Welcome back! I certainly did NOT expect to have any further posts with new purchases this 2023 calendar year, but here we are. Granted, most of these are holdover purchases from my temporary poster-buying insanity in October. I’d expected those to be the foundation for whatever post I kicked off the new year with. But now? I had a few more pick ups… Why hold back? Let’s send 2023 out with a real BANG! Christmas came a little early this year.
Uh oh… The lights are dimming. Take your seats. Let’s see what I have for you this time…
Not a great poster, but one I’ve been after for a while. This flick is an exploitationer from legendary B man Ted V. Mikels (CORPSE GRINDERS, ASTRO-ZOMBIES, BLOOD ORGY OF THE SHE-DEVILS, etc.). I saw it years ago. I don’t remember much other than that there is a girl (who wears gold go-go boots) who is a dancer (and maybe sings?) and is somehow involved in the criminal underworld. Like a lot of Mikels’ films…it doesn’t leave an indelible mark. It’s more like a hazy fog. I do remember liking the film okay. One thing I DO recall is that there are fleeting scenes inside of the cool-looking, but long-gone Hollywood nightclub, THE HAUNTED HOUSE (Also seen in IT’S A BIKINI WORLD). I have several posters for Mikels’ films, so…
This was an awesome movie back in the day (1982…Junior year of high school). Unfortunately I haven’t bothered to track it day for a revisit. Perhaps I should? I’ve been casually looking for the poster since then…and they always seemed to get pricier than I want to pay. Then this one popped up. It’s a tri-folded poster that’s had some wrinkling at the top. Framing should cover it (or most of it), if I ever were to frame it. But those folds and few wrinkles helped me score this one relatively cheaply. Hooray!
Another fairly cheap one. I’d never seen this poster before or even heard of the flick. It’s clearly a horror flick and, I’m guessing, it had a limited release—making the poster a bit on the rare side. Perhaps that’s why it (thankfully) did not get a lot of interest at auction—and became mine! Yippie! (Or maybe the movie just sucks…)
I’ve really backed away from foreign posters over the last several year. However, I have always found this French NIGHTMARE sequel poster fun…and it went fairly inexpensively. Zowie! It’s a nightmare, er… dream come true.
I already scored one of these several years ago. However, vertical fold had almost completely split . Ugh… No thanks. But I hung on to it, hoping to score a replacement at a decent price. This is it. And I believe I got it for less than I got that first one several years ago. Yowza! This is a crap film, but hello? John Carradine, Allison Hayes, and Tor Johnson? Yes, please!
I could have sworn, sworn, SWORN I had one of these (and I just might…). However, when I saw this at auction, I looked though my blog. Nope. No sign of one. That doesn’t mean I didn’t have one BEFORE I started blogging, but…just in case….I got this one. Again—it wasn’t all that expensive. Hooray! Lucky me!
ONE MILLION YEARS B.C. (Re-released as
BLONDE SAVAGE (double bill)
:Zowie! Is this a find? I’m not sure—but I am delighted with it. This is an eBay find of the 1957 re-release of the original Victor Mature prehistoric drama (whose 60s remake would put Raquel Welch and her fur bikini on the map). Oddly (or maybe not so—lots of films were reissued under different names to score a bit more cash) it was called CAVE MAN. It was co-billed with something called BLONDE SAVAGE…but, of course, I wanted it for the dinosaur action. I looked it up on eMovie. They had a poor condition one sheet about 8 years ago that didn’t sell for much…and then a partial 3-sheet. (There was also a press kit.) That was it. I looked at Heritage. I didn’t find ay listing for it at all. Despite the poster being for a re-release (and retitled to boot), there don’t appear to be many of these around. So…yippie for me!
I have…er, had one of these. When I finally got around (long after owning it) to opening it up to frame (It hadn’t seen the light of day since I’d purchased it.), I was horrified to discover that the poster was ripped and missing its lower third! UGH! That started the several years long search for a replacement. Yahoo! I got this one—-complete and whole.
Here’s a curiosity… I had never heard of DEVIL BAT’S DAUGHTER before. Looking it up, I see that it is a loose sequel to Bela Lugosi’s DEVIL BAT (the main character is his daughter—but Bela is nowhere to be seen). However, it is apparently NOT a horror movie (although it was clearly marketed as if it were one. Hello? “Blood red lips…hungry for love but cursed by the brand of the vampires!” WOWser!). Despite the poster having issues, I got it at a decent enough price…and it does seem to be a rather obscure title. Why not?
And here we are…back with the dinosaurs! What a fantastic and colorful poster for a cheesy and black & white movie. I wish it weren’t on linen, but as I said before—at this stage of the game, I have to get what I can find. I have been after one of these for a long, long time…
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my 10 for this post. This really, REALLY should be my last post of new purchases for the year as I am still crashing, er…uh… “wintering” with a friend in California. I don’t go home until mid-February. While some posters are heading this way now (How will I explain them? Uh…), I just canNOT overwhelm his mailbox with my crap, er, uh…artful treasures!
Thanks for stopping by for this unexpected showing. Happy holidays!
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