Hello! Welcome back to the SHOCK-O-RAMA POSTER SHOW! Happy spring...and how are you? I hope all is well. And thank you for coming. Today's batch o' posters are okay. There's nothing I am super excited about this round, but the
next posting (which--Gasp!) is pretty much done and features (I think) more interesting movie paper. Oooooo. No. No hints now. You'll have to come back in mid-April to see. Until then, we can explore the tidbits and curiosities I have ready for you today.
Let's take a closer look...
I know this film is supposed to be bad. I haven't seen it yet. But--I am a big SCOOBY DOO fan. I was hoping to see this in the theaters--but the pandemic hit and the film went straight to video instead of pushing back its release. I'll get to it eventually--although I'm not expecting much. This was cheap, so...
It's a double dose of Russ Meyer! I've never seen either of these flicks. The only Russ Meyer I've seen is FASTER PUSSYCAT KILL! KILL! and BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS. However, this double feature was reasonably priced and looks to be dayglow. I wonder if it is? How fun if it is.

I love my James Bond movies...but I am not wild about the posters. Since when? The Timothy Dalton era, the Bond poster (once so stunning with their Robert McGinnis art) became nothing but glorified Photoshop projects. The latest batch for the upcoming NO TIME TO DIE are no exceptions. SNORE! Still, I have a poster for each movie. While I have two of the advances for this one (for the planned April and November releases last year), I didn't have this IMAX version. So... It will never be framed and hung, but...
VIY (Russian re-release):
I got one of these last year (or was it the year before?). It's a re-release (probably 80s, according to eMovieposter) for the first Russian horror movie, VIY. I was going to send my original copy to a friend I have in Russia who said he loved the flick as a kid, watching it on television. But... I never got around to sending it, largely because I liked the poster so much. So...I got another copy and will be sending this off soon. (Maybe...)
I probably already have one of these...but for some reason I think the one I have has issues. I'm not sure. I threw it in the basket to round a purchase. What the heck?

Okay--me getting this was a given. I like my HERCULES flicks and I am a big Jayne Mansfield fan. I have the Italian poster (which makes no mention of Jayne being in it, despite the fact she plays TWO roles in the film), but had never seen this version until I stumbled on it quite by accident. Jayne's hubby Mickey Hargitay gives the Hercules role a shot. (Mickey's battle with a largely immobile three-headed dragon is so pathetically awesome - awful.) It's a pretty bad flick, but... I dig it. And I HAD to get this.
This flick comes from legendary sleazemeister Jess Franco. Recently unearthed, brushed off and brought back into the spotlight via Severin Films on DVD and BluRay, I decided to pick this poster up when I ran across it for a number of reasons. First, it is a country of origin poster. Second, it was Franco and cheap (The two are sort of synonymous. Ha!) Third, anyone recognize the obvious theft of the hand with the knife artwork from the HALLOWEEN one sheet? Ha! Although I have the film on DVD (I got it on closeout--$3.95. Why not?), I have not had the chance to see it yet. However, I had not seen this poster before buying the flick. The photo images on the poster, the costumes and the set piece shown made me realize (just now as I am writing this) that this is Franco's (AWFUL--in my opinion) flick EXORCISM (aka DEMONIAC). Crap...
Of my trio of Spanish posters today, I do not recall which I stumbled upon first. I wasn't looking for any of them in particular. I just happened upon them. I have no paper on REPULSION, and this poster--although not great--wasn't repulsive to me...and the price was nice. It's from 1974, but I don't know if that means it was a re-release or if the film never made it to Spain until then. (Although it is referred to as "la obra maestra de Roman Polanski" or Roman Polanski's masterpiece and also "ahora en version doblada" or now in a dubbed version--meaning it probably is a re-release.) The artwork is by famed Spanish poster artist Jano. Eh...whatever.

Most people would look at this and dismiss it. Why would he want this poster? It's not horror. You are right. It's not. What it is, is one of the hard-to-find Jungle Jim posters. Johnny Weissmuller was the first talking Tarzan...and I really dig the TARZAN series. Once Weissmuller aged out of the role, he was recruited to play adventurer Jungle Jim in a series of 16 films. Weissmuller later also starred in a 26-episode TV version. JUNGLE JIM posters are hard to find and often pricey. I have a rough copy of this one already (so, I am glad to get an upgrade). I also have JUNGLE MOON MEN and CANNIBAL ATTACK. Now just 13 more titles to go. Ha! (Coincidentally, Johnny Sheffield, who played "Boy" in the Tarzan films, also aged out of the role and appeared in a series of 12 films as BOMBA THE JUNGLE BOY.)

GODZILLA VS KONG (International style B):
As I am writing this, GODZILLA VS KONG has not debuted. Even though I hated the last GODZILLA movie, I am a H-U-G-E fan of KING KONG. I'm not expecting much, but am hoping for the best. I am also hoping to see this on the big screen. Hopefully theaters will be re-opening (if they have not already, they will soon) and I'll be able to see this on the big screen, in 3D, (and possibly in 4DX). I've had my first COVID vaccination already and my second was March 23rd--a week before this is due to open. While it is still scary to go out, I'll be more protected and theaters should still be limiting the number of people they allow in. If theaters don't open, I can always catch this at the old drive-in a couple of towns over. I'm guessing GODZILLA will win this match. (KONG won back in the 60s the first time they met up.) That would be a bummer, but...at least it's a KONG movie. (I do like GODZILLA usually, but he's been in several lame movies...)

And that's it for today. But be sure to return in mid-April. I hope you like the goodies I have prepared for you then...and that the pieces I shared today were not too disappointing.
Get your vaccinations and stay safe. The pandemic is (hopefully) winding down.
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