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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2023 #3


If you survived my last god-awful post and came back for more (Glutton for punishment?), fear not. (Well...) While my (ultra l-o-w) budget does not allow me to buy anything stellar or "OMG-I've-wanted-that-for-so-long" incredible, but I got a few new things anyway. Some are eh...whatever, some are repeats, and some I am glad to have! Well...don't let me build up your hopes. (There are a fair number of turds here. Truly.) Get your ticket (They're CHEAP!), grab a chair, sit back and let's get this episode of the poster show going. Last chance to duck out...the lights are dimming. Here we go-go...


This was a free one from the box of giveaway posters at my local theater. I'll gladly take it, but... Snore. NEXT.


I don't remember exactly if the first sequel to SCANNERS ever got a theatrical release or not. I don't believe it did. I DO have the one sheet for the original film. I came across this--and it was cheap--and thought, why not? I saw the flick back in the VHS days, but don't remember much about it. It was my impression though that it was pretty much a carbon copy of the first flick. Was it? Hmm. The poster is dull -- but as a bonus, it lists the video releasing company, Media, which put out a lot of great stuff back in the day (like the original HALLOWEEN)! Cheap poster--cheap thrills.


I'm not sure exactly how many SCANNERS sequels and spin-offs there were, Is SCANNERS-THE SHOWDOWN part 3 or did it come further down the road? I know there was also SCANNER COP (1 & 2). I don't think I caught any of the SCANNERS sequels beyond Part 2, though. This poster was also a cheap-o. I thought why not? But LAME poster. 


This is a video poster. I apparently never saw this. It was only after buying this (and looked up the title) that I realized this was not just another retitling of CHOPPING MALL (aka KILLBOTS) as I had somehow though. (I'd seen CHOPPING MALL decades ago on VHS--and have the theatrical one sheet.) They're completely different movies. (No wonder this was so cheap. Ha!)  The only thing they have in common is that thwy were both filmed at the same mall. I didn't remember a phantom-like guy in CHOPPING MALL, but then I don't remember CHOPPING MALL all that well (clearly). Oh well...

A movie starring Bill Pullman, Bill Paxton, Bud Cort, and George Kennedy--and produced by Julie (Mrs. Roger) Corman? How did I miss this curiousity? This is another video poster. Did this play theatrically? 


This was cheap--and I'd never heard of it. It's a video poster as well--but did it ever have a theatrical release? With this poster--and the two above it (all purchased at the same time)--I realized that I was buying posters--not because I "need" or particularly "like" them, but because I was looking for things to fill up a post. Sorry. (I really need to STOP doing crap like that. Some of the free ones from the theater are bad enough...)


I came across this while "shopping." It was cheap and it features the recently deceased 60 sex symbol Raquel Welch. In honor of Raquel, I decided to buy it...only to discover I already had a copy. Oops! (And I've never even seen the movie. Ha!) A while back, I was trying to track down all of  the posters for all of her flicks. I have ONE MILLION YEARS B.C., FANTASTIC VOYAGE, FATHOM, and a few others. I'd really also love to score a MYRA BRECKINRIDGE and a KANSAS CITY BOMBER, but... She may have been in her 80s when she died, but it broke my heart to lose another legend.


Like THE WILD PARTY, I already have a copy of OLD DRACULA. Unlike WILD PARTY, I didn't buy it by mistake thinking I needed one. Hello? I have a copy hanging on my bedroom wall. No...I just really like the poster. It was cheap. Now I have a spare.  I saw this flick when I was a kid in the 70s. (It was on a double bill with FOOD OF THE GODS.) I liked it then, although it didn't seem to hold up (in my opinion) years later when I saw it again. Held up or not, I have always loved the poster (especially the skeleton wearing cat-eye glasses in the coffin). The attempt to make it seem like a sequel to YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN cheapens it a bit, but what the heck? It's fun.


Freebie poster from the theater. I'm not a superhero movie I never saw this--or the first one. But hey--I'll take the poster. It might be worth something someday...


I got one of these awhile back. Why bother getting another (especially when I still have NOT seen it yet)? Because it was FREE at the theater. In fact, I picked up two copies! This is one of the many flicks my little small-town theater previewed, got posters for...and yet NEVER played. ARGH!!!!

PEARL (style A):

I lucked onto a free copy of the poster for X at my local theater. I was not as fortunate with the poster for the prequel, PEARL, which I had to buy. But I was thrilled to find one reasonably-ish priced. I do like how, on this A-style of the poster, they clue you in that this is part of the X series (the big X behind her and the "X-traordinary Origin Story" blurb). There's an ax and some blood splatters...what more do you need?

PEARL (Style B):

I came across this B-style (which I didn't know existed) while shopping. Ooooo I like it, too. The X poster and the PEARL posters have me really interested in the series---which I have NOT seen yet. (Shocker, huh?) I'm even looking forward to the next one, MAXXXINE, based on the positive word-of-mouth these two flicks have generated on their own. Whoo hoo!

And well...that's it. I hope you weren't too disappointed---or bored. I'll end this here--before it gets really bad. Courtesy ape-lause is even too much for this Poster Show. 
I'll try harder next time. 
Thanks for visiting.






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