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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #23


Well, well, well....less than 24 hours later, I am B-A-C-K! I threatened, er...TOLD you I had several more posters ready to slap togeth, carefully craft into fascinating and compelling post. It's mostly crap (which has become my hallmark, of late. Hmm...), but there are a few nice tidbits. (Or not.) Take a look or run away now!!!!


This isn't the usual type of poster I'd go for. It's for a film starring Lucille Ball and I thought I'd seen this going crazy high before. Perhaps I am wrong? I bid a small amount and got this crazy low. Hmm. It's not the best poster ever...and what is that central shape? It looks like hips or a wide butt...but I think it is just supposed to be demonstrating that the "OURS" portion is busting at the seams? Whatever... I've seen the movie and it is okay. It's success gave the already-written BRADY BUNCH TV series the green light to be made. The only thing about the movie that I actually remember though is a brief shot where Lucy and Henry Fonda were supposed to be driving IN to San Francisco for dinner but the shot (rear projection) actually showed them driving AWAY from the city.

THE LOVE BUG (re-release):

Normally I wouldn't bother with a re-release poster. However, this one came with another poster. In my previous post, I discussed how, a while back I stupidly convinced myself to try and track down the HERBIE/LOVE BUG movie posters. That (sort of ) explains you will see below.


This is the poster I was bidding on that I "won". It came with the original LOVE BUG re-release poster. I'd forgotten all about bidding on this until, several days after the auction ended, I saw I had an invoice waiting for me. Oops! This may be the lamest of the 4 HERBIE posters, but it still conveys the unique attributes of the titular Volkswagen. And suddenly, I only need one more (HERBIE GOES TO MONTE CARLO) to finish the series off (unless I bother with the remake/reboot/sequel HERBIE: FULLY LOADED).

THE DARK TOWER (Character advance styles):

I've read Stephen Kings DARK TOWER novels. There are like 7 or so in the series and they are big, monster-thick books. I was curious about the parred-down 90 minute (2 hour?) movie version. How could it possibly do it justice? Well, it didn't. But for what it was, it wasn't a bad movie. Hopefully some TV network will commit to making the full series based on the books. (Although the series' ending is pretty disappointing and a bit o' a copout.)


I know... I don't know what I was thinking either when I bought this. I had never even heard of this until i saw the poster. With a cast of people I've also never heard of.  Hmm.

A HARD DAY'S NIGHT (1982 re-release):

Again, normally I would not bother with a re-release poster. However, this is the poster for the release I first saw while in high school. Sure, I knew who The Beatles were, but up until that time, the only Beatles movie I had ever seen was the animated YELLOW SUBMARINE on TV. I LOVED this movie, though. It inspired me to run out and see the other Beatles films on VHS or at revival houses. They were fun and irreverent and also a bit surreal and wacky.  I could totally see how THE MONKEES was said to be such a knockoff after seeing this film. But I totally dug this flick.


I think I have one of these already...but hello? Even though it's for an old mondo flick, it's Boris Karloff! You can't go wrong with Boris. 

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM (International Final style A ):

I got this simply because it was inexpensive and I wasn't sure I had a copy of a poster for this sequel. 


Zowie--there's a porn ripoff of DEATH WISH? Ha! I think I might have a copy of this poster already (Do I?), but I was not sure. While I haven't seen the flick, I am guessing Harry Reems is in the Charles Bronson role? And how does he get his revenge (in a porn movie)? Sleeping with the bad guys' wives? Whatever--interesting novelty, if nothing else.

I stumbled on this poster for the last (so far) STAR WARS sequel. I hadn't seen it before, I don't think. It wasn't too terribly expensive, so... I snatched it up. I'm not a STAR WARS fan, but know others are and it could increase in value in the future, a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

And that's another 10...with yet another post already in the works (well, I only have ONE poster...but I am watching a few on emovie and HA. Oh my!). Quick. Easy. DONE!

Until next time (whenever that might be...).

Again, stay SAFE! Stay MASKED! Wash your HANDS!



  1. NEATO Karloff is my favorite so I have this on Something Weird DVD and the Severin Blu Ray. Don't have the one sheet. Do have the lobby set.

    Calling Monster Island


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