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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #25


Welcome back and a big ho-ho-ho! It's my final poster post for the year. It's not a full listing of 10 posters as I usually do. There are only 8 listings (actually only 7 posters and 1 lot of vintage 3D glasses). Ha! I could have held off...but with the year winding down, I just thought I'd post what I've got and start working on 2021 (should I acquire anything between now and Dec. 31st, that is... Which is doubtful, looking ahead at my schedule).

As per usual---for this year at least---there isn't really anything monumental in this batch (although one of the posters has been much sought after for a long while now). My move to Washington state has been delayed until next fall (and that is a long story), so I expect any 2021 posters to be less than spectacular as well (because I'll be wanting to save my pennies for the move---and I don't want to keep re-packing the mess that is my movie posters).

Anyway, here's the latest and last batch for the year. Take a gander at them or don't.


This isn't really a poster, per se. However, this flyer is probably the closest thing this Andy Milligan film ever had to a poster. Made late in his career and premiering straight to video, this 1987 ultra low-rent hodge-podge (literally as well as figuratively) was the third to the last film he made. The reverse features the film's description (in case any investors out there were interested). Milligan was such a schlockster...but as badly made and z-grade as his films were, that didn't stop him from making them and putting them out there. While I wish this were a one sheet, I am happy to have this.

PARADISO (3D glasses):
I've not seen the 1962 nudie cutie, but I have heard of it. In this one, from what I understand, a man is given a pair of sunglasses that are really x-ray spectacles allowing him to see through women's clothing. Spies are after him to get the glasses. Like the fab Canadian horror 3-D flick THE MASK, the 3-D portions of this film occur when the protagonist looks through the X-Ray specs. The audience gets the titillating view as well as the lead character....but in 3-D to boot. I already have a pair of these, but these appear to be in better condition and were cheap-ish. Why not?

GUMS:For years, I thought this was a joke. It's not. It really exists. It's a porno (I saw the softcore version, but I am sure a hardcore one exists) spoof of JAWS featuring an orally obsessed "mermaid" (with fish tail as mermaids usually have. The poster lies.) It was clever...for all of 15 minutes or so and then became tedious and lame.  Ho hum. I rushed to find/buy this poster in the early moments of my joy at stumbling on a heretofore unknown (to me) JAWS parody. I wish I'd waited a while longer... Ha! 


Bond girl Barbara Bach stars in this ho-hum horror. I don't know why I bought this. It's not that great of a poster. Even for a Thai poster, it's kind of dull...  oh well...

At first glance, you might mistake this for a BEVERLY HILLS 90020 knock off. However this hails from 1973...more than a decade before the TV teen soap opera. Yes, it's an ugly, dull poster...but it's also one you don't see often. Also released as INSANITY and TWISTED THROATS, I knew nothing about this flick until I saw the poster. I IMDB-ed it and the four reviews there intrigued me. The worst one gave it *** and called it "boring". The ***** review called it a missed opportunity.  However, the other reviews hooked me. One person referred to it as a "true buried curiosity." Another review gave it 10 stars, calling it "a genuine work of art," Yowza! Both of the positive reviews warned that the film is s-l-o-w and NOT a horror film. But now I'm intrigued.  The poster was cheap...and it became mine. Now to find the flick...



HORROR OF THE JUNGLE? I've never seen a reference to the film with that title before---other than on this Thai movie poster. I think I might already have a copy of this poster, but I'm not sure. (Just checked. Yep, I had it already...)


Okay... My strange and unexpected quest to track down all of the Herbie the Love Bug posters has come to a close with this poster (Unless--God forbid--I decide to go after the remake/reboot/sequel HERBIE FULLY LOADED). Except for the first two movies in the series (THE LOVE BUG and HERBIE RIDES AGAIN--in their initial releases when I was a kid), I've not seen any of the Herbie films (or the TV movie remake, or the TV series). The hunt for the posters started as a fluke and I'm just glad it is done (unless I go for the reboot.... NOOOOO!!!!!). That said, looking at this poster has me thinking several things. This is the third film in the series. Dean Jones was in the first film...and then apparently he gave Herbie (WHAT!?!) to Ken Berry in the sequel. How or why did he get him back for Part 3...and why did he abandon the Love Bug again for part 4?  Also, the art on the poster reminds me of an old Saturday morning cartoon I used to watch from w-a-y back, WACKY RACERS. Anyone else remember that? Dick Dastardly? Penelope Pitstop? Anyone?  Don Knotts and Roy (Veruca Salt's dad in WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY) Kinnear also star in this Disney flick. 

EYEBALL (Bikini version):

I have long wanted this poster for the Umberto Lenzi giallo. I have the other version---but this version is the version to get. In case you are not familiar with the movie, a bus load of American tourists (I want to say they are in Barcelona, Spain) are being killed one by one by a killer in a red robe and gouging out their eyeballs! (If I were on the tour, I'd have split after the first or second murder! Jinkies!) I had heard bad things about the film before I saw it. However, when I finally tracked it down on disc, I found it engaging and interesting. For a giallo, I thought it was pretty good. This tri-folded poster sure is a winner!

And...jeepers creepers...that is it (at least until next year). Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Joyful Kwanza, Festive New Year's, Fabulous Fake Jan Day, etc. Stay SAFE through it all if you can. The vaccines will be widely available soon enough. You can do this.

Thanks for visiting--as always. I'll see you NEXT year! (Well, I'll be posting my BEST OF 2020 soon--but that is a big rerun in a sense and doesn't count).



  1. JINKIES I see Brother Theodore is in Gums, for me would be worth watching just for Theodore. I also see it is on the Code Red Six Pack but I can't keep chasing it $$$ wise.

    Calling Monster Island

  2. Brother Theodore... I know he is in the movie and others have mentioned him, but except for GUMS, I had never seen or heard of him before.

  3. JINKIES Brother Theodore has a wonderful creeky door voice, he does the voice on the trailers Mad Doctor of Blood Island, House by the Cemetery. Most known for the voice of Gullom in animated The Hobbit.

    Calling Monster Island


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