And...the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show is B-A-C-K! It's been about three months since my last post --- which I totally thought was going to be my final post. I have been occupying my time with a new/old hobby. Years ago (mid-80s -early 2000s) I started doing something on my own that I later found out was a thing called "mail art". Earlier this spring, I "rediscovered" it. Although my hands are starting to be affected by my neuro-muscular disease and I am planning on re-retiring from the hobby very soon, I have been making envelopes to send to friends. Who cares, right? Why mention it here? Because, as a movie poster lover/addict all of my life, most of my envelopes are designed to look like mini, horizontal movie posters for fake (mostly horror) movies. "THE HOUSE ON CEMETERY HILL" and "SLUMBER PARTY EXORCISM" are just some of the titles. If I can't BUY the posters I want--I can always make up my own, right? If you want a peek at my envelopes, I've been blogging them. The most recent one is HERE.
But back to REAL posters. I do have some today. I have the usual 10 and, believe it or not, NOT all of them suck. In fact, many I am quite pleased with. Take a gander if you please...
I know what you are thinking. Why does he need this poster for some animated thing no one will probably remember in 5 years. This poster was FREE. Beggers (ME) can't be chosers. I'll take it.

I am NO fan of the photo poster---but the days of art seem pretty much gone. However, I am looking forward to seeing this adaptation of Joe Hill's BLACK PHONE. I've only read a few of Mr. Hill's books thus far, but he seems like a worthy successor (along with his brother Owne King) to his father's, Stephen King, legacy. I just hope he doesn't inherit the crappy adaptation curse that his father seems to have. Ha! (And...this poster was totally inexpensive.)
HOLOCAUST 2000 (aka THE CHOSEN) (Thai):
I know I saw this flick (under it's US release title of THE CHOSEN), but don't remember much about it other than it was a Euro-flick and a knock-off of THE OMEN. Not that I needed this--but why not? It was cheap ($12). I need something to amuse me now and again.
Ooooo I wanted to see this when it came out. But, of course, I didn't play anywhere near me for MILES. When I went to the little local theater here on the island to see DOWNTON ABBEY (Calm down. I was taking my mom! Jeepers!), they had a small box in the corner from which they were giving away posters. I scored THE BAD GUYS above from the box...and amazingly, THIS one. I guess it may have been booked at one time, but the booking was canceled or something. The movie never played there. (I was watching for it.) I've still yet to see it---but I am thrilled to have scored this poster--for
FREE--for Ti West's slasher flick (is it?) set inside of the porno industry circa the 1970s (???). Sounds amazing.

I only saw this film sometime last year for the first time. I had no idea it was part of the QUARTERMASS series. The one sheet went cheap--which is the only reason I now have it.
SAVAGE STREETS:Linda Blair's career peaked with THE EXORCIST in 1973. Since that time, although I will still watch her in anything (even if her acting is sometimes god-awful), her career has been circling the drain, with movies getting worse and worse and worse (Or better, depending on your perspective--but the quality has certainly lessened). Following THE EXORCIST, she was still A-list for a while with BORN INNOCENT, AIRPORT '75, and SARAH T. - PORTRAIT OF AN TEENAGE ALCOHOLIC. Then EXORCIST II: THE HERETIC came...and it was a nosedive downhill from there. ROLLER BOOGIE, HELL NIGHT, THE LOVE BOAT, FANTASY ISLAND. In 1983, ten years after THE EXORCIST, she had a nude scene in RED HEAT. That was sort of the start of a brief B-Movie renaissance for Ms. Blair. SAVAGE STREETS, the next one to come out, is a gritty little exploitation gem that takes its cues from DEATH WISH. On her IMDB page, after THE EXORCIST, SAVAGE STREETS is shown as her most popular project. Trashy and tasteless, I am thrilled to have this.

I have the other, more common copy of THE FUNHOUSE one sheet (the closeup of the creepy mouth), but this clown version has been ellusive. and far more interesting, I think. Although I might already have one somewhere, I really don't think so. The movie was just okay...but I am glad to get this version of the poster. Hooray!
KINGDOM OF SPIDERS:Beleve it or not, this is an amazingly hard poster to track down. I've been trying to get one for 40 years! Some have popped up over the years, but they were always torn from my grasp one way or another. This copy is not in the best shape ever, but the movie is a grindhouse classic. A less than perfect poster fits in with that grindhouse aesthetic. It will display fine.
THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1982 re-release):
Oh my stars... I got this about the time I posted my quasi-farewell post. I'd had a bid on it then...and, although I didn't expect to win, it became mine. It was only afterwards that I actually paid attention and saw that it was a re-release. Waaaagh. I paid way too much for a re-release (Money I can NOT afford!) The Force was and was not with me that day, I guess. Into a drawer this goes... Hopefully it will be worth more than I paid for it eventually.
THE INVISIBLE MAN (French re-release):
I should NOT have purchased this. Bad, bad, BAD me. However, I am super happy to have it. I had the smaller size already, but have the 1-panel re-release posters for FRANKENSTEIN and BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, so I really wanted an INVISIBLE MAN the same size. It did make some money in my piddly bank account disappear (THE INVISIBLE MONEY?), though... EEEK!

And that is it for now. I WILL be back (hopefully) down the road. Until then, happy poster hunting!+
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