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The Shock-O-Rama Poster Show 2019 Special Edition: Newly Framed and Hung Posters!

Hi there. I am B-A-C-K!!!  No, there is nothing new to share with you. Instead, I thought I would show off some of the posters of mine (most of them more recent purchases) that I just framed and hung over the last few days. The photography is terrible (glares and reflections on the plexiglass and bad lighting), but I am excited about them...and certainly LOVE looking at them.

Speaking of looking at them, let's take a peek. Shall we?

THE MOLE PEOPLE: This is possibly the last poster I'll ever purchase --- and was the first poster I framed when I decided to do this. LOVE it!

THE UNDEAD: I love this poster and had been wanting it so long.  I was planning on placing this somewhere near the poster for THE SCREAMING SKULL. However, I like the grouping THE SCREAMING SKULL is in, sandwiched between the posters for BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE and CURSE OF THE UNDEAD.  Fortunately, I was able to find a suitable home for it...and not break up the trio on the one living room wall.

Here are the pair on the back wall of my living room. MOLE PEOPLE is replacing the Lon Chaney Jr poster for INDESTRUCTIBLE MAN. THE UNDEAD replaces the 1954 re-release of KING KONG (which moved down a spot, where THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN poster was). BLOOD OF DRACULA I framed a while back, but never hung. I pulled it out of the closet and it is replacing X THE MAN WITH X-RAY EYES.

I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF:  I really like aspects of this poster. The hairy, clawed hand scratching bloody red tears into the image of a teenage werewolf terrorizing a young woman is great. It's almost as if the poster is being torn open and bleeding. Wow! But as a whole, I wish there was more in the poster to look at. Oh well. I had LONG sought this poster---and now it is mine, framed and up on my walls! Hooray!

I WAS A TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN: I had a crazy hard time trying to dig this poster out of the pile of unopened posters. (Yes, I have not had time to mess with my posters, so for the last year or so...probably longer...I've just been stacking them up in their envelopes and packaging, unopened. Shocking, but TRUE!) I had given up hope of finding this when, earlier tonight, I decided to open the rest of the unopened parcels...and there it was. The odd thing about it was that I had purchased it in February of this year. It was postmarked (somehow) in January. How that was possible, I do not know. I'm just GLAD I came across it. I apologize for the reflection of my arms and phone. Oops!

And here are the I WAS A TEENAGE.... duo, on the wall of my living room between two windows (THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN and WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST graced the spot earlier).

THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN:  I got this re-release poster last year some time, I believe (and it was already unwrapped, out of the envelope. Ha!). I have it hanging in my bedroom between the window and the bathroom. My military-style GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN (which, even though it is only a military style poster, I am thrilled to own) is also in my bedroom.

THE GHOST SHIP: This poster doesn't have super scary graphics or anything, but it does have that very old school look to it. I thought it would be a swell addition to the pre-1950s posters in my dining room. The poster is from 1943. 

Here it is on my dining room wall. It replaces the poster for the Boris Karloff flick BEDLAM, but BEDLAM was only moved down a few spaces and it is occupying the place where THE UNKNOWN was hanging.

And that is it really. Nothing exciting...but something to tide me over until I ever decide to get back in the collecting game again. I really need to get back to sorting and storing my posters properly. My poster room is a disaster area. SOMEDAY I will get to it...

Thank you for visiting. Keep looking over your shoulder. You never know when I may sneak up on you and visit again.



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