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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #2


Hello there and thanks for coming to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show, but... UGH! I am so annoyed with myself... I was hoping to avoid buying more C-R-A-P I don't need this year...and here I am with, yes, a bunch o' crap posters I don't need. The first one was a that doesn't count. The 2nd poster, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th I really could have done withOUT. With the exception of one title that was ruined in shipping, they were NOT repeats of previous purchases, at least. Heck, I'm not even sure I needed the 8th or 10th poster either... Waaagh! Waaaaagh! Oh well, it is what it is. I'll just have to be more careful in my next batch. (However, I've already started it off with an interesting but ultimately unnecessary/unneeded poster. Hmm...)

Well... You've been warned. Have you got your peepers warmed up? Take a look at this batch if you'd like -- or don't.


This poster, believe it or not, was a freebie of sorts. It was used as packing material around a pair of posters I bought (somewhere below). Ha!


I really enjoyed the wonderfully bad original ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES (the poster of which I have framed and hanging). Amazingly, there were three sequels and an animated TV series based on the zany film. I never saw the TV show, but I have slogged through the sequel films...and I must say they are crap...especially KILLER TOMATOES STRIKE BACK. Zzzzz. This is a video poster. I don't think this even had a theatrical release, order to complete the collection (ho-hum...) , the video poster will have to do. John Astin was in all of the sequels as Professor Gangrene. (Snore...) (At least he got a job...) The poster art is juvenile at best--just like the movie.


This is the first KILLER TOMATOES sequel---and the video release poster. It did play theatrically (and I do have the poster for that), but I like this video poster better than the theatrical version. I like the play off of RAMBO although no tomatoes grow bodies and become renegade commandos as the poster might suggest. This (and the subsequent sequels)  is NOTHING like the original film. I just saw this not too long ago. It was bad (as I remembered). However, a very young George Clooney is one of the stars...and seeing him as a clueless young 80's adult is amusing in an "I can't believe that's George Clooney" kind of way. I had one of these already, but it was ruined in the mail---there's a nasty wrinkle down the left side from top to bottom. This is a replacement.


I wanted to see this, know, pandemic and all. This is like a horror twist to the old FREAKY FRIDAY premise. Instead of a mom and daughter switching bodies, we have a serial killer and his intended female victim switching places. Very clever idea. I would love to see Vince Vaughn acting as if he had the soul of a college co-ed in him. (Shades of Jack Black at a ditzy blonde in the JUMANGI film, perhaps?) But, lame poster...and nothing I really needed (unless I see the movie and love it?)

What is this? I don't think I had ever heard of this flick when I came across this poster. Walking dead? Count me in...but what a aesthetically challenged poster (i.e. it's UGLY). It was cheap...but I don't know what the hell I was thinking...


In 2019, I got to visit Russia and meet a friend there. I had left my travelling companions in London and gone alone. Yes, I spent time with my friend, but he works nights and sleeps during the the bulk of my time there was spent alone. But I had an amazing adventure---and saw and did so much on my own at my own pace. Not long after returning, I saw the original VIY, Russia's first horror film. On a Russian kick for a while, I got a re-release poster of VIY from (which I was thrilled to get). When I got it, I noticed this poster available as well. I have no connection to this poster at all. I'd at least seen VIY. This just has cool art and is Russian. I got this recently...but really, I didn't need this at all. 


Believe it or not, I had not gotten a copy of THE STEWARDESSES in 3D before now. (At least, I don't think I did...) I'm a H-U-G-E vintage 3D this is a groovy score for me. Although I have it on BluRay, I have yet to watch it. I still need to somehow find a 3D TV. Ha! THE STEWARDESSES was a huge hit. It was made for $100,000 and grossed $25 million. It also inspired the stewardess subgenre of exploitation films that filled the screens of drive ins throughout the 70s. But the really interesting thing about this flick is that, even though it was released in 1968, the producers kept filming new things and adding them in, deleting other stuff, of changing things around throughout the life of this flick until it stopped its initial theatrical run in 1971. There was later an XXX version with porno inserts. I wonder which version(s) are on the BluRay. Ha!


I am reasonably sure I haven't seen this...and yet, I have a vague memory of seeing a zombie movie set in a strip club.  Can there be more than one zombie stripper movie? Ha! This is rolled, not folded. It was made to look distressed as if it were folded, but it wasn't. There were a lot of bootlegs floating around of this title. I hope this isn't, but mine is single sided and may very well be a fake. Hmm. Oh well. I really didn't "need" this. Did I?


"Experience FEEL-A-VISION!" Oh my stars! FINALLY!!! I have been after one of these for literally decades, since reading about it in THE GOLDEN TURKEY AWARDS book years ago. YOU is a lost adult film (I think it's just a nudie, but it may be porn). The "star" of the picture is YOU. It's a gimmick movie (Feel-A-Vision) and the gimmick, as best I can make out, is that the camera takes on the perspective of the main character of the film...which is also the viewer...basically the camera is the point of view. Easy but clever....and unfortunately lost! I've only seen a couple of these over the years and have always been outbid. I pounced on this one. It's a little rough here and there, but I am.thrilled to have it. The gimmick also reminds me of the bit from KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE where the guy goes to see a movie presented in FEEL-A-ROUND, where an usher stands behind the movie goer and does things to him (grabs his collar, slaps him, lights a cigarette, etc.) that happen on the screen. Ha!

THE INVISIBLE MAN (Egyptian 2010 re-release):

I think I am happy with this purchase... Yes, it is a re-release poster...and yes, it is from Egypt with Egyptian writing on it (to the left of the word "Man"). However, the fact that they used the original poster artwork made this appealing to me. A) It IS an authentic movie poster. B) It utilizes that original artwork  C) It is not just a "print" or an "S2" reproduction. D) It's Universal horror, baby! Sure, the slightly smaller size (25 3/4" x 40") bugs me a little bit, as does the Egyptian writing--but it's still gorgeous. And while it went for a little more than I wanted it to price-wise, it wasn't that bad. I can happily frame and display it with my other, minor Universal horror pieces. I am happy with this, aren't I? Am I? I hope so...but I'm just NOT sure...

Okay---that's it for this time. 

You've survived.  CONGRATULATIONS!!



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