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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2024 #2


Hi there! Yes, I am B-A-C-K! And I’ve been bad… I’m NOT even back home yet (I’m still visiting in California until next Saturday.), and yet here I am with another Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. Oh my… 
(Uh, in my defense, I do have to point out what will become obvious as we work through these, that they are far (FAR) from being some of the more interesting posters I’ve scored of late. In fact, as you’ll see, these are certainly very bottom tier posters (and were CHEAP). However, I was thrilled to get them (lover of trash flicks that I am).  But let’s not dilly dally. I need to get to bed at some time tonight…and the lights are dimming. Quick! Grab a seat. The show is about to begin…

I have one of these already (otherwise it would be further down the list). Why get another? At the moment, I do not recall the particulars, but I do recall my copy had issues that I was not fond of. A replacement was needed and it didn’t take me nearly five million years to find another. On the contrary. It took hardly any time at all.

I am reasonably sure I have this Italian CONAN THE BARBARIAN ripoff already. It was cheap and I as trying to get another poster from the dealer. To make postage cheaper, I thought I’d go for it. I lost the other poster but ended up with this and the one below. Isn’t that always the way? Ha! No big deal. I dig my ripoff trash flicks.
Here’s the other poster I won but didn’t need. Like the THOR one, it was cheap. I’ve never seen the flick—and heard it wasn’t all that great. But look at that interesting cast! Rachel Ward, Adrian Zmed, Daryl Hannah, Joe Pantoliano, etc. Ha! I’ve seen the poster a zillion times. It’s not bad—I’ve just never had an interest in getting it. 

Okay. Laugh away. I am rather bemused that there is a new prequel (!?!) to THE OMEN. I believe this poster is an advance. Hopefully there will be a final poster with more interesting art. I’m a sucker. I’ll go see it — and I’ll expect it to be awful. I’ve seen all of the OMEN movies (including the pointless remake) and the short-lived TV series, DAMIAN (which I actually liked). I’ll gladly see this too. But a prequel set in modern times?? Uh…that won’t work, I don’t think, in the context of what the film series has presented so far. We will see…

THE BEES (International):
Here is one I have been passively after for a long while. It’s the international poster for THE SWARM ripoff, THE BEES. Unfortunately for THE BEES, Irwin Allen’s big budget insect disaster flick had no sting at the box office and was a huge flop-o-rama. THE BEES kind of disappeared in its wake. The US one sheet is lame—-sort of a close up of a bee’s face. This one has laughably bad art (To me, it looks like some kid in middle school drew it.), but that’s also why I’ve wanted this version. 


Did I need this? No. But I liked the colors, I liked the artwork, and I like the film. It was also cheap. (I had NO IDEA, by the way, that the movie had recently been re-released. Such is the sheltered life I lead on my island in the cold Pacific Northwest.

This hasn’t come out yet, but I am not expecting to like it. I liked the poster. It was cheap. I’m not gonna bother with the final release version. I may not even see the movie. I know, I know… It’s by Diablo Cody, who wrote and won an Oscar for JUNO. I get it. However, JUNO is precisely WHY I may pass on this flick altogether. Yes, JUNO was funny. But Oscar worthy? I wasn’t that big of a fan of JUNO because every character (the teens and the adults, even the older adults) all sounded like the SAME person. They all had the same exact snarky wit about them. To me, that got tiresome after the first half hour or so. I hope that LISA FRANKENSTEIN does not fall into the same trap. But then again, as I said, I probably won’t bother.

DON’T RING THE DOORBELL (aka THE MAFU CAGE re-titled re-release):
Ha! How utterly excited I was when I came across this poster. It’s a retitled rerelease of the odd Carol Kane/Lee Grant flick THE MAFU CAGE. While I am sure I have a copy of THE MAFU CAGE poster (However, I do NOT see one in my poster blog. Perhaps I got one before starting it?), I wanted this poster because it just makes the film look more cheesy and more exploitative than it is. DON’T RING THE DOORBELL. Ha! Hilarious title and I love the font. This movie seemed to show up all of the time in my town under the original title, under this title, and once under the name MY SISTER MY LOVE. (Is there a one sheet for that? I’d love to track it down.)


Whoo hoo!! Although I got the advance one sheet for this 80s holiday slasher throwback, I was thrilled that there was a final release version, too. I honestly did not expect one. I enjoyed the flick for what it was. It was NOT as good as the fake trailer it sprang from, but it was still a nice attempt at making an 80s slasher-style flick based around a holiday.


I had never heard of this flick—and it only came out last fall. Did it play all over or just in a few venues? I came across the poster and snatched it up. I actually bought two copies—all the seller had. I was just so intrigued by the image. Unfortunately the posters got a bit damaged in shipping. (GRRR.) However, I kept them as I have not been able to find any other copies anywhere. Most curious. Still, it is an interesting image…

And… that’s my ten for this time. Now to get back home to Washington so I can deal with them all… Ha!
Stay groovy.
(Poster) Addictedly yours…

PS Oh wait! I forgot to share my latest movie poster-inspired mail art with you. Here’s a sample:

If you’d like to see the latest mail art offerings, click HERE!


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