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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 #12

Welcome back. Just when I thought I wouldn't have another post until June at the earliest, I'm B-A-C-K with another one in May...with only days to spare! While certainly better than my last post (which was just filled with CRAP), this one is still not the most exciting of posts---but there are a few choice nuggets to be found (if you DARE to scroll down). Let the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show begin....


This is a no-big-deal poster that is easy to find and not very exciting. Why bother? Believe it or not, even though I have thousands of posters [most of them crap], I don’t think I had this poster yet. I’ve never seen the film and it probably is a turd....but it’s a vintage [70s] horror flick, so you have to give it some points. It was cheap—-and the seller who I bought several other things from was offering it—so why not?


I remember when this came out—and I did see it back in the day in the theater. I remember that it was being touted as the ultimate cult film based on a [then] popular magazine [Is it still around?] of the same name. It was okay but I think a lot of people were disappointed. All I really remember is that it was an anthology of sorts...but that’s it. Why buy the poster? It was cheap (which is beginning to sound like it should be my middle name... and why not?


I already have one of these. It’s not a great poster [and certainly is NOT a great movie], but it is colorful and has some interesting stuff going on within it. I mean, who doesn't dig a head bouncing down a staircase? Zowie!  I remember when this film was re-released during or just after high school. They were calling it BEYOND THE FOG, trying to cash in on the success of John Carpenter’s THE FOG. It’s a British flick and stars Robin Askwith, the star of those dreadful CONFESSIONS OF... [CONFESSIONS OF A WINDOW CLEANER, for example] sex comedies of the 1970s.


I already have one of these and normally would not bother buying another. However, my original copy has some pink crayon [or something] on it that I had not noticed before buying it. Although I know I’ll never bother displaying it, I obviously needed an inexpensive replacement for the soiled first poster.


I already have one of these posters, I think. I bid big and snagged this...relatively cheaply. And then, of course, I noticed the snipe on the ratings box AFTER I bid (it was not in the description. Grrr.) Why did I want this so badly? If I did not have one, I needed one as this may be the movie that got me started on my love of horror films.Originally released in 1972 as A TOUCH OF MELISSA, this 1974 re-release was obviously trying to cash in on the EXORCIST craze. I'd have gone for A TOUCH OF MELISSA one, if this is the movie I am thinking about, the MELISSA release would have been the flick I am remembering. No---wait a minute. That CAN'T be right. Whatever the movie was had to have been from 1971 or maybe 1970. I never saw the flick, but I remember distinctly as a kid watching TV and a commercial came on advertising some horror flick. My mom wanted me to close my eyes...but I peeked! I was fascinated by this movie being advertised that looked so scary. I don't remember much---other than it took place in a rural setting. But it would have to have been pre-1972 as we moved just before Christmas 1971. Hmm. Another mystery opens for me. What film was it? What poster do I need now? Ha!


I may have this already, but I do not believe I do. For the longest time these were so easily found, too. SCUM OF THE EARTH is a flick by SF Brownrigg (The regional filmmaker responsible for DON'T LOOK IN THE BASEMENT and KEEP MY GRAVE OPEN). Not a horror flick, but it has horror elements. It also feels like a filmed stage play in a lot of ways. It is interesting that the distributors splattered "See the real poor white trash" all over the poster, because it was later bought and re-packaged as "Poor White Trash 2" (a bogus, in-name-only sequel to "Poor White Trash", which was actually a slightly re-edited re-titling of BAYOU). It is more or less what you think it is. It may also be the first-ever movie with a filmed "okie blow" scene.


I have no idea what this flick is---STEP DOWN TO TERROR? Never heard of it!--but I found the artwork wonderful, albeit very old school. It went fairly cheaply, so I couldn't pass it up.


A few years ago, I scored the poster for the French release of CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF with art by Guy Gerard Noel. Although this is not by Noel, it is similar in style and is by Joseph Koutachy.  I paid too much for it, but whatever.


Although I have yet to see the movie [Shocking true confession—I know], I do have the blu-ray and will give it a watch soon. Even though I’ve not seen the film just yet, I have noticed the one sheet selling very well over the years. This one may not be pristine, but its flaws I can live with. I was thrilled to get this, even though I paid more than I wanted to for it. It seemed like a fairly decent bargain. (That is, if it is a legit copy. You never know...)


This, to me, is the prize of the batch. Speaking of paying too much, that’s what I did to get this. But it seems to be in great condition. Who hoo! Another 50’s/60’s horror title snagged.

And that is all I have for you to see this time.

Thanks for visiting.



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