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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2022 #3--the LAST one?

Not that anyone has noticed my absence of late, but the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show has come to a close. What, you say? How can this be? I've come up against so much in the last few years. My neuro-muscular disease is incurable and unstoppable and degenerative. That's the main thing robbing me of my fun and my passions. Now that social security has officially deemed me "disabled" I can just sit back and collect the checks. Is that what you are thinking? Those monthly checks are, for some reason, almost nothing. Yep, somehow I am supposed to live on less than $700 a month. Crazy, huh? I've worked hard all my life, get a disease and am screwed the rest of my days.

But while I live out my bad TV Movie of the Week life (Tonight, a nice man gets a mysterious neuro-muscular disease and his life slowly starts falling apart [all before the first commercial] before dying in the final act!), it looks like I've gotta close down the show. It's hard for my physically ---and I just can't afford it.

But, even though it has been 4 months since I was last here---I do have some new posters to share one last time. Almost all of them are cheap crap. Many of them I'm sure you have seen before. But I do save my one final (?) prize for the end.  Shall we begin this last journey? Here we go...

WITCHCRAFT III (Video poster):

This was a cheap-o-rama purchase....just to buy something to fill up this post. The WITCHCRAFT films, as far as I know, all went directly to video. There are at least 16 movies in the series. I've never seen any of them. I've heard they are really bad...and I wish someone would release the full series...I'd actually watch it I think. (I like trash anyway...) I may actually have another WITCHCRAFT poster or two. I'm not sure... NOBODY else bid on this. Ha!

ROBOT WARS (Video poster):

Another cheapo... I've never heard of it. I needed to add something to this post and it looks quasi-interesting, so...


I have never seen this flick, but someone I used to know had three or four movie posters framed and up on his walls. One was PSYCHO. I can't remember the others at the moment. Poster junkie that I am wanted all of them. I tracked each of them down and got me a copy...with the exception of SCORCHY. As I said, I've never seen it. It looks fab in a cheesy, sleazy, exploitation kind of way. Now I finally have this poster as well. I'll never hang it though. Ha! I have to wonder why I bought it now. 

FRIDAY THE 13TH (Remake):

I have this already, but it was inexpensive and why not? I wasn't a fan of the remake. For my money, it played just like another sequel instead of a retelling. The poster is good, though.


I scored this from an eMovie auction not too long back. It was fairly inexpensive (compared to another US version I got a while back). The same auction had a US version and it went for more than this one did. Canadian. Big deal. I can't tell the difference, really. I'll tuck it away and resell it down the road a piece...

KING KONG (1952 rerelease promotional newspaper):
Here's a nifty promo item for the 1952 re-release of the original KING KONG. The little newspaper will make another nice display piece to add to my other assorted movie junk (3D glasses, Odorama cards, and other gimmicks). Whoo hoo. I dig it.

WEREWOLF OF LONDON (Egyptian re-release):
This is from an Egyptian re-release in the 2000s sometime. I didn't need it, but it is kind of nice having a poster for this old flick (that pre-dates THE WOLF MAN). I have a few other Egyptian re-release posters...DRACULA, FRANKENSTEIN, etc. While not original releases (I'd never be able to afford them) and they do have Egyptian characters on them I'm not wild about...they still are theatrical posters---and not just prints.


I will admit that I'm not the biggest fan of this movie, BUT... I am a fan of the director, Juan Lopez Moctezuma. Although he only directed a handful of movies (and I admit that I have not seen them all), of the three I've seen (He only directed six.), two have been visually very interesting, with one (ALUCARDA) being a pretty remarkable film. Moctezuma was also a producer on Alejandro Jodorowsky's incredible EL TOPO. But this film, MARY, MARY, BLOODY MARY doesn't really work for me. It's the story of a modern artist woman who also may or may not be a sort of vampire. The lack of atmospheric sets (which contributed greatly to ALUCARDA and MANSION OF MADNESS) were sorely missed. Oh well. The poster IS fun.


I dig the cheesy, ultra-low budget OLGA series---they are so bad. While my favorite movie in the series is OLGA'S DANCE HALL GIRLS (even though it has a fake Olga), this one has the best title--OLGA'S HOUSE OF SHAME! Ha! I love it.  I had a copy of this poster YEARS before tracking down the flick. As low-rent as the poster is---it probably cost much more than the actual film. I already have a copy or two--but I just couldn't resist another...

HOMICIDAL (Coward's Corner gimmick):

Oh my STARS!!!! Am I ever so stoked (Do people still say that?) about this! It's a bona fide William Castle gimmick. It's the Coward's Corner used for showings of HOMICIDAL. The movie came with a money back guarantee if you were too scared to see the rest of the movie. If you've ever seen a William Castle flick, you know how pedestrian they are. Too scared to watch the ending? No way. But, to ensure that the film made money and not many refunds were given, this gimmick, the Coward's Corner, was devised. Sure, you could get your money back, but, during the "Fright Break" (when the action of the film stops for 60 seconds), you had to walk down in front of the entire audience and go stand in the Coward's Corner (it has a little window in it as well--so you could be seen while in there.), while everyone in the theater pointed and laughed and knew who the wimp was. Needless to say, not many refunds were given.

I never thought I'd ever see one of these. I have never seen one for sale. I got this relatively cheaply as it is not complete. The panels on the sides are not included. That's okay. I'd never set up a Coward's Corner (It kind of resembled a voting booth---open at the back.) anyway.  (Plus, by being incomplete, it kept the price down and within my grasp!) Having jest this section (the front) is enough. But I also get 10 arrow cards (a sample of which is below) and the instruction kit. I sooooo want to get this puppy framed. It comes in two section, much like a 3 sheet. (The separation is just visible at the bed frame.) 

For me, the lover of gimmicks and huge William Castle fan, this is a most incredible find. 

And that is about it for the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. I do hope to pop up from time to time with Special Editions (i.e. framing stuff or putting posters out on display) and there may be a new acquisition post once in a blue moon. But the time of my monthly, weekly, or sometimes daily posts has come to an end. Thanks for joining me. I always appreciated your visits. Happy poster hunting. CHEERS!


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