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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 #5

Welcome back! My 2019 semi-slump-o-rama continues with some good stuff...and more crap I didn't need. Oh well. Take a gander (if you dare). You may become paralyzed with SHOCK and HORROR (...shock and horror that I actually bothered to buy some of the crap you'll see laid before your very eyes)! Can your heart stand the terror of scrolling down for a look-see!?! You have been WARNED. Proceed with caution:


Good lord.... whatEVER possessed me to buy this? Sure, it's an 80's flick and the first in a series (of two), but REALLY? MANNEQUIN? I have NO IDEA why this ended up being bid on by me at all...

MIDNIGHT EXPRESS (International):

This is normally NOT my kind of movie. Someone dragged me off to go see this when it first came out. It turned out that I loved this flick. It was deserving of it's Oscar nominations. But the poster? Snore... I so did NOT need it. I already have the US version (which is also rather dull). WHY did I bid? WHY???


I have never seen this flick or its predecessor, but I really have a thing for blaxploitation flicks from the 70's...especially the horror titles. I have a SUPER FLY poster, but was not sure about the sequel. So...


This is a god-awful, badly dubbed Euro sex comedy from the 70s that played a LOT on Cinemax or Showtime or something back in the day. The best thing about it is the poster. I had a bad copy of the poster and wanted a better one. So, I got this one. However, I have since realized that I already BOUGHT a better copy---last October (yes, less than 4 months ago!). ARGH!!!! I had totally forgotten and I spent way too much money trying to get this one. GRRR.


This was cheap. I didn't need it, but I love my disaster movies (especially from the 1970s) and I love my Italian ripoff flicks. Ripoff, you ask? Yes! You might have this title confused with Universal's AIRPORT sequel from the same year, THE CONCORDE, AIRPORT '79. To confuse moviegoers even more, not only does it steal elements from AIRPORT ' also steals from the underwater crash and rescue from the previous AIRPORT '77 and features JOSEPH COTTON who was in AIRPORT '77. I have the flick on DVD, but have not watched it yet. (Someday...) The whole mess (I've heard it is awful) was directed by Ruggero (billed as "Roger". Ha!)  Deodato, who is most famous for his flick CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST. This film also stars James Franciscus, Mimsy Farmer, Edmund Purdon, and Van Johnson.

MS 45 (legs version):

I have been wanting this a poster for this flick forever. I've never seen the movie, but I want to. I've seen this poster pop up many times before, but always in a condition that I didn't want. Finally, after many years, there came one in a condition I could live with. This is such a great, sexploitive poster. It is much better than the alternate poster for the film, featuring a Hefty bag with a bloody arm hanging out of it. 


Also known as ZEDER, this poster art is very cool and suckered me into renting this flick back in the VHS days. The film itself is AWFUL! I don't really think there was even a single zombie in it. Utter crap---but, like I said, great zombie art on the poster. Apparently the Code Red version of the film, released on disc as ZEDER, is uncut and the REVENGE OF THE DEAD version that was released here theatrically and on VHS was heavily edited. What was missing, I could not say...but it is doubtful i'll bother with it ever again (unless I become a hopeless insomniac).


This crap-o-rama Italian film by Bruno Mattei is better known today as HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD on DVD and BLU RAY, However, it was released here in early 1984 as NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES. Cool poster art, but stupid movie. Of COURSE I have it. Ha! I got another copy of this poster not long back...but for whatever reason, I went for it AGAIN. I'm a sucker for zombies...  When this (and other unrated flicks) came out with the self-imposed "No One Under 17 Admitted" (which, I think, started with DAWN OF THE DEAD) fortunately my local theaters viewed this as meaning they were rated R. Although I was of age when NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES came out, with others (such as DAWN...), I had to either have my grandmother (!!!) take me or try to pass for being 17. I don't think I was ever turned away. Ha!

FRANKENSTEIN (2008 French re-release):

Although it is a modern poster using just photographic elements, I really dig these French re-releases. I have a small INVISIBLE MAN from this series, but I want to get a larger version of it to match this poster, as well as THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN poster. Were any others re-released with similar posters? It would be great to get the full Universal monster series as done like these posters.


Another groovy score (in a posting of mostly NOT so groovy scores), this poster is for the old 1950s shocker. (Well, shocker may be too kind of a word....perhaps "snorer" would be more appropriate?) Giant killer shrews attack people on an island (I think it was an island). The shrews were actually small dogs in fierce costumes and the film itself is pretty dull and typical of the output of the period. Third-billed Ken Curtis went on to play Festus on "GUNSMOKE". Believe it or not, there is a statue of Curtis as Festus standing in the Old Town section of my city. (Curtis lived here briefly, apparently.) There was also a modern, direct-to-video sequel in 2012, THE RETURN OF THE KILLER SHREWS, It's out of print and the used copies are kind of pricey. Anyone see it? Any good?

Okay---congratulations! If you are reading this, you've survived the crap and slogged on through to the (hopefully) better stuff. But now we are done---at least for now. Thank you for visiting. Have a groovy day.



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