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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2020 #18

Hi there. Welcome to yet another Shock-O-Rama Poster Show! There's nothing too exciting to see here...but what the heck? I'll just throw this out there. There's not a lot going on now during the summer of the virus. I don't know about you, but I've been keeping my distance (with the exception of going to the grocery store, doctor's appointments, and occasionally visiting the drive in -- alone [sigh...] -- at a town not too far from here). Dull. Dull. Dull. And, I don't have any money, really...and it looks as if I may be moving later this year or early next year. My poster buying will have to peter out until after the move. Joy...

So, blah, blah, blah, let's get going on the posters. Okay?


Of the 10 in this post, this is the only one that is from a lot I recently purchased. (Hint. Hint... Get ready for ONE post of lot posters---very soon.) This poster is interesting, but not that interesting. I think the color and the spiderweb in the background are the only pluses. This apparently is for the US release of a French/Spanish co-production that is a ripoff than LES DIABOLIQUES. Eh...


I may have this already...I'm NOT sure. I did see the film (It was okay.) but not the sequel. The reason I got the poster though is because it was $10...including the frame. SOLD! Who needs the poster? $10 for a frame is CHEAP! Ha!


I loved the original ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES---especially the one sheet for it. The sequels (there were three---plus an animated TV series) were not so great... For years, I thought all of the sequels were direct-to-video releases. I was surprised to learn that there had been a theatrical release for the first sequel. The sequels all star John Astin. This one, though, stars...George Clooney. Really. Ha! Seeing this, you will scratch your head and wonder HOW he ever got another job afterwards. Director John DeBello helmed the original film and all of the sequels. But the sequels are NOTHING like the first. Oh well...

ZAPPED AGAIN (Video one sheet):

I normally would have NEVER bothered getting this poster for the direct-to-video sequel to ZAPPED. However, not long after getting a one sheet for ZAPPED in a lot purchase a little while back, I realized the sequel is completely forgotten. For some reason, that fact made the poster appealing (even though the film does NOT interest me at all). While Scott Baio and Willie Aames took a wise PASS on being in this, believe it or not, Karen Black and Linda Blair signed on. Ha!


I already have a copy of this poster. I saw the flick...but it was just okay. But the poster is wonderfully creepy. I was buying something from one dealer on eBay and he had a copy of this super cheap--so why not?


This film is just okay...nothing great. I remember going to see this because Ben Cross was in it. He had been Barnabas in the new DARK SHADOWS series in the 80s. The poster wasn't bad...and it was inexpensive. So... I snagged it.


I was looking through a dealer's titles for sale... I wasn't looking for anything in particular. I was buying something, but wanted to pad out the shipping. I came across this Anthony Perkins poster. I had seen it. It wasn't great, but I always felt it was very interesting. It was also one of Perkins' final projects. Why not pick it up?


I didn't really care for the KILLER TOMATOES sequels, as I've said. I got the one sheet for the first sequel. I liked this video poster for that sequel and was thrilled to get this. However, although you really can NOT see it in the photo, the tube this came in got crushed and there is a nasty, ugly wrinkle running all down the left side. I am sooooo upset and bummed about it. The seller was kind enough to give me a refund. I have hung on to this...but it's probably destined for the trash if/when I get a replacement.


This is some 1974 Danish flick that was originally called SEX-CIRKUSSE. I know nothing about it except what I could find online (which is NOT much). The IMDB listing reads: "The circus is really going to close its doors, the public is no longer interested in it, with so many porno films in town... Unless!... Desperate acrobats, clowns, lion tamers, and tricksters go naked on stage in their circus acts." Okay...  I had seen this poster with its zany art up for sale a few times, but always lost out on it...until recently. Step right up! There's a sucker born every minute...and I'm the one that scored this poster.

SOUL (International advance) :

I never saw INSIDE OUT, which (I believe) the film this poster is advertising is a sequel (of sorts??) to. Another collector had gotten this recently...and I really LIKED it. A lot. I liked it so much, I immediately went looking for a copy for myself. For some reason, I am reminded of one of the posters for LA LA LAND, which I also liked (but never got copies of). With the virus happening, who knows if this movie will even get released in theaters? It would be a shame to let such a nice poster go to waste...

That's it for this time. No frills. No excitement. No bells or whistles. It was just some run-o'-the-mill posters. It is what it is. (And I'm sure it will be better than my NEXT post of strictly LOT POSTERS. EEEK!).

Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Happy 4th!



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