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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2022 Special Edition 1: Updates A GoGo



The framing frenzy has continued. Below is a whole new crop of newly framed posters I am anxious to get up on my walls. Take a peek if you like. There's no extra charge!


I only got this poster a few months ago--not long before my move. I had never seen this poster before or heard of this flick. I still have not seen the film, but am thrilled to have this poster and was frantic to find it when I started framing things. It's not the most exciting poster--but it's an older, obscure horror title and that makes it exciting to me.

What a delight to have this rare-ish poster for the obscure MESSIAH OF EVIL. From what I read, the producers of AMERICAN GRAFITTI were making the film and ran out of money--leaving it unfinished. Some enterprising person came along, bought the footage, and assembled what there was of it. The movie doesn't make a whole lot of sense--but it is fascinating to watch anyway. Marianna Hill is a totally underrated part of scream queen horror history. To me, she's like a B-movie Racquel Welch.

I wasn't going to frame anything that wasn't a horror movie. This is clearly sci-fi, but it's simply a stunning poster. (It looks so much better in real life.) Wow! I'd have totally gone to see this back in the day based on the poster alone. (I've never seen this flick---it's apparently not even on disc in my region.)

I am still lacking (and will probably never have) an original GODZILLA poster. But this MOTHRA is stunning. I totally dig Mothra's big, creepy, angry-looking face peering over the title. Zowie!!!

I had previously framed BLOOD FEAST--the first "gore" movie. The rest of my HG Lewis collection I was going to leave unframed--as I have too many other posters that have never been displayed. However, while talking with some guy online about posters on Instagram, he convinced me to frame at least Lewis' 2nd and 3rd horror flick posters as well, to complete the "Blood Trilogy" and because both are so rare. Thank you Fangoria for, back in the day, introducing me to Lewis and his films!

The third film in HG Lewis' unrelated "Blood Trilogy" (I guess his later horror films like THE WIZARD OF GORE or THE GORE-GORE GIRLS don't count?) was COLOR ME BLOOD RED. Although of the three movies, I like this one the least, I must say that I think the poster is much better than BLOOD FEAST or TWO THOUSAND MANIACS. This is the rarest of the three, I believe...and was the hardest for me to track down. 

When I started my post-move framing project, I was not going to frame anything that had been framed before. However, you just can't ignore the classics. Besides, while I know I had this framed before, I don't think I ever had it hung on display. It's only a New Line re-release poster---but that's okay. It is the same art as the original Bryanston poster and, unless you are aware of that (Most people aren't.), you'd never know the difference. I am completely fine with this one.

Another classic (albeit a low rent one) poster I couldn't resist giving a reframe, Bone-crushing terror! Spine-tingling chills! Craptastic movie. Ha!

Yet another classic reframing. ZOMBIE!!!! "We are going to eat you!" Love it. 

I finally got around to actually hanging some posters in the new place. There is a small hallway into my bedroom--the perfect place to slap up EIGHT one sheets! Ha! 

The hall was too narrow to get the best photo of my efforts---but you get the gist of it.

And here is a final panorama shot that kind of captures it all. From left to right on the top: THE REDEEMER, EYEBALL, ORGY OF THE LIVING DEAD, INVASION OF THE BLOOD FARMERS. (Bottom): ZOMBIE, TOURIST TRAP, BASKET CASE, THE GATES OF HELL.

I added some of my framed collections to walls.
The top one is a presentation of some of the gimmicks I've collected, The top is an unused pair of ZOMBIE EYES glasses given out during the showing of PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES. Below that are two Witch Deflector coins (showing both front and back sides) used for the 1964 double bill of WITCHCRAFT and THE HORROR OF IT ALL. Next is a pair of hand-help 3D glasses for the nudie cutie flick PARADISO. I can't imagine having to hold a pair of glasses up for the entire run of a movie. It says to hold in your right hand, which I guess left the left hand free. Hmm. Below that is the Death Certificate given out with the double bill of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and BLOOD AND BLACK LACE. Finally there are the front and back of the 3D glasses handed out for THE MASK.

This is the display for my HALLOWEEN II remake prop book. I just reconfigured it---having the case be horizontal instead of vertical. I did not like the Rob Zombie HALLOWEEN films, with part II being the worst (imho). However, as a fan of the series in general, I am just pleased to have a part of its amazing history.

My BWANA DEVIL (the very FIRST full-length 3D movie) 3D glasses display is unchanged. I'm just glad to have it up again. 

My 80s 3D glasses display is also back up. The only change is that I've swapped out the lesser/plain pair of COMIN' AT YA glasses for the FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D glasses. I'm still searching for AMITYVILLE 3D glasses. Do they exist? There are other 80s 3D films (ROTTWEILER, THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE, HOT HEIR, 3D TALES OF TERROR, SILENT MADNESS, etc.) whose glasses I'd also like to find (if they exist.)

In the corner of my bedroom, near the bathroom door, I had room for three more posters. I chose to hang YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, which I had never had up before. To complement it, I added OLD DRACULA. Then, to complement both of those colorful posters, I added the first CREEPSHOW one sheet on the adjacent wall.

Finally, for now at least, here is a small display of gimmicks from William Castle. First it is one of the Ghost Viewers given out for the 13 GHOSTS "Illusion-O" gimmick. Below that is a Lucky Ghost Card for 13 GHOSTS. To the left is a ZOTZ coin from the movie of the same name. The space on the right is for some smaller, different 13 GHOSTS tickets I have somewhere.

That's it for now, but I am far from done.

Thanks for visiting.



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