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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #4

Tickets! Get your tickets! The Shock-O-Rama poster Show is back again...and about to start! Don't push. Don't crowd. There's plenty o' room inside to get a gander at today's offering of "new" (to me) vintage posters. 

Quick! Quick! Find a seat! The lights are starting to dim... The show is about to begin.



I think I have another copy or two of this poster...but I'm not sure.  I've never seen this flick and know nothing about. Why buy it? The art makes it look like it's in 3D...although there's no mention of it on the poster. Is it a 3D flick? I have no idea. I can't find much...well, ANY...information about the film.  But, gimmick whore that I am, I had to get a copy (or two or three or...), just in case. It was cheap anyway. Love that the theater depicted in the poster art looks like a former movie palace turned grindhouse. So appropriate. Ha!

THE RIPPER (video poster):
Ugh. I didn't need this. I was going after other items...and saw this to pad the package out. I bid on it...and was outbid on the other items I was originally after. ARGH! That happens far too often. Ha! This is the video poster (there was no theatrical release) for one of the early shot-on-video flicks during the VHS era. Special effects make-up super star Tom Savini stars...sort Jack the Ripper. (You gotta wonder how he got himself involved in this production. Hmm.)

I have NO IDEA what this movie is about. But HEADLESS ENTANGLEMENT? Obviously this isn't something that played at your local multiplex. I stumbled on this (and the poster below). This appears to be a poster that was printed for a local showing of the film in Colorado (based on the poster below). I thought it was unusual and unique...and cheap. Why not?

This is the poster that attracted me to buying the poster above. Apparently the films played on succeeding nights at a place called The Gorehound's Playground in Colorado. I looked it up. It's a video store with a small theater, apparently. With a poster totally inspired by (read "ripped off from") the movie "GRINDHOUSE", strange movies and interesting verbiage ("Two nights filled with Norwegian madness" and  "2 sick movies in 1 go"), I quickly decided that it would be a fun lil' purchase. Why not? I just wish that an individual poster for CHRISTMAS CRUELTY had been available as well. Oh well... These will probably never see the light of day anyway...


This wacky STAR WARS-inspired space epic is sooooo cheesy. I already have a copy (or two or three) of this poster. This was actually a free bonus poster that arrived with another poster I bought. How nice. What a cast! Caroline Munro (in that amazing outfit)! Christopher Plummer! Joe Spinell! A pre-fame David Hasselhoff! Marjoe Gortner (ha!)! Music by John Barry! Directed by Lewis Coates (aka Luigi Cozzi)! 

I am fairly certain I have one of these already. I don't know why I went for a second copy, especially since the drawn style of poster is the one I prefer. Oh well. It wasn't that expensive and I couldn't pass it up. Fresh from their co-starring underground smash, ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN, Udo Kier is Dracula and Joe D'Allesadro appears as a handyman who de-"wirgin"-izes some young ladies the count has his eye on.

TO THE DEVIL ...A DAUGHTER (British one sheet):
Nastassja Kinski was only 14 when she starred in this Hammer Films produced horror flick, based on a Dennis Wheatley novel. Richard Widmark, Christopher Lee, Honor Blackman, and Denholm Elliott also star. I don't think I had the British one sheet yet (which is different from the US poster), so...I picked it up. I didn't need it though. Perhaps the devil (or his daughter?) made me do it.

Ha! This is a poster for a porn movie apparently.  No, I've not seen it. I'm sure what I imagine it to be like (the sex ray from an alien invasion?) and what it really is like  are too different things...and I'd be disappointed. Big John Holmes stars. Zowie! I do dig the giant eyeball staring down with the ray (?) coming from it, though.

THE EMPIRE STRIKE BACK (1982 re-release):
Hmm. I recently stumbled on another surprisingly affordable STAR WARS series poster. I'm not a fan, but know they can be worth some bucks sometimes,  so... I picked this up. It's only a re-release. But, I do think this was the first re-release? It's not mint. It has some wear and staple holes, but it's not in bad shape at all. 

This was a lucky/cheap pickup. This poster is an alternate title for the flick THE ASTROLOGER that Severin recently gave new life to. I haven't seen THE ASTROLOGER/THE SUICIDE CULT yet, but I still feel lucky (hopefully) to have snagged this poster. The credits are a snipe that has been glued on top of other credits, but it is hardly noticeable.

Congratulations...You've made it through another show. Now WAKE UP, wipe the drool off of your chin and the arm rest, and go out into the fresh, clean air, and be glad to be alive (and glad to be leaving the poster show. Ha!).

Thank you for visiting. Stay safe, See you next time.



  1. NEATO Starcrash is one of my favorites. Andy Warhol's Dracula is another favorite.

    Calling Monster Island

    1. There are LOTS of great movies out there...and LOTS of great posters to go with them...


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