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Monster-A-GoGo's Shock-O-Rama Poster Show RECREATION # 71*#

December 12, 2015, 07:36:11 PM 

Hi there. Here is another quickie post...

First, that interview about my poster collecting experience that was used to promote the new poster book disappeared (other stuff is there now). Luckily, I tracked it down. Here is the corrected link:

Anyway, here's 10 more new ones (to me). I've only got a few posts left... At the beginning of the year I am planning on taking the year more or less off (allowing myself only one visit a month). It's a plan to A) save money and B) focus on "possible dreams" bucket list posters. I'll explain more later.

Anyway--on with the posters:

PIRANHA 3D (Quad):

I dig my JAWS ripoffs. I also dig my gimmick/3D flicks. While I already have the US one sheet, it was very different than this quad (which was inexpensive). SOLD! (And i'm sure Steve will notice the bikini top in the water... Ha!)


Event though I was fortunate enough to "win" Crazy Vick's copy of the one sheet for PIRANHA 3DD in an emovie auction not too long back, I came upon this quad (almost identical to the one sheet) when I found the PIRANHA 3D quad. So--to have the pair in quad form (since i have a pair in one sheet form), i went for it. I still have not seen the movie though. I have it on Blu Ray 3D, but need the bluray 3D player and a 3D TV first. Argh!


Not long ago, I accidentally bought three pressbooks that I mistook for posters (I was dealing with an Italian dealer. OOPS! My bad.). The pressbook for this was among them, so when i came across the poster...which was cheap-ish...I just got it. I dig my Hercules movies.


Another "Hercules" movie (well, without Hercules---but i call all of these type of flicks "Hercules movies"). Great depiction of Gordon Scott (the first movie Tarzan in color) as Maciste or whoever the GLADIATOR OF ROME translated into. But with his legs the way they are, it almost looks like he has to go to the bathroom. I don't suppose there are pee breaks in battle?


I already have a copy of this poster...and it's just gorgeous! When I saw another one for very little cash, i snapped it up (Argh! Why do I do that?). This serial poster stars the LONE RANGER Clay(ton) Moore and TV's original Lois Lane (first season) Phyllis Coates


Zowie! SEE HUMAN HEADS SHRUNK TO THE SIZE OF BASEBALLS!?! Who wouldn't want a poster like this in their living room? I'm not sure what this movie is...a drama or documentary,! what wonderful poster art (and from the wholesome 1950s? Really? AMAZING!).


Picked up this quad of the recent 3D disaster flick when I got the PIRANHA duo.


This is an awful movie--but also very funny if you are in the right mood, because it is sooooo STUPID. Ha! A rich guy flies around in a helicopter picking up women (in the park, from their apartment terraces, etc.) in the helicopter and then takes them back to his home in the jungle (!!). His house is this big, ancient stone ruins. (!?!) Hugo Stiglitz never struck me as much of a ladies man (must be the helicopter?), but he the demented killer. Once he has sex with the women, he kills them, keeps their heads in big glass jars...and feeds the rest of them to these feral stray cats he keeps trapped in this pit room in his house. WTF!? The US poster is much better, but I saw this Spanish one and thought I'd pick it up.


Cheesy and sleazy---but could have been so much better--is the Belgian poster for LADY FRANKENSTEIN. Nice use of color. No, this is not the one that was recently sold on eMovie...but I got it for just about the same price, maybe a tad cheaper?


Last poster for today...and I have NO IDEA what ANGST is. I HOPE it's a movie poster though. I got this from the same German dealer I got the NEKROMANTIK poster from. Wild images...looks like it would be an interesting flick. (Update: It's a film called "FIEND" (1980). Here is the IMDB for it: ).

And that was it...  Ten super quick-o's!  Now I really must dash off!



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