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Showing posts from August, 2017

The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2017 #3 -- Movie Posters A GoGo Strikes Again*#

It's time to go back in time to the grindhouse or drive in and take a gander at some posters in the lobby. Not really, of course. These are just some more posters I've recently acquired that I'm sharing. The accompanying photos of theaters, drive ins, etc. are taken from the internet. They are not mine and I've never been to these places...with the exception of the first photo for the Sunnyside Drive In. Although I did not take this photo, nor was I around for its gala premiere, I DID see many movies at the Sunnyside. The Sunnyside was (past tense---it's just a big, vacant lot now) died out in the mid-80s. Often times, for me, the treat wasn't watching a movie on (as it was billed long after I'm sure another had the title) "the world's largest screen". The real thrills (or chills) could be had by looking out the back window of our little blue Ford Pinto at the 2nd, smaller screen on the western end of the lot. It was there I got to see sn

The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2017 #2 -- MORE Movie Posters*#

It's poster time again. I have to tell you, since Photobucket screwed up my thread on APF , I am just so lost and bewildered. I don't know what I have/don't have. My heart has totally NOT been in it, as far as collecting goes. I've reverted back to picking up basically crap again. Here are the latest pick ups---mostly trash and/or repeats of stuff I am sure I already have...with a small gem or two as well. Take a look or don't. Let's head off to the poster dance party: THE TOUCH OF SATAN: Seemingly riding on the coattails of THE EXORCIST ("A story of EXORCISM!"), but the film is from 1971...a few years before THE EXORCIST. However, the runaway hit novel came out in 1971, and that could explain the caption (unless this poster is a re-release?). Anyway, i got this poster as i THINK this is the movie that's TV ad scared me as a child. Tracking it down years later, the movie is yawn-inducing. Oh well. It's still a fun poster. I