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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #6

Hi there. Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. The last time we met, I announced that I was stepping back from poster shopping for a while---and was actually planning to weed out my collection and send stuff off to auction, as I was getting into dire financial straits. Then the coronavirus situation happened. Crap. Selling things is on hold. Because I am a nurse and will probably have to deal with the virus directly in the very near future, I decided to go ahead and prep the next Shock-O-Rama Poster Show (even though there isn't much in it) in case I get sick. I am older, with underlying health issues and other words, I fit the profile of 70% of those who have died so far. Yep, I'm SCREWED.

Is this my swan song? I certainly hope NOT. It's not the best example to go out on. We will have to wait and see (but if I never post again--um--you'll know why...).

Let's take a look and see what (CRAP) I have today...


This was part of a lot of posters all containing the word "Who" in the title. It is a dull poster and I am sure I have another copy somewhere. This is not even a shot of the actual poster---just one to fill the void for now. The auction house didn't bother to take a photo of it---that's how unexciting this poster is. Oh well.


I have a copy of this already. Shelly Winters, Mark Lester, Ralph Richardson and Lionel Jeffries star in this forgettable early 70s horror.


Sal Mineo and Juliet Prowse star in this flick (and poster). I've never seen the flick (I can't find it) but have heard good things about it. Any good?  (Never mind. Found a bootleg DVD place online that has it and I've given it an order...)

HALLOWEEN (2007 remake):

This (and the 2 below) were at auction and I scored the lot of them for $1 (with a $19 buyer's premium, of course). I was NO FAN of the Rob Zombie HALLOWEEN flicks, but I do have to say that the poster for the 2007 HALLOWEEN was nicely done.  I have one already...but why not a cheap extra copy? Why not indeed.

HALLOWEEN 2 (2009 remake teaser):

I disliked the HALLOWEEN remake, but the HALLOWEEN 2 remake was beyond awful. What the hell was with that ghost horse???  HUH???  Whatever...

HALLOWEEN 2 (2009 remake advance):

This is the reason I bought the three HALLOWEEN poster lot. NOT that I liked the movie (HATED IT), but although I am sure I have the other style of poster for this sequel, I am NOT sure I had this style. I do now. DONE.


I love my EXORCIST ripoffs. My fave would be BEYOND THE DOOR, probably...but this one is a close 2nd. Mario Bava is uncredited as the director because his film, LISA AND THE DEVIL, (although it is a nifty film as it is) was deemed unreleasable. It taken back, re-tooled, had some new exorcism crap added in and a different ending added on and voila...HOUSE OF EXORCISM. Telly Savalas walks around with a lollipop as a creepy butler. Elke Sommer goes full on Linda Blair and vomits up frogs. Robert Alda (Alan's dad) is the exorcist. It's very Italian/European, but also very different. I have one of these posters already...but this one went for only $1 (plus the $19 buyer's premium). Zowie! Why buy it? Was it the power of Christ compelling me or did the devil make me do it? Either way, I am happy to have yet another copy.


Did I need this? It was just affordable, so...into the future resell pile it goes. (Hmm... How long before the newer STAR WARS titles start to get pricey? Or will they?) Eh... probably wasted the cash on this one. Oh well...


I had never heard of this flick before stumbling on to this daybill. Vincent Price stars (or perhaps it is just a glorified cameo?). I appreciate the double meaning in the tag line: "The movie that took a lot of guts to make." Clever... I can't seem to find a release of it over here though. Hmm.


I am most excited about this poster. As a big disaster movie fan, I was delighted to finally snag a copy of the one sheet for this 1939 flick. It is actually available on BluRay and I just got a copy, so hopefully I'll get to watch it very soon. I'm NOT expecting much, but am still thrilled I'll get to see it.

That is all I have this time.

I hope you are all healthy and that you can avoid COVID 19 like, well... avoid it like the plague.

Stay safe. Social distance. WASH YOUR HANDS. Stay ALIVE.



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