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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #17


Welcome back to the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show. And guess what? I am finally MOVED! I have new (to me) naked walls to fill up with my amazing posters. Hooray! My house is on a hillside and there is this one bedroom-sized room in the basement (It's not really a basement--but there's nothing down there except the garage--which I do not use--and this one room) that I hope to eventually transform into a home tiki bar. The stairway down to it, I intend to try and make look jungle-y with vines and tiki-esque decor. As a way to incorporate my love of movie posters with tiki, I plan on framing and hanging some of my jungle-themed posters in the stairway. Things, like some of my TARZAN posters or my recent ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY half sheet, or even my JUNGLE HEADHUNTERS one sheet or posters like HULA HULA will work. But I am getting way ahead of myself. That won't happen for quite a while yet. In the meantime, here is a look at my latest acquisitions:

I'm the first to admit it. This new poster of mine is ugly. I really dislike the art. Why buy it then? Hello? It was cheap--duh--AND it is for a Jayne Mansfield movie (back in the late 50s, when she was still an A-lister) AND, as a bonus, it stars Joan Collins! Ha! Plus it is based on a John Steinbeck story (that I have not read, but...), whose work I greatly admire. Too bad all of those positive things are crammed into such a homely poster. I'm guessing the movie was a dud as well. This is one of the few with Jayne I have NOT been able to track down. (There is an out of print Blu-Ray, but it is CRAZY high. No thank you...)

THE BIRDS (Promo Mask):
I know... I know... This is NOT a poster. This may be as close as I ever get to an original THE BIRDS poster though at the rate poster prices keep going up. Jinkies! As it was, scoring this promo mask looked as if it would cost me an arm and a leg, too... and then one popped up fairly reasonably price and---SOLD! This is more than a promotional mask. It has a sweet little gimmick built in. Each mask is numbered on the back. If the box office was displaying the number on the mask, you got in free. The catch was you had to be wearing your mask to claim your prize. Ha! Can you imagine? This will proudly hang with other movie gimmicks if and when my stuff ever arrives from the move... Yes, as I write this, all of my stuff is STILL in moving Twilight Zone limbo. UGH!!!

O' this is a rare find. It's coming to me from Turkey, but originally hails from Japan and looks to want to be riding on the coattails of Toho's GODZILLA monster flicks and from the brief spat of dinosaur flicks from the late 60s/early 70s. To my knowledge, there was no US theatrical release (or, at least, theatrical posters). I've seen other posters for this in the past, but they were always in other languages. This one is in English. I watched it for a while and then snagged it.

THE SCORPION KING (movie props):
I certainly did not expect to win this. I bid on it, sure--but not a lot. I know this is a spin-off of THE MUMMY remake series from the 90s, but I'm not even sure I saw SCORPION KING. Ha! It is fun to own a real piece of a movie--although it would be better if it was a movie I was familiar with and really fond of, which would give the piece more of an emotional value. I think I own the series on DVD--and have always meant to get around to watching it. This will give me incentive to do so, I guess. I hope they don't suck...

I scored the props, I might as well get the poster to hang next to them. Right? I may have one already--this movie was 20 years ago. Who remembers what they bought casually 20 years ago? It's NOT that exciting, but...

I am late to the SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE party. I have long had a one sheet for SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE 3--but had not seen the movies themselves until last summer. Sure they are all loosely connected (and really kind of campy crappy bad). I can see the cult appeal of them, though. While I am hoping to track down theatrical one sheets for Parts 1 & 2 to go with my Part 3, Part 2 was the one I liked (is that the right word?) the best. It was just so WTF with the inexplicable singing/dancing murderer and his killer (literally) guitar. It was like the MTV version of a slasher movie. I'll score the one sheet for this when I can find it---and send this off to auction if/when that ever happens. 

Wow! I finally got one of these. This is an early pornographic roughie about a Vietnam vet (who has continual flashbacks) who breaks into women's homes, rapes and terrorizes them before he kills them. It's a pretty unsettling thing to see now. Imagine back then? Laura Cannon is a forgotten porn star who is top-billed in this, but a young Harry Reems (under a different name) is the real star; the psycho vet who keeps imagining he is in 'Nam. This film was remade a few years later for a more mainstream audience and stars a young Tanya Roberts--but had very little of the grittiness (despite the porn factor) that made the original an underground hit and was quickly forgotten.

Wow! I don't believe I've ever seen a FORBIDDEN ZONE poster for sale before. I snatched this one up as soon as I saw it---despite the obvious wrinkling. It was only $15 plus postage. But how could I NOT get it? As much as I HATE linenbacking, I would seriously consider the process for this poster--unless someone knows a way to remove the wrinkles by another means?

THE BIRDS (Promo Mask):
Wait a minute! Didn't I just post this at the BEGINNING of this post? Yes--but no. This is ANOTHER copy. I decided that, to display this properly, I'd need to show BOTH sides---the mask and the whole promo thing on the back. Yahoo! I found another. Hooray!

Here's a surprise pick up I did not expect at all...the poster for the charming early Marilyn Monroe flick LET'S MAKE IT LEGAL. It's got some flaws, but nothing I can't live with. I am delighted to have gotten this. Hooray!

And that's 10. I honestly didn't think this would post before 2022...but here we are. A last-minute bonus post for 2021. (There's always the possibility of ANOTHER post before the end of the year, but I doubt it.) Have a spectacular holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyful Kwanzaa...and here is to health, happiness, and awesome poster finds in 2022. I'll see you next year. CHEERS!


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