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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 # 21

Oh my stars! October has already ended (I sort of 'missed" Halloween this year. Waaagh!) and November is already being whittled away. Soon it will be December and the holiday season will be in full swing. O' the horror of it all. Because I didn't give you a Halloween post this year, I'll throw in an extra poster this time as a special post-Halloween treat (or maybe to give you a little pre-Thanksgiving gluttony?).

Okay---get to your seat. The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show is beginning now!


I probably have this...but I am just NOT sure. I had to get one (just in case) just for the 3D element. I'm such a sucker for a gimmick!!!


Oh my stars! Major senior moment. I had NO RECOLLECTION of winning this poster (or two others on this posting), until I went to pay for things on eMovie Thursday night following their final Halloween auction for the season. When I went to pay, there were some things already sitting in the Pay & Hold area. There were the two different cool GHOST STORY posters I shared in my previous poster post from October 17th. But I had won this with the GHOST STORY posters on October 10th. It should have been the first poster slapped on to this new post...but wasn't. I had completely forgotten about it. (Well, it is a rather forgettable poster for what is probably a forgettable movie as well. Anyone see this?) But that's not the worst of it. Also in my Pay & Hold were two other posters (below somewhere) I had won on eMovie on October 8th. Oops! To my defense, October was a rather busy month for me. I did a lot of traveling. I was in San Diego for a week, Los Angeles for several days and then went off to Oregon for another week. I was home only long enough to work a few days and get to a doctor's appointment or two. But WOW!  Forgetting three posters entirely? CRAZY!


I've never seen this, but think it has somewhat of a cult following. Although he is not listed on the poster, I believe RICHARD "JAWS" KIEL is in this flick, too. It was fairly cheap... Why not?


This is one of the "forgotten" posters mentioned above that I "won" on October 8th. I was completely oblivious (although I had paid for it already, thank goodness.) I've never seen this. I have no idea if this is some R-rated titillating retelling of the classic tale or a full blown porn opus -- nor do I care. She's not listed on the credits of the fotobusta, but according to the eMovie listing, Uschi Digard is in this. 

ADDAMS FAMILY (2019 Advance):

This movie looks fun and I am surprised I have not seen it (yet). I am a bit disappointed though that Thing is portrayed as a disembodied hand as he was in the live action flicks with Anjelica Houston and Raul Julia. I always thought the way it was portrayed on the TV series was creepier. You never knew what THING was attached to. Oh well. This still looks like a hoot and I couldn't resist the poster.


With few exceptions, I usually do not buy posters for sequels. However, as pedestrian as this poster is (snore), I did enjoy the first film tremendously and thought the sequel was pretty fun, too. Still, I had no interest in buying this...until I saw it listed super cheap with postage included. Sold!


I decided to score one of these before they went crazy high and were totally out of reach. As I've said before, I am no STAR WARS fan. I'll probably see this (weeks after it comes out). The poster does have me curious as to how they handle Leia (she is pictured on the poster and in the trailers) and Lando Calrissian (I spy Billy Dee on the poster as well) and Luke (Hmm...No sign of him on the poster). I'm glad this series is FINALLY ending (but you know it will NOT be the last STAR WARS film ever). 


FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE FINAL CHAPTER  and THE KEEP ( combo Japanese B2):

This is the other poster I completely forgot "winning" not too long back. Hooray! I believe I own the Japanese B2 posters for FRIDAY THE 13TH parts 1-3 as well. 



When I won this on Thursday night, I remember thinking to myself that I knew I had the B2s for FRIDAY THE 13TH 1-3...I just needed one for PART 4 now. Imagine my surprise when I logged on to pay for this and saw that I DID have a Part 4, but had just forgotten about it. Ha!  Now that I have all five of them, what am I going to do with them? Ha!


Oh my stars! I can NOT believe I landed this. I've always preferred the British title (especially when paired with BLOOD FOR DRACULA/ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA) and the British artwork. Zowie! I'll have to track down a BLOOD FOR DRACULA quad now (although the one sheet for the original release of ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA is AWESOME!) so I can have the pair together. Zowie! Truly awesome!


I was bidding on this on eMovie's Halloween auction...and lost it within minutes of the auction's close. (I wasn't watching it for the last few minutes...ARGH!) However, I looked and found this copy (described as in "excellent condition". We will see...) on eBay not long after for just a few dollars more than I lost it for. The picture isn't that good and normally I might wait for a copy I was sure was in ":excellent condition". However, after starring at the one on eMovie for a long while over the last week, I knew I had to have this NOW! Aside from the cool art, the poster is hilarious. Aside from the top blurb ("Behind the tents and tinsel of a Monster Midway something barbaric occurs on the Alley of Nightmares"), the other verbage made me laugh out loud. "All the more appalling in color" and (my favorite) "Filmed on the actual locations where it COULD have happened" sold me. HA! The film itself is fun anyway. It is kind of an unauthorized remake of FREAKS, right down to the shock ending. Whoo hoo!

Okay gang, the show is over (for now). No more tricks up my sleeve tonight. In fact, this MIGHT be my last new poster post of the year. We will see. 

Have a great holiday season and thank you so much for visiting. 

Until next time...



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