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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2025 #2


Welcome back! Yes, I survived my surgery and am STILL collecting (aka addicted to) movie posters. I have no money and am now swimming in medical debt. I still face cancer treatments in the months (and years?) ahead. I have NO BUSINESS wasting money on posters—-but I’ll be dead a lot longer than I’ll ever be alive…. And I realize I’m coming to the end of my road sooner rather than later. Why the hell NOT indulge and enjoy my passion? Hopefully my future heirs can cash in on what I have collected, too. It’s a win/win situation. Ha!
Here’s what I have this time:

HEART EYES (promotional valentines):
I never got to see HEART EYES, a valentine-themed horror movie that came (but not in my neck of the woods) and went with little fanfare just a few weeks ago. While I realize this is not a poster and is instead a promotional item for a movie (In the past, I have included several promotional things in lieu of posters, such as a bird mask promoting THE BIRDS, various vomit bags, a rubber coin for William Castle’s ZOTZ!, assorted 3-D glasses, etc.), this was the last item I needed to have 10 new things to post.I’ll eventually get around to checking out HEART EYES, but I’m not expecting much. The Valentine’s were probably given out free in theaters. (Not here, as it never came here.) I get it. However, they weren’t that expensive and they were novel, so why not? Besides, as I was poster shopping, I realized that after 47 or 48 years of collecting, there wasn’t a lot out there, that I could afford and that interested me,  that I didn’t already have in my collection.

This is clearly a poster for a western…a spaghetti western at that. I am no fan of westerns, so why buy the poster? I was a fan of the peplum, sword and sandal (or, as I call them, Hercules) movies (even if Hercules wasn’t in them).  Steve Reeves was the original HERCULES. He made several peplum films (and not all were good). I think have copies of all of the Reeves posters…except for this, his final film. It came up and was cheap. Even though it was for a western, I thought why not? 

While I liked the original, the sequel to SCANNERS was pretty bad. But I guess it did well enough for four other SCANNERS flicks to follow. This poster is less than exciting. I bought it because I have the poster for the original and some of the direct-to/video sequels. What I never realized about SCANNERS II is that it ever played theatrically. I’m sure this snoozer of a poster packed them into the theaters…NOT! You’d think that with a crappy sequel they would have at least tried harder with the poster. Hmm…

I’ve never heard of this one. Apparently it is some regional horror flick from the 70s that may never see the light of day again.  I was drawn to the wide eyes with the cloaked figure before them swinging a scythe. The poster was inexpensive and a curiosity, so why not?

I am a huge fan of the original WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. The recent prequel, WONKA, was okay… but there were definitely parts about it I was not fond of or that seemed too much of a retread. That being said, it’s still part of the larger WONKA picture universe and I am grateful that the makers bothered at all. 
I stumbled on this International one sheet and, although it’s rather simple, I liked it better than the oddly photoshopped US one sheet. I didn’t need it and it was more expensive than I would have preferred, but I am anxious to get back to posting posters following my surgery. So… I just got it. 

I know that this new take on the classic werewolf tale was a box office failure. I didn’t get to see it, but the entire storyline was pretty much given away in the preview (which I saw with the disappointing NOSFERATU). However, I ran across a copy of one of the posters for it…and it was relatively inexpensive, so…

This movie is AWFUL. I saw it back in the VHS days. Hated it. But when I stumbled upon the poster again recently, I couldn’t help but dig the artwork. This is a clear cut case of the poster being better than the film. 

Oops! I had a poorer quality copy of this poster …and I thought I was getting myself an upgrade. It’s just that I now realize I got another upgraded copy almost a YEAR ago… and forgot all about it. As much a crappy movie as this is, the poster is cool, which is why I wanted a better copy. Ha! 


I saw this movie several years ago. Although my memory of it is completely gone, I do remember liking it enough to pursue the poster. PLUS, although it's not a horror flick--it is still kind of gimmicky (by featuring a midget), and is a movie from one of my faves, William Castle. I have this on disk somewhere. Perhaps I'll dig it up and give it a re-watch.


Finally… a US one sheet for an Ed Wood directed movie. While I do have a few other Ed Wood one sheets, they’re not for any of Wood’s core movies. (JAIL BAIT, while written and directed by Wood, isn’t well known. THE BRIDE AND THE BEAST is a written by credit only, a few of the A.C. Stephens movies that were also writing credits only, etc…)  While I may never have a US one sheet for PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, BRIDE OF THE MONSTER, or GLEN OR GLENDA, at least I scored an ORGY OF THE DEAD. It’s far from perfect…with staple pulls and other damage… but I’ll probably never have one unless I drop my standards a bit. Heck, it’s missing a small piece at the corner…but I’m missing a stomach now myself. I can’t complain too loudly. Ha! 

And that’s it for now. Thank you for visiting. See you next time. 



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