not buy. However, the poster appeared to be in good shape and dates back to 1932. That's a year older than KING KONG. For the age alone, I thought it was worth what I paid for it. Perhaps I could resell it down the road for a profit?
Then, it actually arrived. There were tears on the borders and a teat by the cowboy's knee. But the real shocker was the chunk of paper missing from the mountain lion's paw. (see below) I've contacted the seller...and am waiting to hear back. But I'm NOT happy...
How many copies of the CORPSE EATERS poster do I have already? Three? Four? More? Well, add another to the pile. This obscure turd of a regional zombie flick is not all that great--yet I really dig the poster. And this was one of the cheaper copies I've seen in a long time. SOLD!
I already have a copy (well, SEVERAL copies) of this poster. What can I say? I have a soft spot for this cheesy movie. At $4.99, why not another copy? If you haven't seen this, it features a decent B-movie cast and is a weird combination of heist movie and JAWS rip-off, with a brief disaster movie moments (one of which features the most ludicrous tornado ever) and some romance. Ha!
I think I have this already---but maybe not. What I'd really like is the poster for I, MADMAN. But... This is nothing exciting. It's just here because, well, I picked it up. Whoopie.
There... I, MADMAN's poster is far more interesting than MADMAN's. Of course now that I have this, I think i already have one someplace. Oh well.
I am surprised this bizarre-o film by fan-fave director Peter Jackson doesn't have a bigger following. in fact, I scooped this poster up for very little. Zowie! Thank you others for not knowing it. This flick plays like THE MUPPET SHOW on acid and was only Jackson's third film (according to IMDB). This was the one that came right before the better known DEAD ALIVE...which seems to be as far back as most of his fans go. Hmm. Interesting. I'm just thrilled to score the poster, baby!
No one is probably more excited about this sequel than I am. OH MY STARS! The original GRIZZLY starred Christopher George and was essentially a 1976 JAWS ripoff set on land. GRIZZLY 2: REVENGE (aka GRIZZLY 2: THE CONCERT) went into production in (Hungary) 1983...and featured up and coming stars Charlie Sheen, George Clooney and Laura Dern. It also stars Deborah Raffin, John Rhys-Davies, Louise Fletcher, Deborah Foreman, and Charles Cyphers. All of the principal photography was done. All that was needed was some effects inserts, sound mixing and color correction...but the money man disappeared and the projected was shelved for 37 years! Well, it has finally been finished. It's played a few festivals and other places. A poster was produced (Score!---See below) and it will finally see a proper release on DVD/BluRay in January sometime. Wow--I can't wait to see it finally. Even though it's a sequel, I am so pumped to have the poster, too.
THE GIANT LEECHES:Waaaagh! I have wanted this poster for years. It's on my list. It's a great B-movie classic! However, as thrilled as I am to get one...waaaagh! I am not happy I got this....and it's my own damn fault. Guess who didn't read the description very well? Guess who is stuck with a beautiful poster that is eternally marred with a damned Canadian censor stamp on it? ME!!! The stamp is a deal breaker. I will probably never display this puppy now. Waaaaagh! Waaagh! WAAAGH! (Golly, I'm almost as big of a cry baby as the president. Sorry....)
This poster should have been THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL or THE BIRDS. This came from the recent Heritage Auctions major auction. The night before it had started, I bid on THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL. When the auction came up, I was watching it. I was the top bidder (or so I thought) and there didn't appear to be anyone bidding against me. It closed and I had won...or so I believed. Later that night, I went to save the hi-res scan and it said someone else had been the high bidder. WHAT!?! How did that happen? UGH!!!! I have been after that poster forever...and it appears to have slipped through my fingers once again. On Sunday, the second day of the major auction, I had my eye on another "must have"--THE BIRDS. (How do I NOT have one of those yet?) As I was waiting for THE BIRDS to come up, this came up and I thought what the heck? The movie is pretty doofy lame, but the poster is kinda fun. I didn't really want it, but was burned by the whole HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL fiasco and just wanted SOMETHING to make up for that. When THE BIRDS came up I bid...and was outbid and bid again. I was outbid phone was ringing while I was trying to bid. ARGH! I tried to get rid of the call and somehow got rid of the auction page! F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well....

And that's it. I MIGHT be able to squeeze out one more post (at the very least a partial one) before the year's end. We shall see. (I already have three.)
Come back again, if you'd like. Thank you so much for visiting.
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