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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2018 #4*#

Welcome back to another thrilling, chilling and totally lack-luster (snore...) edition of the Shock-O-Rama Poster Show!  Don't get too comfortable. You won't be here too long. There's not much to see.  I'm trying to NOT buy anything major as I am saving (Ha!) for a proposed trip to Europe next spring. I also have less and less time to shop. So--this edition is strictly BARGAIN BASEMENT offerings. 

Let's begin, shall we? 


Why the hell did I buy THIS!?! I am asking myself the same thing. NOT because of the title, but because of the annoying censor mark in the upper right hand corner I didn't see (I had to bid on my phone as I was in Washington visiting family at the time). GRRR! I HATE that---but it's too late now. Censor stamp aside, I bought this because--although I've never seen the flick--I played Otto Frank (Anne's father) in a high school production of this. Since then, the Anne Frank story has always resonated with me. I've even visited the Anne Frank "house" (hiding place) in Amsterdam. So, when i saw the poster going super cheap, I bid... Oops.


Don't I already have this...and several other copies of it as well? YES. Duh. This was part of a larger lot...  And I've never seen the flick!


Another "never seen it" lot purchase. Whoopie...


Another flick I never saw. However, I do recall this movie when it was in the theaters. Something about it told me it would probably be very cool. Whether it was or not, I have no idea. Saw the poster and the memory of wanting to see it came back and I bought the poster. Is it worth tracking down?


I had not read the book, but when this came out, I wanted to see it soooooo bad. What a dud and a complete flop-a-roo!  Another poster from the "lot"...


I already have a copy of this, but saw this going cheaply and jumped on it. Frank Sinatra (who took second billing just so he could work with...) Spencer Tracy!  This is a super disaster flick in the Irwin Allen vein...BEFORE Irwin Allen was making disaster flicks or before disaster flicks were all the rage in the 70s! Fun volcano melodrama here.


I saw this--whoopie. This was just another from that same lot. And cheap.


Golly, remember before this movie came how this poster could set you back $20-$50 bucks? Or more? And now it turns up in a cheap-o-rama lot. Ha! Oh well.


Here is another flick I had such high hopes for. Hmm. The best thing about it is this poster. 


I already had one of these when I saw one for sale and bid on it. I've seen them in lots on emovie and I';m guessing that is where this came from. What I didn't realize at the time though, was that this copy had issues in the lower left area. Again, I was visiting family in Washington when I bid. I won and the seller approached me about upgrading to a better copy for another $25. ARGH! I debated that. Waste $26 for a crappy copy or fork over $51 for a great copy...of a poster I already have?  I spent the extra $25 because i figured eventual resale would be better with a nicer version. Oh well. Has anyone actually seen this flick? I have. It is available on DVD by some rinky dink company that apparently has the only known surviving copy of the film. It's nothing great at all and really deserves its obscurity. The best thing about it is the poster. Ha!

Okay kiddies, I told you this was a waste of your time. Go run out and play on the freeway or something fun like that. See you next time with even MORE Lame-O-Rama poster goodies you could probably do withOUT seeing.



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