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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #7


Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. It's been a bit more than two months since the last update. I'm starting to pack up the house, taking posters out of their frames for safe transport for the move (which won't be until late October), sending other posters to auction, and packing the poster room up (which is a HUGE undertaking). My health continues to decline with new issues popping up. I went to see a specialist at Stanford. (For those of you following along, she doesn't believe I have CIDP...but doesn't know what is wrong with me. More tests have been ordered. Swell...) In other words, I have been BUSY!

But, even though it has been more than two months since I last reared my ugly head on here, That has NOT stopped me from acquiring more posters--which is STUPID on my part since they'll need to be packed up, too.

Blah, blah, blah...  Let's take a look and see what I have this time:


Boring poster for a movie that apparently was scheduled to come out during the pandemic this last Christmas.  (Duh! Who planned that?) I have no idea if this was ever released or not. The poster was a freebie at a local theater. Just adding it in here because, dull and ugly or not, it is still an acquisition. 


I've not seen this, but I am under the impression that this film is akin to THELMA AND LOUISE, albeit with a male/female pair of anti-heroes. This was purchased to pad out the shipping for something else I had purchased.  I see the style B poster much more frequently than this one. 

BERSERKER (video?):
I already have several copies (too many copies) of this poster, but I've never seen the flick. They've all come to me in lots...and this copy (actually 10 copies) is no exception.  I got this batch because they came with another poster (which was also sold with multiple copies) that I actually wanted. I'm guessing this is a video release poster, as there is no rating listed. (Did it ever have a theatrical release?)


I've seen this poster come and go in various lot auctions on eMovie. I remember when this flick came out...but never saw it back in the day. Seeing the poster pop up reminded me of the film and it intrigued me. I'd bid on the various eMovie lots, but they'd go crazy high and I'd drop out because this was likely the only poster in the batch I "needed". I scored this one (and several other copies) in a lot elsewhere. Yippie! Now to track down the film... Oops! I should have looked for the movie earlier, because I now realize I have/saw a BluRay of the film (with completely different art) a few years ago. (I've actually pretty much forgotten what it was about... all I recall, I think, is that a group of people are flown to a remote location...was it either an island or somewhere in the desert?....the airstrip is a ways away from the house....and that's really pretty much all I recall.) So, getting the seemingly elusive poster (that is not so elusive at all) for the mysterious film (which, now I realize, isn't so mysterious at all) was a momentary thrill that sort of dissipated. Waaagh. Maybe I need to dig the flick out and give it a re-watch? I may like it better than I thought,  and the poster will be that much more meaningful for me. Hmm.


I have not seen this flick, so I can't explain this... But for whatever reason, I became obsessed with tracking down the poster for it---but didn't want to pay too much in the process. So, I have it now. Whoopie. (Just more stuff I've gotta pack... UGH!)


I already have a copy or two of this cool blaxploitation horror poster (Voodoo AND zombies!!), but it came in a lot with another I gladly added it to my collection.  It is a cool poster, anyway.


I have seen the poster  up for auction now and again. The blurb about it being in "Mystimation" intrigued me (gimmick whore that I am). I tried getting the poster several times, but was never able to get it. I wasn't overly put out about not getting it, as I had never heard of the flick before seeing the poster. And then I purchased a BluRay set of films by Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman. The film I was wanting to see in the collection was JOURNEY TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME, a film I had a kiddie matinee poster for (and I also dig posters for creepy kiddie matinees). JOURNEY featured some interesting practical effects and stop motion animation. It wasn't great,  but it was interesting enough to warrant watching the other two films in the set, THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN and INVENTION FOR DESTRUCTION.  INVENTION was visually stunning. I loved it...and later found it was released here as THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE. That renewed my interest in getting the poster. Such stunning and creative style and visuals in the film...

HARDWARE (Italian 2F):

I thought I had already posted this one, but I guess not. I remember when this film came out. It was much hyped. I saw it...and was not nearly as impressed as I thought I should be.  It was directed by Richard Stanley,  who was supposed to direct the bizarre 1996 version of THE ISLAND OF DR MOREAU with Marlon Brando, but was fired (but he stayed on secretly, playing a background creature). (This past March, he was accused of domestic abuse, which led to his fall from grace at Severin/SpectreVision.) Someday I may give the film another go. We'll see. 

Despite my less-than-stellar impression of the film, I was very taken by this Italian poster. Zowie! Sold!

THE DEVIL'S RAIN (Italian 2F):
Who doesn't want a giant poster of Ernest Borgnine's face in satanic makeup from the climax of the low budget 70s shocker THE DEVIL'S RAIN? Ha! My flirtation with stunning Italian posters has fluctuated over the years. I avoid them because of their size (especially the 4 Fs), but the art has won me over time and time again.

I know this is anything but PC, but this little blaxploitation gem had me gleefully spending way too much money to obtain it. Oh my stars! What a trashy, exploitative title. "She was loveable...She was mean...Damn mean!" What the hell does that mean? "What would you do if your mama was a hooker?" Oh my!!! A Dinero Production. Ha!  This film is mighty obscure and appears to be a total crapfest, based on its IMDB rating of 2.9. It is available on DVD, but from Desert Island Classics or Synergy Archives...which probably means they're public domain crap copies I don't want to pay for. The flick may be trash, but the poster is grindhouse nirvana.

And that is it for now...BUT--be warned--I will be back sooner than you think as I already have another 10 poster added to my collection and have started the next post. (In fact, I've already started the post after THAT!)

So, cha-cha-cha! I'll see you in the not too distant future...



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