And we're back... So soon? Well... Yes. I was naughty and bought a pair of poster lots again. No, I'm not going to post every single poster in the lots I bought. Many I already have. Many I could have done without. One batch (folded) was an OOPS. I thought I was bidding on a different lot. Ha! Dumb me. There really wasn't anything in it I was after. The other lot (rolled) only contained 2 items I wanted. Isn't that usually the case? But I did find an item or two I didn't have and was mildly curious about. There were also some non-lot purchases as well this time. But...I'm yammering. Let's just take a look, shall we?
B.C. ROCK: This is one of those "mildly curious" posters that happened to be in the rolled lot. This looks vaguely familiar but I never saw it. It seems to be some animated flick with a lot of music...and is R-rated. Hmm. What caught my eye was the caveman who seemed to be hanging on to this rather phallic-looking rock. WHAT? On closer inspection I spied the tiny leaf (Not even a fig leaf) and I laughed. End of story.
THE ATOMIC CAFE: This one was also "mildly interesting." I've seen this poster a time or two. I've never seen the film, but when I have stumbled on this poster, I found the graphics interesting. It did its job and made me curious about the flick. (Although I haven't bothered to track it down.) When I did see this poster in the past, it was always priced more than I wanted to pay for it. Now I have one...and probably paid more for the lot (of mostly unwanted posters) than buying one of those other copies would have been. Whatever...

BLACK TRASH: I do like my vintage blaxploitation films of the early 70s (especially the horror ones). I'd seen posters for BLACK TRASH several times. I had never really heard of the flick though. As one of the "mildly interesting" posters in the lot I was intially thrilled to ad the poster for an obscure blaxploitation flick. Then I looked it up. This isn't the true blaxploition flick it is trying to lead you to believe it is. It was filmed entirely in South Africa by South Africans and was originally called DEATH OF A SNOWMAN. There's no SUPER FLY. There's no SHAFT. There's no Pam Grier. There's no BLACULA. What the heck? Why bother? This flick was also released as SOUL PATROL--a title I'd also seen posters for. Eh... This is a curiousity, but that's about it. I have no interest in seeing it. Oh well.

BRIMSTONE & TREACLE: Another "mildly interesting" lot item was the poster for BRIMSTONE & TREACLE. I do remember when this came out in the '80s. I was curious about it--but it didn't really make much of an impact (at least in this country), despite starring Sting--the lead singer of The Police who were super popular in the 80s. If it came to my town, it didn't last long. I never saw it. Is it worth tracking down? Apparently there is a song by The Police in the movie. Does Sting SING in the movie? That would be odd as, by the looks of the poster, the film seems to be going for a sinister feel. Hmm.
HAUNTED MANSION (2023)(Advance): I HOPE this will be good--or, at least, an improvement over the Eddie Murphy disaster. The poster isn't all that fab. It's appeal was the subject matter (Who doesn't love the Haunted Mansion?) and price--just $14.95 (and that included shipping). I'm a sucker. SOLD!
A BOY AND HIS DOG: I got one of these a while back after looking for years and years and years! And suddenly...SHAZZAM! Another popped up for sale super cheap. WHAT? No, I didn't need a second copy--but how could I NOT get it? By the way, the movie takes place far in the future...aka NEXT YEAR! I saw this movie several times as a kid. I remember liking it...but don't remember much about it. Perhaps I should track it down again...
C.H.U.D. II (video): I generally do NOT buy posters for sequels--especially straight-to-video sequels. But, as cheesy as it is, HOW did you really expect me to resist this one featuring five monster men (aka C.H.U.D.s--Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) with creep-o-fabulous glowing eyeballs? And they are crawling out of a sewer! How charming is that?
BLOOD SISTERS: This poster is one of the two I was after in the rolled lot. This is a crap-o-matic movie, with a whodunit non-surprise ending you can see coming 10 minutes into the movie. It came out in the slasher era...but this low-budgeter obviously couldn't afford the gore effects--so everything happens off camera. To keep you distracted, you get boobies! Boobies! Boobies! Ha. It's L-A-M-E. (Yes, even with boobies.) Directed by oddball, Something Weird-director fave Roberta Findlay. This is one of those flicks where the poster is more interesting than the movie.
INSEMINOID: I might have one of these already. I searched my poster blog and all I saw was the boring alternate one sheet. Hmm. Just to be on the safe side, I snagged this little sci-fi, exploitation, ALIEN-ripoff, one-sheet messterpiece.
CHEERLEADER CAMP: I've never seen this--but this poster was the other poster in the lot I wanted. Actually, this was the main goal. (BLOOD SISTERS was more of a lucky bonus.) I thought this must have been a direct-to-video flick, but no. It had a theatrical release apparently. Also known as BLOODY POM POMS, I'm sure the movie must be crap. Betsy (AVENGING ANGEL and the SAW series) Russell?? Leif (DEVIL TIMES FIVE and brief 70s teen idol pop sensation) Garrett? I may need to track it down. And what a fun poster. It looks like SLEEPAWAY CAMP meets BRING IT ON.

SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE: I do NOT understand the popularity of the SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE movies, but they have their sleazy, cheesy charm. I have the third film's one sheet and a video poster for Part 2 (which is my favorite of the three--and so odd). (I really need to find the one sheet for 2), but Part 1 has eluded me...and the prices for it keep going up and up and up. Sooooo, well, I bit the bullet and snagged one. I haven't seen the direct-to-video remake. Is it worth a watch?
: Oh my STARS!!!!! A while back I posted a recent poster aquisition update on one of my poster websites, All Posters Forum (APF). I had gotten a VALLEY OF THE DOLLS one sheet, which I hoped was an upgrade for the one I already had. I said it was one of my all-time favorite (bad) movies. I later got a private message from member marklawd. He simply said: "So VALLEY OF THE DOLLS is one of your favorite all-time movies? Let me know your postal address so I can send you something you'll like!" Okay. I sent him my address. I thought perhaps he'd send some clippings about the film or a photo still---something like that. And then I kind of forgot about it. A couple of weeks later there was a parcel from England. Hmm. I had no idea who'd sent it. I opened it and ...there it was -- instant turn-on, instant love, instant excitement, ultimate hell! It was a VALLEY OF THE DOLLS British quad. (Insert the sound of my jaw dropping to the floor here.) OH MY GOSH! Talk about surprise-a-ramas! I was/am so delightfully shocked! ZOWIE WOWIE!!!! How utterly kind. How utterly unexpected. WOW!!!! I am so so sooooooo MOVED by that. THANK YOU Mark Lawd. Wow! Wow!! WOW!!!
And that is it for this time. Thank you for stopping by. And Mark Lawd, an extra big super-sized thank you for you super-sized surprise!
Okay, you can wake up now. You see? It was all a bad dream...or was it?
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