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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2021 #16

The movers are coming! And, what's this? ANOTHER poster post? What??? I know. I know. I do not have time for this, but here we are anyway. I've got another box to pack. If you'll excuse me, I'll let you wander through today's poster show on your own...

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 3 3D (3D Glasses):

I saw this flick TWICE when it came out in 1983 and kept both pair of glasses. Have I seen them while going through boxes and stuff for my move? Nope! I ran out of time--with many boxes left yet to be explored (Man, I've got a LOT of crap!)--and just went ahead and bought this pair when they showed up on eBay. I can always resell them later, I am sure. I've seen lots of other pairs of supposed authentic 3D glasses for this film come and go. The red and blue lenses were NOT the ones from the original release. (I'm old. I was there. I know.) These, with the lame doodle of Jason's arm stabbing a poker (presumably through the viewer's right eye!?!) are what was passed out in theaters back then. YIKES! Into my 80s 3D glasses display it goes...once I find and unpack the display, that is! Ha!


I bought this on a recent online auction. The description mistakenly listed it as a lenticular--so I bid. And then, I came across the lenticular elsewhere in the auction and bid on that. I ended up winning both. I don't know that I own a paper one sheet---so I am okay with this, I suppose. I do like the series and it was only $10.


And, of course, here is the lenticular...This was strangely inexpensive as well. $23 or so, I think? Good deal. I did like the FINAL DESTINATION series---although its gimmick got old quickly, lasting, what? Five or six films only? Still it was initially clever---and this is the poster from that first film.


I never saw this late '80's flick. I never realized it had a theatrical release, actually. I do remember seeing it in my local video store. I was uber-curious about the title--how could I not be? The poster art was fun (and very '80s).  Maybe someday I'll bother to track down the film as well.


Oops! Before the one above appeared on eMovie, I spotted this one on eBay and bought it. When I came across it for the right price (or so I thought)--sold! Folded, and more wear than the eMovie version above...and more expensive. Waaagh! Oh well...


This is a Harry Novak production for his Box Office International releasing company---and played drive ins over and over and over for years. I never saw it at the drive in, but I did catch it on home video in the VHS era. It's recently found new life on BluRay through Severin. As I recall, the film was all kinds of crackpot sleazy, with a (spoiler) very bad/obvious drag queen who was a strangler of women. Cops are on his/her trail, but they and others stop to have the closest thing to pornographic sex (without actually being pornographic sex) I've ever seen in an R-rated movie. I think I might have a copy of the poster already. But, just in case I didn't, this wasn't crazy expensive, so...


Like CHOPPER CHICKS IN ZOMBIETOWN, I couldn't pass up this cool-titled poster. I remember when this played. I wanted to see it so badly. It sounded rad. This was just before I learned what Troma was and the typical quality of a Troma movie. I don't recall if I saw this on VHS or not. Is it worth tracking down? I'm guessing that a Frankie & Annette BEACH PARTY movie this is NOT. Ha!


Here is a bizarre-O grindhouse classic.  This hails from 1979 and is about two deformed men (one has no arms--they are "cut off" in the story, but the actor playing him was born without them--and the other has withered, useless legs--which were also "destroyed" as part of the storyline) who learn to overcome their handicaps and get revenge against the mob boss who crippled them. It is shocking but amazing at the same time. The two actors are very skilled in their martial arts craft. There were actually TWO sequels made--but I don't think they were released theatrically here.


If you've paid attention over the years, you'd find I almost NEVER buy half sheets. I've just never cared for them. So why a half sheet now? Hello!?! ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY?? I've been wanting one of these for eons. I'd rather have a full sheet...but until I ever get one, this is a nice place holder. The one sheets, when they bother to show up, are not crazy expensive...they are just elusive and don't show up often. I DO have a spot in mind to hang this already, actually. In the new house there is a lower floor (I'm on a hillside). All that is down there is a garage and one bedroom. That bedroom is destined to be a home tiki bar. In the stairway down, I plan to hang jungle- or island-themed posters, along with tiki masks and other tiki-esque items, with vines coming down the walls and ceiling--all leading up to the tiki bar. Right at the first turn in the stairs, there is a spot too small for a one that is where ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY will hang. Yes, Bela Lugosi is in it. Wally Brown and Alan Carney are sort of Abbott & Costello wannabes. Despite the absurd title--YES, this is a REAL movie. Now, if the tiki gods could just get me the one sheet...


Wow! Color me surprised---and BROKE! I won this in eMovie's Halloween auction. There were several things I bid on. Despite my move (the trucks come Nov, 2--Tuesday!) and the preparations for it, I spent Halloween largely away from the house. I saw HALLOWEEN KILLS, went to lunch with a very sick (cancer), older friend, and dropped by another friend's place to bring her a lot of stuff I can't take with me to Washington. I was gone about 6 hours. I was able to check in on the auction from time to time, but by and large I missed it. When the smoke cleared by the day's end. This (and CHOPPER CHICKS IN ZOMBIETOWN) was my only win. I was a bit disappointed (I sooooo wanted REVENGE OF THE CREATURE or THE UNIVITED), but also floored that MOTHRA became mine. MOTHRA is on the list of posters I don't have but really want...or it was.  Yahoo! It's not the best poster ever--but still, it's MOTHRA! Now if I could just get an original GODZILLA (non-linebacked and for far less than the $2,500+ it got on eMovie).... Ha!

And that's ten. I am literally going to be moving as of tomorrow. I'm leaving here on the 4th and expect to be in my new home sometime on the 6th. I haven't stopped shopping after all---just had 7 of the 10 items held until after the move.  When will I be back? Who knows? But ugh--with the unpacking goes the cataloguing and reframing/hanging. Oh, and the holidays as well.  Blah! It's not going to be fun.

I hope your Halloween was spook-tacular!



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