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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #22

It's been about 2 1/2 months since my last post and...I am B-A-C-K! EEEEK! I was so not planning on returning---for a long, long while. I'm supposed to be packing my posters away for a move to Washington state in the spring---NOT buying more. But, a little purchase now and again isn't going to hurt. Right? Uh....

Most of the posters in this edition of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show are not that exciting (and many are repeats), but it's better than now show at all (Or is it?). Let's just take a look and leave judgement until the end, shall we?


I have one of these already. However, the copy I have is stained and in fairly lame shape. The poster is not that exciting---but when I bought my original copy, I bought such a poor-quality poster because I had never seen one before. I got this one to upgrade that one. I'll still never display this. It's not even a zombie flick (despite the Romero zombie-esque title). It's a vampire film. And it's printed on pink paper? (Pink? If that doesn't instill terror, I don't know what color does! Snore!)

I was pretty sure I had gotten one of these years and years ago--but was not 100% sure.  I remember reading about this in the pages of FANGORIA. This horror comedy parody was originally to be called THURSDAY THE 12TH. (There was also a SATURDAY THE 13TH and SATURDAY THE 13TH STRIKES BACK.) It came and went and I missed it...because of the (D'oh!) title change. Anyway, just to be sure I had one, I got this...and then I noticed that not long ago I had already gotten another in a lot purchase. (D'oh! Squared) I know that Vinegar Syndrome has it out---and there is some renewed interest in it. I have not seen it since the VHS days. Perhaps I should give it another watch?

I probably should have passed up this poster...but I am a sucker for schlock. HOLOCAUST 2000? What's that? I can hear you asking... It's actually an OMEN ripoff with Kirk Douglas and Simon Ward. I saw it YEARS ago---and have absolutely no memory of it. (Perhaps, like PANDEMONIUM, I should track it down and give it another watch? Is it even available on any platform these days? Hmm.) I knew it had been called HOLOCAUST 2000 elsewhere, but I had never seen the poster with that title. As dull as the poster is--I sprang into action when I spied this and made it mine. I don't know why. Perhaps the devil made me do it?

This film is better known as just THE SON OF CLEOPATRA. I like my peplum/sword & sandal/ "Hercules" flicks. I have a SON OF CLEOPATRA poster already...but this alternate title had eluded me. I snagged it when I saw it--but have no intention of ever displaying it. Oh well...

A while back, I came across a poster for HERBIE GOES BANANAS. I should have let it go, but at the last minute something in my head told me that it would be easy to track down the other posters in the series--why not buy it? So I did. But, UGH! WHY!?! I had never even seen HERBIE GOES BANANAS or HERBIE GOES TO MONTE CARLO. I had not even seen the first two films (THE LOVE BUG or HERBIE RIDES AGAIN) since they originally played theaters when I was a kid. What was I thinking? But with the 4th poster in the series, I admit to have been CASUALLY looking for the others ever since. And lo' and behold, the original fell into my lap. Zowie! (Now just two more to go...unless I want to bother with the Lindsey Lohan remake/sequel HERBIE: FULLY LOADED as well.)

I was reasonably sure I had one of these already (and why wouldn't I?). However, for whatever reason when I went looking for it, all I could find was the alternate poster that also includes Jamie Lee Curtis on the poster. Hmm. Do I have one of these styles? I wasn't sure, so... MINE!

It's no secret I am a sucker for a gimmick. Vintage 3D posters are among the top movie gimmicks I go after. I have several posters for vintage 3D posters---but was not sure I had this one. Yippie! Lucky me. Another I can scratch off the list.

NO TIME TO DIE (Nov 2020):
Another thing I'm never gonna NOT get is a James Bond poster. I love me some 007. I have the poster for the originally planned April release. However, the pandemic pushed it back to November---and they made a new poster. Now that the pandemic has pushed it back to April next year, these posters will either become trash or collectible. Hmm. Had to get it either way...

NO TIME TO DIE (Nov. 2020):
Okay--I'm a spazoid. I bought TWO of these. One was a regular bid, whereas one was a buy it now.  It's always nice to have a spare, right? Now to wait for the April 2021 poster... (I hope to God it's more interesting that the photoshopped Bond posters of the last decade or so...)

I saw this flick years and years ago on VHS---and HATED it. It's rebirth on DVD and BluRay garnered it new fans. I gave it another watch. It was marginally better than I'd remembered--with some crazy effects. The thing I had always liked about it (even when it was on VHS) was the cheesy cover art. Who knew it had been a poster? I saw some video posters and was thinking of getting one of those, but then...hold the phone! There was a theatrical release poster? Apparently yes---and one became mine.

Okay, boils and ghouls, that's 10 and that's the poster show for today. And guess what? Believe it or not, I have another batch of poster (or almost another batch of ten) in my clutches so that I can post another episode of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show probably sooner than later. (And no, that was NOT a "threat". Calm down...

I hope you had a super Halloween (well, as good as possible despite the pandemic).

Stay SAFE! Stay MASKED! Wash your HANDS! And I'll see you NEXT time!



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