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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #7

Greetings! Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. I really have no money right now and have no business buying anything. However, my birthday was coming up (It's TODAY, actually). As I will spend this birthday alone, trapped in my house with the world held hostage by the coronavirus outbreak, I thought I'd buy myself a few little tidbits and make it a somewhat fun birthday party for one. (And to think, last year I was celebrating in Rome! Ha!)  Oh well. It is what it is...and I'm NOT dead (yet). So, whoo hoo  and happy birthday to me. Let's unwrap my poster presents and see what exciting (or not so exciting...) things I got myself...

CHARLIE'S ANGELS (2019 reboot International version):

UGH!!! Buying this was a total accident. Sure, although I was NOT a fan of the 2019 reboot of CHARLIE'S ANGELS (it had potential, but...), I loved the original series as a kid, I loved the first reboot with Drew Barrymore (the sequel---eh...), and I actually liked the short-lived remake series that was on 3 or 4 years ago. I did bid on this. As an ANGELS fan in general, I thought it would be nice to have (and is better than the version I scored a while back). So how was buying this an accident if I bid on it? I'll tell you... My computer (desktop) has that auto fill feature, which is sometimes great and sometimes a disaster. I meant to bid $13 at the very most (expecting it to go less than $10 really). When I later checked my bids to see what I was winning, what I was losing and what my top bid amount was, I was startled to see that instead of $13 for CHARLIE'S ANGELS, it said my top bid was $137. CRAP!!!  But I calmed down. CHARLIE'S ANGELS 2019? Who would want it? And then it bumped up from $7 to $10...and then $10 to $13. Eek!  There was no action after that and it got closer and closer to ending...about a minute to go and then $15. Yikes!  The auction reset to five minutes and started counting down again. It was near zero and then...$19. ARGH!!!! Fortunately it did NOT go higher than that---but I so did NOT mean to buy this for that price. Crap...


I have another copy or two of this floating around. Did I need another? NO! UGH! Why do I always do this? GRR. Anyway, for those who may not know, this film is not really a Sinbad flick. It is a Japanese fantasy that has Sinbad-like qualities, so a distributor (American International Pictures) bought it, redubbed and turned it into a Sinbad story. (A similar thing happened to a non-Sinbad Russian folktale movie, SADKO, that magically transformed into a Sinbad flick and was released here as THE MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD.)


I have a couple of copies of this poster. This flick isn't that well known and is certainly low budget,  but I dig it. Fun poster too. Someone also told me that the guy who directed this also played the yeti monster in SHRIEK OF THE MUTILATED. Ha! That is too funny.

LIGHTHOUSE and EVIL DEAD (2002 re-release British quad):

While I  am not familiar with LIGHTHOUSE,  I do know THE EVIL DEAD, of course.  So I thought I should get this...'s not the most exciting quad ever. Oh well....


I stumbled on this cheap poster from an Urban Classics release. Urban Classics is that studio that pumped out films like SLAVEGIRLS FROM BEYOND INFINITY and SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL-A-RAMA during the VHS era, with many of their movies, like this one apparently,  getting theatrical releases.  I'd never heard of this title though. Any good?


This is a smaller-sized one sheet, cheaply printed. I'm not sure if this is re-release with a re-titling or an original release with an alternate title. Either way,  I'm delighted to have a piece of cinematic sleaze history.  This film is notorious for its cheapness and exploitation factor. Wish I could track it down and see it. Oooo! Look and ye shall find. Apparently Code Red released this on BluRay a while back and there was one waiting for me uber-cheap on eBay. Fabulous!

HAWK, THE SLAYER (British quad):

I came across this recently but have never seen the movie. I quickly read about it before I bought the poster. It sounds like bad movie paradise.  I snatched it up and am anxious to see the flick. Is it the wondrous crapfest I hope it is? The DVD is on its way to me, so I can find out for myself. Yippie!


I already have a bad copy of this poster. It is a bad copy because it got seriously munched in the mail and I've been after one ever since. I've not seen Dario Argento's DRACULA 3D, but I have heard it's no SUSPIRIA. I've actually heard it's crap. BUT it IS an Argento film and, sucker that I am for gimmicks, it's a poster for a 3D film. I'm happy to finally get a nice copy.

FROM BEYOND (Spanish):

A long while back, I accidentally bought a pressbook (instead of a poster) for the Spanish release of FROM BEYOND with this same artwork. At the time, I thought I WAS buying a poster. Oops. I blame it on my lack of understanding of Spanish. But who cares now that I actually DO have the poster? Ha! Wild, way-out art. Freaky cool.

NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1978 re-release British quad):

Zowie! Just a few weeks (months?) back, I bought one of these that turned out to be a fake reprint. I got a refund from the seller (who later said he had gotten it from T.LocePosters. Duh! Beware!), but I still wanted this particular poster. Lo' and fell into my lap-o-rama the other evening. Hooray! I trust this one is legit as it is coming from Heritage. Happy birthday, self.

And that is it for now. Nothing super exciting (except I really wanted that NOTLD poster. Hooray!), but... Thanks for joining me for my virtual birthday. I hope you had a swell time. I know I did.


PS You may want to give my Instagram a visit. It's at: 


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